The ultimate irony would be for them to start buying up EV. Now if there's any way to get them to think they're pissing off the libs by enacting reasonable environmental, gun, and LGBTQ/women's rights we'd be on a roll.
Making choices in the "free market" of capitalism:
- A car that will destroy your health, community, planet, etc.
- A fascist car that will destroy your health, community, the planet slightly slower, etc.
Remember: Without a car you will live in poverty and isolation at best.
Its always good to note that roadways and parking- like trains, electricity, sewers, drinking water- are a public design choice made by politicians and are choices with consequences that affect everyone.
Third option: Blame Soros or Biden
Implying the vast majority of their voter base can even afford Tesla's.
The ones that do would have to forgo owning a huge lifted truck which I guess would also be a benefit.
It's still not going to even come close to bail Elon out of the situation he's in on account of so many big export markets now refusing to buy his shit, so he's fucked regardless. No-win for him, all-win for us
How long before Tesla's next car has a combustion engine?
Maybe they will run on trumps “clean coal” lol
They could exclusively charge at those superchargers directly powered by fossil fuels
Like most of them could afford a Tesla.
Cash advance services see 800% profit with this one weird trick!
One weird truck*
If they sold the kidneys of their entire family, maybe.
Compromise, buy the tesla but destroy it so no one can drive it
I was wondering about this earlier today. How to they reconcile "Elon is God" with "Electrification goes against my fReEdOm"?!
Easy. You are allowed to drive an electric vehicle as long as you drink two full cups of leaded gasoline a day.
Where do electric cars fit into "drill baby drill"?
They do not have to be Registered Nurses.
I think they should go for it and buy the 21st century Pinto. No one, not a soul, is laughing at them. I swear.
Hey now, the Pinto at least had to be in an accident first before it would blow up.
Judging by the effects of the market on Tesla stock, I really don't think this is the struggle that the meme suggests it is.
Almost like not everything is polarized to left and right
They aren't. Because there is no American left with any power.
Everything is polarized between "I affirm your identity as you die in a cardboard box under a freeway due to market forces" extreme right(D) and "get into the fucking gas chamber" Fascist(R).
Leftists be like
Thanks to pollution credits, Elon gets paid regardless of whether they choose to drive an EV.
They will still find a way to make exhaust pour out the back
Yeah, after the batteries explode.
Teslas are already very good at emitting plumes of smoke without their help, tyvm.
Or making them overly loud and obnoxious for no reason
Have you not heard the WRUWRUWRUWRUWRU