PayPal owns brands like Venmo, Honey and is heavily integrated into eBay - if you're looking to stop giving your money to bad companies, take a second to search their subsidiary brands as well.
"Heavily integrated into eBay" except it isnt any more.
Firstly the article is a year and a half old but although you can still use PayPal on eBay to say it is heavily integrated is bullshit. EBay started moving away from PayPal years ago and at this point have integrated their own systems linking to your bank account to take the place of what they used to use PayPal for.
PayPal was acquired by Ebay for 1.5 billion in stock. Group that benefitted from that transactionmost already included musk, thiel, etc. They are intrinsically tired together forever. You also see PayPal as an option for all transactions in eBay, the very recent addition of alternative options, after decades of socializing people on PayPal as the default option doesn't change much.
Imagine your side of this "argument" being the hill someone dies on... I sure hope you're a bot, because otherwise you seem a pretty sad, confused human
You mention that PayPal was bought by eBay (in 2002) but not that it was spun off again in 2015. They're separate companies. If anything, Venmo is a competitor of PayPal.
The site was a quick roundup of info to link to. Post isn't an endorsement of the site and doesn't try to be, it's an endorsement of the broader idea. I didn't say to eat a bowl of horseshit and smile about it, I said PayPal owns Venmo and the implication is that a lot of decent people will stop using Paypal in protest and say, "I'll just use Venmo instead".
So helping some of the younger folks realize that separation doesn't exist in many large brands - a thing that a lot of us do know and consider, but don't be so arrogant as to assume people aren't learning these things every day.
This is the "ban plastic straws" of late stage capitalism. Overrepresenting individual action to distract from the need of structural reform.
Stop voting with your wallet, it's pointless. Consumption is not expressing support. Vote with your votes, if you're in a place where you have a chance to do so, find other ways to organize collective action if you don't.
If you're in a country with a two party system then voting has even less impact that than giving your money to a more worthwhile company.
Consumption is not expressing support.
You may not support them with your words but giving them money is literally support. Like giving a horse an apple and then saying you're not feeding it.
No, it's like giving the horse a sugar cube where you own exactly one of the grains of sugar, taking your grain of sugar away and pretending you've made a difference.
Or, you know, banning plastic straws.
You're absolutely wrong about two party systems in any case, even those have tons of elected roles in different layers of governance where changes matter. And that's also where the collective action comes in. Your feel-good token choices of companies and services to avoid haven't done anything in the past thirty years and aren't going to start now.
Naw sorry, I tried that this last election and got embarrassed. Went hardcore Democrat, Coconut-pilled, blah blah blah.
I genuinely tried to believe in it, voted early, got friends and family to show up and vote too. Not only did the dems lose, they lost worse than they have in decades.
And to make matters worse, the Democratic party largely has completely missed why they lost so badly to the most pathetic excuse for a president in American history.
It's too late for large scale positive structural change with the current political parties in the USA. The Dems must be torn apart and re-shaped into a populist left-wing party to have any chance of meaningful change. Until that happens, voting with your dollar is the only kind of vote that will be taken seriously.
Extremely local elections, sure, vote for a leftist candidate that might actually win some small office. But unless it's that, vote with your dollar and engage in direct action to serve your community and build genuine solidarity.
Zelle (/zɛl/) is a United States–based digital payments network run by a private financial services company owned by the banks Bank of America, Truist, Capital One, JPMorgan Chase, PNC Bank, U.S. Bank, and Wells Fargo.
So PayPal does not seem to own an interest in Zelle, but the group of owners isn't necessarily better than PayPal.
A group of different bad people behind Zelle. But maybe enough to stop supporting those few South African ghouls working to role America and then the would beyond. You'll need to decide where your line is, but deleting PayPal account and uninstalling their apps is a start. Maybe you go to Zelle and use that while you research if there is something decent somewhere.
Maybe it means going back to small credit unions? paper checks? Direct bank transfers with friends/family? Not sure what best alternatives is currently. Banking in general is just not really ever going to contain good people - maybe if we allow personal banking at the post office one day - but that's a pipe dream as fascists are denying judges rulings and releasing January 6 criminals who tased a cop in the neck and admitted to it under oath.
It's an early specimen of "unregulated bank", founded in part by Trump buddy Peter Thiel and merged with Elon Musk's in 2000.
They have a history of locking accounts under false pretenses and seizing the money. It's screwed over many a Kickstarter and Indiegogo. Early in Minecraft history, Notch lost access to over half a million dollars. They've failed to pay rewards in their software bug bounty program.
Edit: The usual antics for Musk and friends for 20 years.
Also, I checked my records. I'm biased (a word that the current US administration is erasing from all government documents) because of an early Amazon third-party seller plus PayPal experience; the item I was sent was wrong and 5% of the value of what I ordered. Returned sealed cheap item, seller wouldn't refund. PayPal ruled in the seller's favor and Amazon did not care because of third-party seller terms and conditions. A young person out a few hundred bucks doesn't forget that.
Braintree, Honey, Paydiant, Tradera, Xoom, and Zettle all owned by PayPal.
Oh boy... Look up peter thiel, elon musk and david sacks to start - three stains on humanity working very actively to end it as we speak. They were the basin founding faces of PayPal (I mean, I think musk came on after the fact or was pushed out early or something, continuing the trend of him never actually creating anything). Currently they are alll very active in the trump admin - two with officially appointed positions, one in the shadows. Vance is also created by thiel. Look up that "Dark Gothic maga" video (musk's stupid name) that's been shared often recently.
Then separately, PayPal owns Honey, and it turns out has been scamming millions, maybe billions away from online creators for years, probably some of your favorites included in that list. Active lawsuit ongoing - look up legal eagle's video maybe as a start.
All these billionaire fucks made their fortunes through Paypal and still likely hold stock and maybe board positions, can't recall?