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Google’s carbon emissions soar by 48% due to AI
  • I mean, yeah.

    One of the hallmarks of our species is its insatiable, irrational greed.

  • Armed to deter cops
  • Every single protest should have an armed contingent in America. That is the only way cops will take you seriously, but make sure you dot the i's and cross the t's, because your permits better be current.

  • Is anyone else highly concerned with the SCOTUS ruling that the POTUS is immune from criminal liability?
  • Historically assassination doesn't really work out well, and I'd imagine that's doubly so here, where the president's really just a sock puppet for the billionaire class.

  • Got a Point
  • We do this because being in that specific physical space helps us do the thing.

    Also it's hot out.

    I'd also add that people who don't work out probably shouldn't make memes about it.

  • As mind-reading technology improves, Colorado passes first-in-nation law to protect privacy of our thoughts
  • Very, very glad to see this starting to become addressed in law.

    Also a little surprised Europe didn't do it first. We're usually way behind on these things in the US.

  • If Batman was real today, he'd go after the CEOs of companies, not gangsters.
  • You've got Batman mixed up with the Punisher, OP.

  • Work from home
  • Also a fair point.

  • Work from home
  • Fair point

  • Work from home
  • It's astonishing.

    The capitalists know full well we're more productive working remotely, but their need for control has proven to be stronger than their insatiable greed anyway.

  • Soviet (right) and Nazi officers celebrating the joint invasion of Poland as their countries both embarked on a genocide of the Polish people, Brest, modern-day Belarus, 1939
  • I wish our schools did a better job teaching about resistance movements. Here in the US most people don't know about the Battle of Blair Mountain, for example, even though it was the largest armed resistance action here since the US Civil War.

    But if you know what the BoBM is, you know why it isn't taught, for the same reason churches don't teach what the Bible says about usury.

  • Believe EVERY dumb thing you read online
  • It's been interesting this last week watching liberal people complain about age verification laws that don't even exist yet, as if it isn't an eminently good thing to keep social media out of the hands of kids.

  • Soviet (right) and Nazi officers celebrating the joint invasion of Poland as their countries both embarked on a genocide of the Polish people, Brest, modern-day Belarus, 1939
  • Motherfuckers all.

    But do yourself a favor and read up on the Polish Resistance. Those were some seriously metal sons of bitches.

    And for those of you who don't like reading history: Imagine watching 50-100 of your friends getting summarily executed every day, and it doesn't make you afraid to stop killing Nazis. It makes you even more emboldened, and that's exactly what you do. You exist to make them afraid to walk the streets.

  • Supreme Court says cities can ban homeless from sleeping outside
  • I mean, 99% of voters pick capitalists every single time, and then clutch their pearls when capitalist things happen.

    On the plus side, it's still possible to do good things on the local level. (For now.)

  • TF is wrong with people.
  • And they can't afford to miss a day of work to vote, thanks to that other 60%.

  • Eat shit Spotify.
  • Well, I'm not advising that you do this, but I've read that there are tools on the Internet for converting Youtube links into MP3 files, and even better, I've read that the quality is a jump up from what Spotify streams to your device.

    Interesting reading.

  • Eat shit Spotify.
  • Agreed.

    I spent the last month converting all of my Spotify likes to MP3 files and ended my subscription in Mid-June.

    Their greedy, shrinkflating, enshittifying asshole CEO can go fuck himself.

  • TIL Private Prison stocks skyrocketed when Trump was first elected
  • Private prison stocks are a solid investment in the US specifically.

    Hell, our judges sell people to the prison system.

  • Jon Stewart's Debate Analysis: Trump's Blatant Lies and Biden's Senior Moments | The Daily Show
  • Yeah, but those people don't have the power to destroy the entire world when their brain short-circuits.

  • Jon Stewart's Debate Analysis: Trump's Blatant Lies and Biden's Senior Moments | The Daily Show
  • It's unavoidable.

    Remember in 2016 when we learned 40,000,000 Americans couldn't absorb an unexpected $400 expense without going further into debt? That number has almost certainly exploded since then, with the housing crises and massive inflation that America has been forced to endure. I doubt those people are going to forego a badly needed day's pay to vote for one of these two assholes when the last eight years has reinforced emphatically how little they care about the poor and working class.

  • Jon Stewart's Debate Analysis: Trump's Blatant Lies and Biden's Senior Moments | The Daily Show
  • No they don't.

    They have an interest in keeping themselves rich, consequences be damned.

  • Record-setting $1 billion gift will allow Einstein Medical School to go tuition-free - NY Daily News Record-setting $1 billion gift will allow Einstein Medical School to go tuition-free

    The gift from board chair Ruth Gottesman to Albert Einstein Medical College in the Bronx removes a major financial hurdle to becoming a physician in a historically underserved borough.

    Record-setting $1 billion gift will allow Einstein Medical School to go tuition-free

    Just another example of something that could be universal if we taxed the rich appropriately.

    Michigan’s $55M experiment with guaranteed income begins with Flint moms Michigan’s $55M experiment with guaranteed income begins with Flint moms | Bridge Michigan

    Michigan will experiment with guaranteed income in Flint, one of its poorest cities, giving expectant and new moms $7,500 — no strings attached — to lift the stress of poverty from their newborns.

    Michigan’s $55M experiment with guaranteed income begins with Flint moms | Bridge Michigan

    FLINT—Eight days after entering the world, Khi’Meir Taylor made another debut — this time in what could be a national spotlight.

    Wednesday was the first day of a $55 million experiment to test whether cash payments can protect children from the toxic stress of poverty.

    Victoria - The Master Spy

    At least, she is in her own little world. :)

    Who are some of history's biggest unnamed badasses? How a single Viking's berserker rage changed world history forever

    1066 was a tough year for Harold Godwinson, also known as Harold II, the last Anglo-Saxon king of England. This had a lot to do with the two approaching forces who were trying to end his reign way earlier than he expected. One of them would be famou…

    How a single Viking's berserker rage changed world history forever

    Personally, my favorite is the Viking of Stamford Bridge. The thought that one man taking out 40 English soldiers and completely altering history in one epic fight is just awesome, and no one recorded his name.

    They just gave him a kickass title instead.


    Camille - Before and After

    This is the picture I like to show artists when they hate their stuff after a single layer of work, because I hate all of my stuff after a single layer of work, but it's important to remember it's a process.

    FlashMobOfOne FlashMobOfOne

    Artist, musical performer, and former derby skater from the Midwest.

    I'm single, childless, and married to freedom and adventure.

    @artbyflashmob on Instagram

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