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Tackling addictive apps to save battery life
  • Your battery drains more the more you activity use the device. Shocking...

    If it is your phone just uninstall those apps, then you cannot use them. If the devices main point is those apps like gaming on the switch what do you expect? I think the only real problem here is the switch's lack of customizability so you have no trade off between game quality and battery life like you can on something like the steam deck.

  • Logging Best Practices: The 13 You Should Know (2019)
  • You lose information when DST kicks in - which is not great. It is trivial to convert to any timezone so there is little point in logging in anything but UTC and keeps everything consistent. Especially when comparing dates from servers in different timezones.

  • Logging Best Practices: The 13 You Should Know (2019)
  • So, if you just use the system API, then this means logging with syslog(3). Learn how to use it.

    This is old advice. These days just log to stdout, no need for your process to understand syslog, systemd, containers and modern systems just capture stdout and forward that where it needs to do. Then all applications can be simple and it us up to the system to handle them in a consistent way.

    NOTICE level: this will certainly be the level at which the program will run when in production

    I have never see anyone use this log level ever. Most use or default to Info or Warn. Even the author later says

    I run my server code at level INFO usually, but my desktop programs run at level DEBUG.

    If your message uses a special charset or even UTF-8, it might not render correctly at the end, but worst it could be corrupted in transit and become unreadable.

    I don't know if this is true anymore. UTF-8 is ubiquitous these days and I would be surprised if any logging system could not handle it, or at least any modern one. I am very tempted to start adding some emoji to my logs to find out though.

    User 54543 successfully registered e-mail

    Now that is a big no no. Never ever log PII data if you don't want a world of hurt later on.

    2013-01-12 17:49:37,656 [T1] INFO c.d.g.UserRequest User plays {'user':1334563, 'card':'4 of spade', 'game':23425656}

    I do not like that at all. The message should not contain json. Most logging libraries let you add context in a consistent way and can output the whole log line in Json. Having escaped json in json because you decided to add json manually is a pain, just use the tools you are given properly.

    Add timestamps either in UTC or local time plus offset

    Never log in local time. DST fucks shit up when you do that. Use UTC for everything and convert when displayed if needed, but always store dates in UTC.

    Think of Your Audience

    Very much this. I have seen far too many error message that give fuck all context to the problem and require diving through source code to figure out the hell went wrong. Think about how logs will be read without the context of the source code at hand.

  • No sex education in schools 'until children are nine' guidance to say
  • The first actual sentence in the article clears that up.

    Schools will be told not to teach children any form of sex education until year 5, when pupils are aged nine, according to reports, with some topics being delayed until pupils are 13.

    Though that could have been the title and tagline...

  • Are there any WYSIWYG html editors? just curious
  • (I don't know why jamstack has taken over that site, but the list itself seems to be intact.)

    Not really taken over, more just a rebranding. Both are owned by netlify, started off as a list of static site generators you could use with netlify (aka all of them they could find) but then they just rebranded the site and gave it a fancy name like you have with all the other web stacks you have these days.

  • Systemd Looks to Replace sudo with run0
  • Except desktop environments - they are far from a simple loosely collection of simple stuff. They coordinate your whole desktop experience. Apps need to talk to them a lot and often in ways specific to a single DE. Theming applications is done differently for every toolkit there is, startup applications (before systemd) is configured differently, global shortcuts are configured differently by each one... If anything it is something you interact with far more than systemd and has far more inconsistencies between each one. Yet few people complain about this as much as they complain about systemd.

    Systemd is a giant mess of weirdly interdependent things that used to be simple things.

    They used to be simple things back when hardware and the way we use computers were much simpler. Nowadays hardware and computers are much more dynamic and hotplugable and handle a lot more state that needs to persist and be kept track of. is a great talk on the subject and talks about why systemd does what it does.

  • Systemd Looks to Replace sudo with run0
  • What standards? The old init systems were a loose collection of shell scripts that were wildly different on every distro. Other tools like sudo also broke the established standards of the time, before it you had to login as root with the root password.

    Even gnome and KDE have their own themeing standards as well as other ways of doing things. Even network manager is its own standard not following things that came before it. Then there are flatpack, snaps and app images. Not to mention deb vs rpm vs pacman vs nix package formats. Loads of things in Linux userland have broken or evolved the standards of oldern times.

  • Systemd Looks to Replace sudo with run0
  • Systemd does a lot of things that could probably be separate projects,

    I dont get the hate for this - Linux is full of projects that do the same thing: coreutils, busybox, kde, gnome, different office suites, even the kernel itself. It is very common for different related projects to be maintained together under the same project/branding with various different levels of integration between them. But people really seem to only hate on systemd for this...

