Not really. But after the election, I posted an impassioned rant on a queer social app. As a result, a woman I had been casually messaging on it asked me out. We are a resistance team now (and official girlfriends.)
I guess this was one of those "be yourself" moments that paid off. I hadn't meant to flirt, but apparently if you declare that you aren't scared because you've always been targeted, and that you refuse to stand down to fascists at any cost, that's really hot.
It turns out that fighting fascists is the key to a woman's heart.
Plus you can always laugh about it afterwards (as long as it's not a creepy/intrusive/tasteless attempt at flirting), and that can serve just as well!
I fully accepted my complete lack of game, so I purposefully turn flirting into a playful parody with extra-campy Smooth™ lathered all over that puppy, and the reactions so far have been really positive!
I still can't tell when someone else is flirting with me, though, so I just joke about that, too! I make it clear that my love language isn't Sexy Talk in general, so I just ask "are you flirting with me right now?" at inappropriate times, which nets me at least a frustrated chuckle.
As a great man once said: "you laughed, I'm off the hook!"
I'm happily married for a very long time now and what I've noticed is that just being kind, attentive and listening is sometimes more than enough for some people to think that you are interested or flirting. I would never cheat but I've stepped into situations like this by accident more often than I care to admit.
All you need to do is sit back and watch. With the occasional rare exception, most everyone I've ever seen try is middling to just awful at "picking up" girls.
Plus, a lot of the time, we're talking about the social equivalent of a "cold call." You're a complete stranger selling something they didn't even ask for. So... don't! Take some time and integrate to a social group or two (if you can). Become a familiar face. Things happen much more fluidly on referral anyway.