Off-topic, anyone remember the early days of rockpapershotgun? Goddamn i miss the stylings of the og writers. Now it's just another game site but I'll never forget some of their early pieces
counterpoint: it's the far more prevalent mentality of "blaming foolish consumers" that ruins it for the rest of us.
Expecting consumers to ever do differently at scale is a dead-end fantasy we all need to stop having.
Only market regulation stops manipulative market practices.
Doing anything less then "advocating for laws to stop this shit" izza giant waste of brain cells, yet i see threads of people making that useless case every time something like this happens.
Change will not come from consumers voting with their wallets, FULL STOP
If someone readin thinking it will, NEVER think this again.
Hey! I see you, looking for an example of consumer action making a difference: Go find me 100 more. You'll need about 100 to start make up for alla times deregulation have hurt and currently hurting consumers now.
Hear me: anyone advocating for consumer action or blaming consumers is doing them companies dry-fucking us a huge favor. These bad actors can and will continue as long as it is legal to do so.
When it comes to video games, idgaf if someone wants to give a game dev thousands of their own dollars because they want to pay an idiot tax.
It's a free market, and we're all free to just not play the fucking game. Actually that's the default so just doing nothing is plenty.
I get what you're saying but we're not talking about groceries here, we're talking about something that could literally cease to exist and aside from some folks maybe being out of work nobody would even notice or care. I do agree though that strong regulation is much better than expecting consumers to stop consuming something as long as it's a necessary thing or something with quite inelastic demand (ie: medicine).
Well, that and all the people buying the game full price day one. Even here on Lemmy I've seen comments unapologetically saying they bought it minute one, day one.
What exactly is the issue with buying it minute one day one exactly? How many minutes, hours, or days after release do they have to wait to avoid your arbitrarily defined disgust?
Capcom regularly puts out certified bangers. I’ll keep buying their games for as long as those games are high quality experiences are worth the money. They can learn about microtransactions by me not buying those lol.
I've been a die hard MH fan for like 20-25 years or something ridiculous. I'm gonna buy and play this game, don't really care what people think about the gaming industry
Honestly, out of all of them - IMHO Capcom puts out quality games that you can buy once and then buy a dlc and be able to fully enjoy an amazing game with incredible replayablity. I'm not saying I agree with the pay for cosmetic reroll thing, but if Capcom wants to put in cosmetic 2-3$ trinkets, whatever. It affects the game barely any at all, and in the case of Monster Hunter, there are so many in-game cosmetics and trinkets you can unlock already that look awesome. On the flip side of this you have scum bag companies that lock FUN behind micro transactions, not solely cosmetics. Still, the pay for reroll is fucked and I only hope we can mod in the ability to change it like we had in World.
They did the same shit in the last MH game and people bought into it anyway. They slowly chip away at consumers with this shit. Remember the outrage over horse armour? These companies normalised this mindset of "cosmetics being paid are fine!". You should buy a game once and be done with it. Expansions I can get behind paid, but that is as far as it should go.
they have been doing this for a while. at least since dragons dogma online. In monster hunter worlds I used cheats to give myself the cosmetic edit currency item but no idea if that works in any others.
Often times, including this time for sure, changes like this are made after the review period specifically so that they'll fly under the radar from press. But also, they may just be informing their readers who didn't know the last several times Capcom has done this.
During the betas at least, it was mentioned in at least one of the interview/preview videos that you could adjust your character whenever before release but after release it would cost money. Not sure how accessible the information was but it wasn't a total secret.
I imported my beta character and for some reason the voice bugged out and is completely fucked up. Not sure if I want to use the edit voucher just to fix my stupid robot voice
I thought this was for stat distributions at first, which would be annoying, but at least somewhat understandable. But this actually seems to be just cosmetic re-rolling, which is just absurd.
I get it if a developer doesn't want it to be free to reroll a character's appearance. But don't charge them money for it, just make them do a quest or something. God damn.
Characters should have some level of permanence to them. If there's no consequence to rerolling stats, then you're not playing a "character", as much as you're equipping a stat loadout. Limiting spec rolls is pretty standard.
If theres 1 free redo, you get 2 chances to do character edits. Im not a fan of the "pay to edit" thing but like........if you cant get your character right after 2 tries and you pay to edit again, i dont exactly have sympathy. Playing dressup is supposed to come with the armors, not the character editor.
On the other hand, what cost is it to Capcom to let players "redo" whenever they want? Some people just like trying new things.
This is just a cash grab aimed at people who have alternative ways they want to play, with no real benefit to anyone but Capcom. I don't care what people look like, as long as they don't throw a hunt for the lols. And if it makes someone else happy to have a weird troll with an underbite one week and a giant Smurf the next, who am I to say that's the wrong way to play?
Just seems like Capcom further forcing people to fit within their box. First it was the anti-mod rootkit, now it's limited in-game customizations.
Wow this is one of the most pathetic comments I have ever seen.
"If you haven't figured out how to enjoy the game in two attempts, get fucked buddy! That's your fault for attempting to explore avenues if enjoyment! You need to do it my way, or face the consequences of payment!"
I don't know how we got to not just complacency in these predatory practices, but outright defending them too.
Pretty soon you'll be asking the company to directly shit in your mouth rather than present it on a plate.
This game already costs $70. People should be able to play the game they paid for however they want. If they want to keep redoing their character, let them.