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Be honest... Are you a bad person?
  • People don't like to admit that we are ants. We are valuable and important. Each one of us is unique and deserves a full, good, life. But we are also ants. We are susceptible to group think, mob behavior, and we tend to follow the scent trail most of the time. It's not a bad thing. It's tied to our evolutionary desire to be a part of a community; to fit in and blend in.

    But it also means individuals are likely to do what keeps them alive. We are likely all bad in some way or another.

    But as long as you aren't, actively, willfully, or gleefully harming people, you're probably ok.

  • Mozilla roll out first AI features in Firefox Nightly
  • Well I'm guessing they actually did testing on local AI using a 4GB and 8GB RAM laptop and realized it would be an awful user experience. It's just too slow.

    I wish they rolled it in as an option though.

  • Mozilla roll out first AI features in Firefox Nightly
  • I think it makes sense. I like ChatGPT and I appreciate having easy access to it. What I really wish is the option to use local models instead. I realize most people don't have machines that can tokenize quickly enough but for those that do...

  • Alternatives to Hashicorp Vault?
  • Why didn't you like Hashicorps Vault? I want to know for my own edification.

  • Basically the extent of my IPv6 knowledge
  • I hope so. I don't want to manage two different address spaces in my head. I prefer if one standard is just the standard.

  • What's your way of destressing?
  • Laughter helps a lot. But if I'm consuming a ton of media, it's sometimes better to just take a break and drink water while doing nothing else. I also have mantras about life like: "if I have my family, I'm ok", "home can be anywhere", "nothing in life is more important that food, shelter, water", etc. Sometimes I worry about bills, future costs, etc. But worrying doesn't always make it easier. A little bit of worry keeps me from ignoring finances all together. But too much worry isn't helping. If you can free yourself from worrying about money, you'd be surprised how much weight gets lifted. I'm privileged because I have family and friends that I love. If I ever hit hard times, I know I have a home with them. Reminding myself of that keeps me from staying up all night with worry.

  • JFK Airport. I'm not taking their advice.
  • Obviously don't pet service dogs. Just to be clear. This photo was intentionally photoshopped to make it appear as though the airport was saying "Travel Advisory: when traveling don't pet dogs". As in, when in the UK never touch a dog. I thought it was funny/cutesy. I didn't intend on sparking a big debate about the ethics of petting dogs or the rules about service dogs.

    Don't touch service dogs.

    Pet dogs if you know them or are introduced to them.

    Basic dog rules people. Teach your children

  • New York bans “addictive feeds” for teens
  • How do they prove your age? Non-technical savvy people probably just give their kids a phone and don't do much to lock it down.

  • Grocery store prices are changing faster than ever before — literally. This month, Walmart became the latest retailer to announce it’s replacing the price stickers in its aisles with electronic shelf.
  • Paper waste is really something that was overstated in the early 2000s. Yes paper is made from trees. But trees are renewable compared to the silicon and carbon consumed in these electronic tags. It's way more environmentally friendly to use paper.

  • Grocery store prices are changing faster than ever before — literally. This month, Walmart became the latest retailer to announce it’s replacing the price stickers in its aisles with electronic shelf.
  • Are we to judge simple supply and demand now? If they haven't been smart enough to save for a disaster, then perhaps they deserve what they get. If they would rather die they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population. Bah. Humbug. A poor excuse for picking a man’s pocket every natural disaster.


  • Overflow
  • Display and layout rules aren't difficult at all. Maybe I'm just not experienced enough. I've been a web dev for nearly a decade now and I feel like I've got the hang of it. That being said, I don't work on projects that have to work on everything from a Nokia to an ultra wide monitor. We shoot for a few common sizes and hope it clears between edge cases nicely. What is an example of something that wraps randomly?

  • Overflow
  • Genuinely, though, CSS is fairly clear cut about the rules of positioning and space. Relative positioning is one of the most important concepts to master since it allows things to flow via the HTML structure and not extra CSS. Fixed positioning is as if you had no relative container other than the window itself. Absolute positioning is a little weird, but it's just like fixed positioning except within the nearest parent with relative positioning.

