Morris is a former spiritual adviser to President Donald Trump, and Gateway — one of the nation’s largest megachurches — has been particularly active in Dallas-area GOP politics.
Clemishire’s disclosure came as the Dallas religious community was still reeling from a handful of recent sex abuse scandals. Since then, at least a dozen Dallas-area churches or pastors have been accused of committing or concealing sexual misconduct — allegations that have ensnared some of the area’s most prominent leaders and institutions.
Is Dallas a sanctuary city for paedophiles? 'Cause it sure looks like it from here.
And even if you think it's not a cult, your children will have plenty of time to meet God or whatever when they're old enough to make the decision on their own. Your god isn't so weak that he needs to indoctrinate impressionable children to gain followers, is he?
Name an industry that if they had this many child sexual predators, wouldn't be immediately shut down and banned from operating ever again.
Seriously. Can you imagine if, say, NASA had the same ratio of child sexual predators as Christian churches do? Or Applebee's? Or Jiffy Lube? They'd all have to close up shop. Hell, there's a daycare in my town that was in business for 30 years, and a teacher got busted for diddling a kid. That place was done for THAT WEEK. Doors closed, never opened again. Probably tens of thousands of kids came through that place just fine, but all it took was ONE, and they were kaput.
These fucking churches need to be shut the fuck down. Those black metal guys in the 90s had the right idea.
Few, if any, were more high-profile than Morris, who steadily involved himself in state and national politics after founding Gateway in 2000. In 2017, Morris was tapped by Gov. Greg Abbott to help support the so-called “Bathroom Bill” that sought to ban transgender people from using their preferred bathroom — in part by arguing that it would allow children to be sexually abused.
Morris was tapped by Gov. Greg Abbott to help support the so-called “Bathroom Bill” that sought to ban transgender people from using their preferred bathroom — in part by arguing that it would allow children to be sexually abused.
Wow, the GOP actually hired an expert with hands on experience in child sexual abuse. Thats and unusual departure from their regular practice of inexperienced and unqualified people put in positions to decide legislation.