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Big problems require solving root issues
  • throwing mentally unstable people onto the streets to fend for themselves

    Tragic dereliction of public duty.

    unusable public restrooms

    Dolores Park

    Ocean Beach

    Golden Gate Bridge Welcome Center

    Downtown BART (with full-time $$$attendant$$$ monitoring)

    Wouldn’t eat on their floors, but they’re fine.

    Might have eaten at the Lincoln Park Golf Course’s:

    The sad thing to me about SF bathrooms ain’t their cleanliness. It’s that we only have one of these:

    PS, TIL the original pissoir design didn’t try to show dong off to Muni:

  • Big problems require solving root issues
  • throwing mentally unstable people onto the streets to fend for themselves

    Tragic deflection of public duty.

    unusable public restrooms

    Dolores Park

    Ocean Beach

    Golden Gate Bridge Welcome Center

    Downtown BART (with full-time $$$attendant$$$ monitoring)

    Wouldn’t eat on their floors, but they’re fine.

    Might have eaten at the Lincoln Park Golf Course’s:

    The sad thing to me about SF bathrooms ain’t their cleanliness. It’s that we only have one of these:

    PS, TIL the original pissoir design didn’t try to show dong off to Muni:

  • Is my girlfriend gaslighting me? (Edit: No, she is not gaslighting me, but may have some other issues.)
  • I hope she (out of anger) autofilled “the worst thing I can think of“ as an attempt to match for “one of the worst things I can think of happening to me”.

    A desire for extrajudicial revenge is something I’d expect from really immature people. (In contexts uncommon for me, perhaps I’d expect it from those who’ve been wronged by the justice system, or for those whom the system doesn’t seem to play a productive role in their environment.)

    Wonder if there’s a test of sorts that could reveal more here - if someone insults her, would she expect him to “defend her honor” at risk the personal safety of them both?

  • Fuck up a book for me please
  • Imagine how it’d butcher Finnegan’s Wake:

    Which brought us this headline last year:

    Reading one page a month over 20-some years, I couldn't tell you very much about the plot. What you're really getting, sitting down for an hour and reading one page, is just really diving into the details of that specific moment.


  • TIL sailing ships commonly moved around without wind by warping
  • I’ve been kedging for hours and I still don’t think I’m close

    Imagine actually moving like this. “Here little ship, take our anchor, we can move another 100 meters and only have to repeat a million times”

  • ChatGPT outperforms undergrads in intro-level courses, falls short later

    Software that promises to detect AI-produced text fails to deliver.

    ChatGPT outperforms undergrads in intro-level courses, falls short later

    Researchers create 30 fake student accounts to submit model-generated responses to real exams. Professors grade the 200 or 1500 word responses from the AI undergrads and gave them better grades than real students 84% of the time. 6% of the bot respondents did get caught, though... for being too good. Meanwhile, AI detection tools? Total bunk.

    Will AI be the new calculator... or the death of us all (obviously the only alternative).

    Note: the software was NOT as good on the advanced exams, even though it handled the easier stuff.

    beef rule

    A pamphlet from the New Mexico Beef Council that says “Learn About Beef With The Beef Kids” and shows four children in front of a barn that says “BEEF ✔️”

    How do you get people to wash their vegetables when you're at their house and you don't wanna seem rude?

    So awkward, but come on it says right there on the package to wash those mushrooms or whatever it is… You’re not their mom but you don’t wanna eat feces or whatever ended up on the produce. A quick rinse is never going to be perfect but it’s better than nothing.

    In the absence of legitimate suggestions, commiseration is welcome too 😉

    Does Info Flow sound like Audit the Audit?

    Info Flow:

    Audit the Audit:

    Toilet rule

    Post with a photo of a boxed child's potty labeled "I look & sound like a grown-up toilet.” The post states "Everyone who still uses Twitter in June 2024".

    ................something else?

    Screenshot of a Category dropdown with two options, the first selected: I'm hiring for artificial insemination Something else

    Seen on a contact form

    Microblog Memes brbposting
    das bagel

    A short video still featuring a woman with blonde hair and a text overlay that reads "Things I prefer in the US as a German" with American and German flag emojis, and further states "I don't know why we don't have bagels in Germany."

    Above this, the social media post caption reads "I can think of a reason!" The post is from "Vikram Bath"

    iOS 18 reportedly WILL allow ChatGPT to be permanently disabled, allegedly according to Apple Software Engineering SVP Craig Federighi

    Brad Thornborrow 14h @stephenrobles Hey, I have ethical reservations regarding OpenAl in general. Is there an option in the new OS versions where we can disable ChatGPT integration entirely?

