The international hacker community is preparing to strike against U.S. infrastructure and calls for public awareness against incoming fascism.
Anonymous: Trump is making America weaker and we’ll exploit it. The international hacker community is preparing to strike against U.S. infrastructure and calls for public awareness against incoming fascism
This is kinda what trump wants. If the government cant handle "online stuff" they can pitch privatization. It hurts more if tech megacorps get hacked. Though at this point I wou'd laugh if a bunch of internet nerds got the nuclear codes or locked up a bunch of satellites
Anything supposedly said by "Anonymous" as a hacker group should always be treated with immense skepticism.
There do exist somewhat legitimate sub-factions that actually take serious actions and do serious ops, and also semi-legitimate "outlets" for their statements... but there's also an overwhelming amount of smokescreen bullshit "anon news outlets" and little script kiddies running around. It's important/intentional that those continue existing as smoke screen for the more "serious" factions.
Beyond that, being an anonymous group with no real methods of confirming membership to outsiders (insiders can just check if you're in the private IRCs and etc) it means that just about anyone and everyone can make some big declaration like this. The proof will be in the results, not some announcement that could be made by a rando.
No matter who is really making these threats/warnings, I think things are going to get pretty dire in the US government IT space. It's been well known for decades that most government orgs have absolutely abysmal cyber security, and now you have a bunch of young adult tech-bros with no true accountability running roughshod over all of it. Then there's the fact that more than one of them have "serious black hat hacker" backgrounds.
Trump: By executive order, I dismantle the computer warfare and defence division
Musk: It doesn't exist anymore!
The day after
Anonymous: They turned off their service that sanitized all inputs. We just stole everything from every department, and put cats on every governments webpage.
Ah, Anonymous—the digital equivalent of a fart in a hurricane. Trump’s America? Weakness isn’t new—it’s baked into the propaganda circus we’ve called democracy since Reagan. You think script kiddies and Elon’s crypto-bros “hacking fascism” will fix anything? Please. The real op is watching tech oligarchs and politicians collude while we argue about which flavor of dystopia we’re slurping.
Infrastructure attacks? Bold move, Cotton. Let’s see how it works out when grandma’s dialysis machine gets bricked by some edgelord’s Python script. If you want revolution, stop fetishizing IRC nostalgia and touch grass. Until then, this is just digital graffiti on a burning trash barge.
I'm also remembering an IT crowd scene where they argue about which of them is in Anonymous, and I can't find it now. Does anyone have a link handy? Unless I am misremembering
I'm all for attacking infra - we need to make this shit more resilient and we need to transition to memory-safe langs like Rust.
This will hopefully accelerate it.
Also, I lol at people saying Trump/Elon/Doge will destroy the US when in reality - these kinds of people who wanna attack it probably have way better chances to do so.
Exploit it? The EU thinks they can exploit the chaos? What are they going to do, give us universal health care, a strong safety net, consumer protections, renewable energy and TRAINNNNNNSSSSSSS? (Please, oh please)
It cannon become something that it has been for a long time. US was fascist under Clinton, Bush, Obama, first Trump admin, Biden and it keeps on the same track now. It's less than useless rallying cry when US foreing policy alone in the past 70 years is a realworld example of the thought experiment of "what would have happened if nazi-germany had won WW2". Genocide, war, coup, and dictatorship galore committed by the United States, especially after the 80s.
In the end what this narrative is about is that precarious middle class liberals fear that even more of the practices that US has been spreading around the world are now coming home and now the US government will gut it's own people instead of some foreigners. Even this isn't unprecedented and at worst Trump can only make things worse for some, but for many what they fear is already reality.
Makes me really think if this "Anonymous cell" has any real grass-roots basis or if it's just the same coup-mongers hiding behind thin leftist veneer to just jump against Trump, who they see as destructive loose cannon to their operations, not as an real opponent. Nothing new for Anonymous name being used in this way btw. Where were they under Biden?