I see this all over the place nowadays, even in communities that, I would think, should be security conscious. How is that safe? What's stopping the downloaded script from wiping my home directory? If you use this, how can you feel comfortable?
I understand that we have the same problems with the installed application, even if it was downloaded and installed manually. But I feel the bar for making a mistake in a shell script is much lower than in whatever language the main application is written. Don't we have something better than "sh" for this? Something with less power to do harm?
What's stopping the downloaded script from wiping my home directory?
What's stopping any Makefile, build script, or executable from running rm -rf ~? The correct answer is "nothing". PPAs are similarly open, things are a little safer if you only use your distro's default package sources, but it's always possible that a program will want to be able to delete something in your home directory, so it always has permission.
Containerized apps are the only way around this, where they get their own home directory.
It isn’t more dangerous than running a binary downloaded from them by any other means. It isn’t more dangerous than downloaded installer programs common with Windows.
TBH macOS has had the more secure idea of by default using sandboxes applications downloaded directly without any sort of installer. Linux is starting to head in that direction now with things like Flatpak.
You have the option of piping it into a file instead, inspecting that file for yourself and then running it, or running it in some sandboxed environment. Ultimately though, if you are downloading software over the internet you have to place a certain amount of trust in the person your downloading the software from. Even if you're absolutely sure that the download script doesn't wipe your home directory, you're going to have to run the program at some point and it could just as easily wipe your home directory at that point instead.
You could just read the script file first.. Or YOLO trust it like you trust any file downloaded from a relatively safe source.. At least you can read a script.
The security concerns are often overblown. The bigger problem for me is I don't know what kind of mess it's going to make or whether I can undo it. If it's a .deb or even a tarball to extract in /usr/local then I know how to uninstall.
I will still use them sometimes but for things I know and understand - e.g. rustup will put things in ~/.rustup and update the PATH in my shell profile and because I know that's what it does I'm happy to use the automation on a new system.
This is simpler than the download, ./configure, make, make install steps we had some decades ago, but not all that different in that you wind up with arbitrary, unmanaged stuff.
Preferably use the distro native packages, or else their build system if it's easily available (e.g. AUR in Arch)
You shouldn't install software from someone you don't trust anyway because even if the installation process is save, the software itself can do whatever it has permission to.
"So if you trust their software, why not their install script?" you might ask. Well, it is detectable on server side, if you download the script or pipe it into a shell. So even if the vendor it trustworthy, there could be a malicious middle man, that gives you the original and harmless script, when you download it, and serves you a malicious one when you pipe it into your shell.
Unpopular opinion, these are handy for quickly installing in a new vm or container (usually throwaway) where one don't have to think much unless the script breaks. People don't install thing on host or production multiple times, so anything installed there is usually vetted and most of the times from trusted sources like distro repos.
For normal threat model, it is not much different from downloading compiled binary from somewhere other than well trusted repos. Windows software ecosystem is famously infamous for exactly the same but it sticks around still.
It's not much different from downloading and compiling source code, in terms of risk. A typo in the code could easily wipe home or something like that.
Obviously the package manager repo for your distro is the best option because there's another layer of checking (in theory), but very often things aren't in the repos.
The solution really is just backups and snapshots, there are a million ways to lose files or corrupt them.
Yeah I hate this stuff too, I usually pipe it into a file figure out what it's doing and manually install the program from there.
FWIW I've never found anything malicious from these scripts but my internal dialogue starts screaming when I see these in the wild, I don't want to run some script and not know what it's touching malicious or not it's a PITA.
As a linux user, I like to know what's happening under the hood as best I can and these scripts go against that
Those just don't get installed. I refuse to install stuff that way. It's to reminiscent of installing stuff on windows. "Pssst, hey bud, want to run this totally safe executable on your PC? It won't do anything bad. Pinky promise". Ain't happening.
The only exception I make is for nix on non-nixos machines because thwt bootstraps everything and I've read that script a few times.
When I modded some subreddits I had an automod rule that would target curl-bash pipes in comments and posts, and remove them. I took a fair bit of heat over that, but I wasn't backing down.
I had a lot of respect for Tteck and had a couple discussions with him about that and why I was doing that. I saw that eventually he put a notice up that pretty much said what I did about understanding what a script does, and how the URL you use can be pointed to something else entirely long after the commandline is posted.
It's convenience over security, something that creeps in anywhere there is popularity. For those who just want x or y to work without needing to spend their day in the terminal - they're great.
You'd expect these kinds of script to be well tested against their targets and for the user to have/identify the correct target. Their sources should at least point out the security issue and advise to grab and inspect before straight up piping it though. Some I have seen do this.