    Everything else is incredibly straight forward. Padding adds space within a container. Margins add space outside a container. Color changes text color. Background-color changes the background color of an element.

    Top, left, right, and bottom dictate where the element should be positioned after the default rules are applied. So if you have a relative div inside a parent which is half way down the page, top/right/left/bottom would move the element relative to it's position within the parent. If you made the div fixed, it would be moved relative to the window.

    Lastly, if you're designing a webpage just think in boxes or rows and columns. HTML can define 75% of the webpage structure. Then with just a bit of CSS you can organize the content into rows/columns. That's pretty much it. Most web pages boil down to simple boxes within boxes. It just requires reading and understanding but most people don't want to do that to use CSS since it feels like it should just "know".

    As someone who has built QT, Swing, and JavaFx applications, I way prefer the separation of concerns that is afforded us via HTML JS and CSS.

  • Not Likeable
  • It's Gerrymandering. That's the answer to the question: why?

  • Pentagon ran secret anti-vax campaign to undermine China during pandemic
  • If we spent half the energy on improving our lives that we spend on fucking people over, we'd have a utopia by now. Or at least less lead in our pipes.

    America is a global superpower which - apparently - spends some of its most secretive efforts on petty lashbacks to Chinese propaganda. And I'll be damned if our most secretive efforts don't also end up costing us the most taxes (relative to their effective output). I know that Twitter opens its firehouse of data to government programs to support social media analysis. I'm sure Google and Meta do as well. They are aiding these psychological campaigns.

  • Wells Fargo fires workers over fake keyboard activity
  • I'm not very pro-working but why not fire the manager that didn't notice the employee's lack of output? Seems suss that by just keeping a computing online, you can circumvent actually producing anything.

    As always, measure output not the how or why something gets done.

  • A fresh install of Signal takes up 410MB, blowing both Firefox and Chromium out of the water
  • Would be kind of cool to allow people to choose an install method. As someone who has experienced low bandwidth in rural homes, it would be nice to avoid the waste at the cost of possibly managing chromium versions myself.

  • A fresh install of Signal takes up 410MB, blowing both Firefox and Chromium out of the water
  • That's the point. The storage is a bad metric. While it might indicate poor performance, it's not a direct indication of poor performance. The bloat and optimization comes from the usage of Electron. And people use Electron because it's far easier to make cross-platform deployments for Web and desktop using a framework like Electron. Show me the QT/JavaFX app that mimics Signal and we can compare the cost to develop it. Electron isn't the best choice for memory usage and reducing bloat, but it's the best choice for quick development (in my opinion but also proven out by the market share it has)

  • What does rehabilitation look like in Star Trek? How might we apply some of these ideas to a western prison system?

    I'm curious about rehabilitation. I believe crime comes from access to resources and/or from a lack of emotional education (such as empathy, patience, and sympathy).

    When I hear news stories of horrific crimes, I often start to wonder: what would have prevented it and how can we move on from it?

    I don't believe in the death penalty and I don't believe in forced labor. I do believe "confinement" paired with education, food, comfort, and time to reflect is part of rehabilitation.

    What does it look like in Star Trek? In other words, what does western culture see as the "epitome" of a rehabilitation center?

    I was doing fine until Steps 3 and 4

    Generated with self hosted ollama llama2-uncensored:7b (the small model since I have a small rig)

    How do you know if your server (e.g. is federated with another server?

    I want to see a list for each popular server (e.g. the top 10 lemmy instances) and I want to see - for each instance - with whom they federate. How can I do this? Any sure-fire way to know if a instance like is being federated with How do you know?

    Has anyone had issues on Windows?

    I use Windows for work and Firefox was having issues with DNS resolution. I reached out to my IT and they couldn't figure it out. Chrome was also failing to resolve the IP: timing out/errors with connection status.