  • Proton Mail Discloses User Data Leading to Arrest in Spain
  • They do mention it on that page:

    However, if presented with a valid order from a Swiss court involving a case of criminal activity that is against Swiss law, Proton Mail can be compelled to share account metadata (but not message contents or attachments) with law enforcement.

    The only ever claim to encrypt message contents and attachments. And explicitly call out account meta data here as something they can hand over if requested by law enforcement. They also mention they are not good vs targeted and governmental level attacks:

    There are, however, some risks for users facing a strong adversary, such as a government focusing all its resources on a very specific target.

    And explicitly mention they might be compelled to log and give up information like ip adresses:

    if you are breaking Swiss law, a law-abiding company such as Proton Mail can be legally compelled to log your IP address.

  • How to create a bootable Linux USB drive
  • Not technically. unetbootin and some similar tools like rufus take the USB, partition it, and copy the contents of the disk to it after manually setting up a bootloader on it. This is not required for most Linux ISOs though where you can just cp or dd the image directly to the USB as they are already setup with all that on the image. But other ISOs, like I believe Windows ones have a filesystem on them that is not vfat so cannot be directly copied. Although these days for windows you just need to format the USB as vfat and copy the contents of the windows ISO (aka the files inside it, not the iso filesystem) to the filesystem.

    I tend to find unetbootin and rufus break more ISOs then they actually help with though. Personally I find ventoy is the better approach overall, just copy the ISO as a file to the USB filesystem (and you can copy multiple ones as well).

  • BTRFS subvolumes: setup /home/user in different partition
  • subvolumes are integral to btrfs. You cannot have a layer like luks between them. You can encrypt the whole partition with luks before btrfs or you can encrypt specific directories after btrfs with something like encfs or truecrypt, though doing so loses some of the benefits of btrfs as it can no longer see your individual files.

    If you wanted just /home encrypted with luks it would need to be a separate partition (which you could then have btrfs inside with subvolumns on that). Though IMO that gets a bit complicated - I would just opt for encrypting everything (except boot) on the root partition and have one btrfs fs on that partition with as many subvolumes inside that as you like.

  • BTRFS subvolumes: setup /home/user in different partition
  • The Linux directory system is a single tree from the root /. You can mount any filesystem to any directory inside it to extend it and have all writes to that location be handled by that FS. This is all irrespective of what filesystem the is present at that location in the tree. It does not matter if it is BTRFS, ext4 or anything else mounting a filesystem into the directory structure is handled by the kernel separately from the FS implementation. So, yes, you can mount any partition that contains a filesystem to /home/user no matter what you have done with / or even /home.

    But, any writes to that location will be handled by the filesystem driver for that partition. So any subvolumes or anything else the main filesystem/partition has wont be available inside that directory. You can have a BTRFS filesystem mounted there from a separate partition if you want. Though a big benefit of BTRFS is the ability to use subvolumes instead of full partitions so you are not segregating the space on the disk (ie, any subvolume can use what space it requires and you wont have one running out of space because you didn't make it large enough). So if you are going for BTRFS subvolumes I would just have one main partition and use subvolumes to split up the space if you wish. Though really the only benefit to that is you can snapshot them separately and I think you can set different quotas and settings on each one.

  • If you were to create a Fediverse server, with frontend being plan simple HTML only, what programming language and stack would you choose?
  • Whatever language you chose you might want to also look at the htmx JS library. It lets you write in your html snippets better interactivity without actually needing to write JS. It basically lets you do things like when you click on an element, it can make a request to your server and replace some other element with the contents your server responds with - all with attributes on HTML tags instead of writing JS. This lets you keep all the state on the backend and lets you write more backend logic without only relying on full page refreshes to update small sections of the page.

    For a backend language I would use rust as that is what I am most familiar with now and enjoy using the most. Most languages are adequate at serving backend code though so it is hard to go wrong with anything that you enjoy using. Though with rust I tend to find I have fewer issues when I deploy something as appose to other languages which can cause all sorts of runtime errors as they let you ignore the error paths by default.

  • Ubuntu is a fork of unstable Debian packages. You don’t want unstable on your server!

    Unstable does not mean crashes all the time. What makes them unstable on Debian is they can change and break API completely. But guess what, Ubuntu freezes the versions for their release and maintains their own security patches, completely mitigating that issue.

    There are other reasons you might not want to use Ubuntu on a server but package version stability is not one of them.

  • I love programming but I hate the programming industry
  • Yup, and that is because people only ever lean DRY coding by its name. It is never really what it originally meant, when to use it and more importantly when not to use it. So loads of people apply it religiously and over use it. This is true of all the popular catchy named methodologies/principals etc.

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