Running them like this means you put 100% trust in the author, the source and your DNS. Not a big ask for some. Unthinkable for others.
Am I the only one who cringes when I have to update my system?
How do I know the maintainers of the repo haven't gone rogue and are now distributing malware?
DAE get anxious when running code on computer?
I think for the sake of security we should just use rocks, stones, and such to destroy all computers, as this would prevent malicious software from being executed.
What's stopping the downloaded script from wiping my home directory? If you use this, how can you feel comfortable?
You're not wrong, but there's an element of trust in anything like this and it's all about your comfort level. How can you truly trust any code you didn't write and complie yourself. Actually, how do you trust the compiler.
And let's be honest, even if you trust my code implicitly (Hey, I'm a bofh, what could go wrong?) then that simply means that you're trusting me not to do anything malicious to your system.
Even if your trust is well-placed in that regard, I don't need to be malicious to wipe your system or introduce a configuation error that makes you vulnerable to others, it's perfectly possible to do all that by just being incompetent. Or even being a normally competent person who was just having a bad day while writing the script you're running now. Ooops.
To answer the question, no - you’re not the only one. People have written and talked about this extensively.
Personally, I think there’s a lot more nuance to the answer. Also a lot has been written about this.
You mention “communities that are security conscious”. I’m not sure in which ways you feel this practice to be less secure than alternatives. I tend to be pretty security conscious, to the point of sometimes being annoying to my team mates. I still use this installation method a lot where it makes sense, without too much worry. I also skip it other times.
Without knowing a bit more about your specific worries and for what kinds of threat you feel this technique is bad, it’s difficult to respond specifically.
Feel is fine, and if you’re uncomfortable with something, the answer is generally to either avoid it (by reading the script and executing the relevant commands yourself, or by skipping using this software altogether, for instance), or to understand why you’re uncomfortable and rationally assess whether that feeling is based on reality or imagination - or to which degree of each.
I always try to avoid these, unless the application I'm installing has it's own package management functionality, like Rustup or Nix. Everything else should be handled by the system package manager.
I usually just take a look at the code with a get request. Then if it looks good, then run manually. Most of the time, it's fine. Sometimes there's something that would break something on the system.
I haven't seen anything explicitly nefarious, but it's better to be safe than sorry.
What does curl even do? Unstraighten? Seems like any other command I’d blindly paste from an internet thread into a terminal window to try to get something on Linux to work.
Most packages managers can run arbitrary code on install or upgrade or removal. You are trusting the code you choose to run on your system no matter where you get it from. Remember the old bug in ubuntu that ran a rm -rf / usr/.. instead of rm -rf /usr/... and wiped a load of peoples systems?
Flatpacks, Apparmor and snaps are better in this reguard as they are somewhat more sandboxed and can restrict what the applications have access to.
But really if the install script is from the authors of the package then it should be just as trustworthy as the package. But generally I download and read the install scripts as there is no standard they are following and I don't want them touching random system files in ways I am not aware of or cannot undo easily. Sometimes they are just detecting the OS and picking relevant packages to install - maybe with some thrid party repos. Other times they mess with your home partition and do a bunch of stuff including messing with bashrc files to add things to your PATH which I don't like. I would never run a install script that is not from the author of the application though and be very wary of install scripts from a smaller package with fewer users.
I also feel incredibly uncomfortable with this. Ultimately it comes down to if you trust the application or not. If you do then this isn't really a problem as regardless they're getting code execution on your machine. If you don't, well then don't install the application. In general I don't like installing applications that aren't from my distro's official repositories but mostly because I like knowing at least they trust it and think it's safe, as opposed to any software that isn't which is more of an unknown.
Also it's unlikely for the script to be malicious if the application is not. Further, I'm not sure a manual install really protects anyone from anything. Inexperienced users will go through great lengths and jump through some impressive hoops to try and make something work, to their own detriment sometimes. My favorite example of this is the LTT Linux challenge. apt did EVERYTHING it could think to do to alert that the steam package was broken and he probably didn't want to install it, and instead of reading the error he just blindly typed out the confirmation statement. Nothing will save a user from ruining their system if they're bound and determined to do something.
I understand that we have the same problems with the installed application, even if it was downloaded and installed manually. But I feel the bar for making a mistake in a shell script is much lower than in whatever language the main application is written.
So you are concerned with security, but you understand that there aren't actually any security concerns... and actually you're worried about coding mistakes in shitty Bash?
Just direct it into a file, read the script, and run it if you're happy. It's just a shorthand that doesn't require saving the script that will only be used once.