    But Microsoft Edge was totally fine. It resolved websites without an issue. I told IT about this, but they said they haven't implemented any policies that would hurt Firefox or Chrome. I found some forums online where people suggested renaming the Firefox.exe to something else; I renamed the executable to Fox.exe and suddenly it worked - immediately. I tried A/B testing this. I renamed it back to Firefox.exe and it failed again. Renamed it to Fox.exe and it worked.

    What the hell is this? Someone said it was Microsoft Defender, but my IT didn't seem to think so and I trust them. They would have just said "don't use Firefox" if they didn't want me using it. They spent quite a bit of time reading logs and such to help me debug this.

    I don't understand how something like this can pass under Window's radar. Bizarre behavior that seemed to impact any non-Edge browser. Super sketchy.

    For now, I run Fox.exe. But this does cause issues. Windows - in all of its genius - doesn't recognize Fox.exe as a browser. I can't set it as a default browser for my OS. That means the OS fails on all hyperlinks since it doesn't have a default browser to open them. Slack, Outlook, etc. They all fail. So now I'm left copy/pasting links into my browser URL bar if I need them.

    I hate Windows. /rant

    Does anyone have a good YouTube tutorial series on Rust programming for programmers?

    I'm an experience software engineer, but I have a had a hard time just "jumping into Rust". I really want to know the language, but I've struggled to build something in it.

    However, I watch YouTube videos while I run on the treadmill at the gym. I've tried to find a series that explains the Rust borrower and some of the concepts surrounding that, but I've been unable to find a good one. I've watched ~15 videos on Rust, but a lot of them just stop after the basics. They are supposedly "series," but once they hit the borrower, they stop the series prematurely. I'm not sure why.

    But if anyone knows of a good YouTube channel that sort of does a "Rust language overview", which does a reasonable job of covering Rust's flavor of references, structs, generics, Box<es>, borrowing, and some of the advanced features, I'd appreciate a link. I'll be going on a 3-4 mile run tonight and I'd love something to occupy my brain so I don't suffer so much.

    [Meta] Want a free way to watch Star Trek in the USA? Buy a $10.00 antenna online and get access to H&I (a heroes and icons)

    This is a bit of an ad, but I swear I don't sponsor H&I. I just use them a lot. My wife and I bought "bunny ears"/an antenna for our TV when we lived in the Midwest. We also watch H&I on the west coast. Almost every night they play one episode from each popular, live-action, series in order of production: TOS, TNG, DS9, Voyager, Enterprise. The start time depends on your location, but I believe it starts around 7pm Central Time.

    It has commercials, but I don't mind since the shows are "free" over the airwaves. I haven't tested in the east coast but I bet a lot of the country has some coverage.

    Our antenna also has some MacGuyver, Stargate, Baywatch, and some other popular old shows. I just think it's cool that we can have access to such great shows with a one-time cost (and commercials). It's also great because it works during internet issues (as a backup if streaming is failing). My wife and I often just left it on in the background while we worked or made dinner!

    is this forum meant to support people with basic programming questions?

    If people are going to post questions with code samples in this forum, I think we need to maybe address some basic underlying requirements. Personally, I prefer a loose moderation wherein we try to ensure a few basic quality of life requirements in posts:

    • Try not to provide screenshots of code since that's harder to review
    • If you need help debugging, please try to only provide the bare minimum portions of your code which are relevant
    • If possible, try to provide a runnable example of your code in question
    • Try to explain: what you've tried, what the error is, what you think the problem is

    I'm not trying to sound pushy about forum etiquette. But I personally am much more likely to review code that meets the above requirements. I like something I can compile and run quickly. I prefer some context as to where the issue probably is. Everything else is sort of secondary to me, but still matters.

    What does the community think? Also, what do we want this community to do? Support specific programming questions or general CS career/education questions? Both?

    captainjaneway Captain Janeway
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    Comments 332