Nah, they're being facetious.
Yes, they took my argument and created a false third choice that was never part of the argument. Then said to choose that.
That's misrepresenting what I said to have that third choice.
Regardless we're getting very pedantic here and I'm not really disagreeing with you if that matters to you.
Short version: after gaining their independence in a slave rebellion France (in particular since they were a colony of them) was pissed and our for revenge. They got the other European powers and the USA to enforce an embargo on Haiti. They're still poor af because they had many years of basically being isolated from international trade of many things.
No, C is not "right there" when our electoral politics work the way they do. That's a huge strawman argument.
The reality is there were two choices, one clearly better for Palestinians.
Hey you can elect this person that'll slap you or this person that'll stab you in the face.
Oh well the slapping is so bad we should just not choose either and give the win to face stabby candidate. That's the dumbass "logic" that got us here.
I mean, I fully expect it was also mostly a foreign psyop to steer votes toward Trump or at least generate apathy and keep votes from going to Kamala (same outcome more or less). Mostly because it's such a dumb premise of why you wouldn't vote for Harris and just sit out the election. So I can't imagine it was truly widespread and I think that's also why it's crickets now that the election is over and Russia's orange gremlin candidate for president of the USA won.
Think that's scummy, take a look at what happened with Haiti when they fought for and gained their independence.
There's a reason one half of the same island is way worse off than the other when it comes to living conditions for their people.
Maybe they're just like the ancient equivalent of the fancy expensive gaudy crystal pieces you can get today.
God so many better ways to spend $1800
They probably just have no practical purpose.
Nah, Mexico and Canada are just doing things they had already planned to do and telling Trump what he wants to hear. They're just pretending the tariff announcement was part of their decision making so our idiot in chief feels like he did something. He's such a child it hurts me to think about how millions of my fellow Americans are so goddamn stupid that they voted for him. Like, how can I not be angry with people who voted for Trump, they enabled this and it's awful.
Anyways MX & CN are not caving at all, just illustrating how stupid our president and all of this is.
They won't give you a source because that would require them to have one.
It's insane to me that this is even a discussion. What kind of evil people would prefer to actively poison their constituents?
It's such a no brainer to remove toxic chemicals from our water supply. Who cares if it's expensive, so is an aircraft carrier, this needs to be done to save lives. We can afford it.
Far right wing, well really pretty much all the MAGA people, are scared of made up Boogeymen and are a bunch of crybaby bitches. The flags on Phil's home mark him as one of those cowards.
Because we're all just people and at the end of the day some person is agreeing to not dispense the funds or not provide aid or to round up individuals ... Until there is meaningful pushback by people who actually are carrying this bullshit out it won't change.
Idk same as how the Nazis managed the Holocaust, at the end of the day thousands of individuals agreed and did their part to exterminate the Jews. Same as how Israel now is committing an ongoing genocide in Gaza with their military and all those individuals are carrying out their orders.
Authority, like many other things in our society, is an emphemeral concept we all agree to. Authority is given when we agree to abide by what that authority says. Same like our laws, sure we have laws against things but it's not like those actually mean anything if they're not obeyed by the majority. Nothing stopping you from doming Elon with the a large brick if you got one and can get close enough, you know what I mean?
How is that not what I wrote?
!this should be a spoiler!<
Wonder where that is, the OP of the content from 2022 on his twitter profile says he's from San Francisco area. Would be cool to find out what the place is.
Thank you for the lengthy write up. You see though the problem with watching it all is I'd be watching it all... I do appreciate the time it must have taken for this reply though.
That clip on YouTube you linked was super cringe. Agree with you on TNG there's definitely times and episodes where I think the writers phoned it in and I'm not going to pretend it's all good. Still my favorite star trek but I don't watch much so that's not saying anything considering I haven't even seen any of the new stuff.
Not very far lol, a couple episodes to give it a fair shake though, do you have an episode recommendation?
Oh that actually worked for me on my sync app. But yes there's issues with the app displaying spoiler tags correctly.
Spoilers are like this >! !<
I really tried to like that show but it's just ... Bad. To each their own but I'd rather just rewatch TNG or whatever other Star Trek. That show feels like it doesn't have an identity, the writers couldn't decide what kind of show they were writing and the acting is subpar.
Of course, if you enjoy it that's all that really matters - keep on watching and having fun!