    Stephen Robles 13h @bradthornborrow Yes, Craig Federighi discussed in last night's talk show. It's off by default, and only prompts to turn on if you ask for something Apple Intelligence won't do. But you can disable that prompt entirely and never use ChatGPT



    Note: transcript not yet available:


    Sadly, must report our favorite communities asfsdfgdeshgsed and awdeafesdges for spam (inshallah a boy)



    Spam Communities:

    ``` ```

    Spam User:

    Links Spammed:

    ``` ```

    Give yourselves a round of applause 🖖

    Social Media Post: Star Trek fans have held the national stereotype of being way too rabid about things for decades but they’re probably the nicest fan base in all of science fiction and the one least likely to have a large faction of them absolutely lose it over a torpedo being fired by a woman or dumb shit like that

    Source (login walled)

    How do you think Apple's AI rewrite (Writing Tools) performed in their example from WWDC?

    I highlighted what I might have wanted to carry over to a more professional rewrite. (If the filename was real, I'd sanitize it so as not to single out any one employee, but I do think it's an effective example.)

    Using these powerful tools >is lazy, unprofessional, and could result in a catastrophically expensive, embarrassing mistake

    if someone's not careful :)

    Source: Apple Intelligence on


    OK, this is kinda funny. I wanted to make sure I'd actually seen this in WWDC. Turns out they showed a different rewrite (embedded below):


    I think I see what happened. The [macOS] rewrite shown is more 1:1, but comes out sounding goofy (very LLM). On their site, they didn't want to show that, but then they used an [iOS] rewrite that missed e.g. the filename used as an example. Even someone skimming the email should see that filename was garbage and be afraid of getting called out in a meeting for typing a name like that in the future, so I think it's a miss not to have it.

    Not to make a mountain out of a small example or two, but I do hope folks are aware they'd do best to read every word of anything generated for them. Reminds me: I'm excited for that word-by-word suggestion feature as it allows for one-by-one modifications to be very intentionally made.


    Post: My attention has been drawn to this packaging design from HP, which presumably someone approved. Image: In a brown cardboard box sits a shipment inside a protecting wrapper. The wrapper is illustrated with two hands with index fingers extended, indicating that you should put your fingers in the hole in the middle of the wrapper and tear it apart.


    Edit: if you’re too young (or innocent?) to immediately understand the reference, DO NOT web search


    It’s graphic and you will never be able to unsee it

    Honk rule

    “a Pontiac Vibe with a huge check engine light in the back window and a cluster of bumper stickers that read: remember if you honk all you honk at me i will honk if you get any closer you have to i honk honk if you will if myself want honk if you have ever been personally victimized by honk”

    Were the "Cancel" and "OK" buttons swapped when inserting a link in a comment?

    After an update a couple weeks ago, I thought there was a bug inserting links. Turned out I was just hitting Cancel.

    Guessing it was my brain since I don’t see anything in the change log. Feel free to lie to make me feel better :p

    1200s London ruled 🔥


    >You will come to London. Behold, I warn you, whatever of evil or of perversity (behavior or beliefs that are considered immoral or unnatural) there is in any, whatever in all parts of the world, you will find in that city alone. Do not go to the dances of panders (people who arrange sexual relationships for others), nor mix yourself up with the herds of the stews (brothels or houses of prostitution); avoid the talus (dice games) and the dice, the theatre and the tavern. You will find more braggadocios (boastful, arrogant people) there than in all France, while the number of flatterers (people who praise excessively to gain advantage) is infinite. Stage players (actors), buffoons (clowns or jesters), those that have no hair on their bodies (eunuchs, men who have been castrated, typically to serve in positions of trust around women or in royal households), Garamantes (a North African tribe), pickthanks (flatterers or sycophants), catamites (young boys used for homosexual purposes), effeminate sodomites (men who engage in anal sex), lewd musical girls, druggists (people who manufacture or dispense drugs), lustful persons, fortunetellers, extortioners (people who obtain money through force or threats), nightly strollers (people who wander the streets at night, possibly for criminal purposes), magicians, mimics (people who imitate the speech and mannerisms of others), common beggars, tatterdemalions (raggedly dressed people)—this whole crew has filled every house. So if you do not wish to live with the shameful, you will not dwell in London.

    Source at The Internet Archive

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