My favourite movie. I approve this message 🤣
Tap for spoiler
I guess? I can’t remember the last time I heard it used, but I did know it going in. I think it’s become sort of outmoded slang.
Not to mention that their graphic is basically a lift of something by Guillaume Singelin. Can’t find the one I’m thinking of rn, but I’d bet my lunch money.
Every random Stauber encountered in the wild receives an upvote. This is the law.
Oh no! Quick! To the incinerator!
Clickbat’s accuracy fell! Clickbat is hurt by its own confusion!
Right! Thanks. Yes, I’m gonna go into this guy’s guts, get right in there, and start trying to fix the articulation issues like the floppy neck and all that. The super glue idea is a great one. I’ve seen people using all sorts of stuff, but super glue I have at hand right now.
High five. Good advice.
Oh yeah, that was my understanding of MG from the start. And I thought to myself, “Ag, it’ll be okay.” And it wasn’t 🤣
I’m definitely gonna use this guy as a guinea pig for experimenting with everything from panel scribing to painting. He’s in for a hell of a ride, this poor boy.
Do you have an MG you’d specifically like to recommend?

Got myself this to test the tools I had at hand and get to grips with the assembly of one of these things.
Got an RG Nu Gundam in the wing waiting to benefit from all the stuff I learned making this little guy.
Gotta say, I’m in a weird place with this model. One one hand I’m blown away by the complexity of the parts and the logic of it all. On the other hand, the lack of an internal frame means a lot of stuff is hanging off one tiny peg and things drop off this dude at the slightest provocation.
🤣 I mean, point taken. I guess I just had too many prejudices built up around the idea of the license being used properly.
Their imagination exceeded mine by a wide margin.
A WW game with the same sort of vibe as the latest Indiana Jones might actually rock, now that I think of it. Speaking of Batman, Arkane and the right property in the right hands… that Great Circle game came outta nowhere as far as I was concerned.
Iä! Iä!
Her facial expression is definitely done explaining why we can’t have McDonalds for breakfast for the fiftieth time.
Ludicrous. But fuck it. As you were 🙄
I mean, ffs. #notallcishet? I don’t get how people who are being oppressed and all lumped together under one description (which you all definitely are) can be so nonchalant throwing around broad strokes like that.
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