I voted for her because she was the lesser evil, but describing her as just “not the perfect progressive candidate in every way” is a gross misrepresentation. She was probably the most right leaning Democratic candidate to run in a general election and was openly adopting many of the Republican stances. There were basically two Republicans running.
With me, at least, they have moved on to, "you care more about your gay daughter than Palestinians!" Which... yeah. That's called parenting. Along with, "why are you worried about a queer genocide that hasn't happened yet?!" Because I don't want to chance it? People can be such assholes.
If both candidates mean gaza is fucked, but one of them means hundreds of thousands of extra unnecessary deaths to disabled people, homeless people, migrants, poor people, queer and trans people etc.
Of fucking course I’ll pick the least bad option instead of being apathetic about it. Especially since I’m a disabled poor person who has had bouts of homelessness.
That’s nuts. “Only voting for yourself” is usually a trump vote. Generally, a Left-wing voter asks “What’s best for everyone?” and a Right-wing voter asks “What’s best for me?”
Of course, the Democrat party isn’t left-wing (more like middle-right) but still, it’s a far less selfish vote than trump.
I don't know about your life, but my life is made better by the acceptance and participation of all sorts of people. I'm selfishly voting for Democrats because I have 4 daughter and a gay son.
My wife and I make enough money and I could be happy on less if it improved the environment around me by improving the lives of the people I share the world with. Those brown people would be a hell of a lot less scary to us white people if so many of them weren't in desperate financial straits, and if we didn't teach them to expect hatred and cruelty from us.
Its going to double or tripple if we deport or scare half the ag workforce away and don't offer an exorbitant wage to do the time sensitive work leading to food rotting
cutting taxes for the wealthy could risk damaging the populist image that Trump has cultivated.
It's never seemed to damage his image with his supporters before. He could hold them down and shit into their mouths and they'd find a reason to think it was an ok thing to do
When I was a kid, I was told that "The American Dream" was a house and two cars. At some point along the way, that morphed into "anyone can be a millionaire."
I sympathize with the commentor who you are responding to although I know my present crap life could always get worse and probably will. Just doesn't feel like much to lose
I dont think these people realize how close they are to being ripped apart in the street by an angry mob...and I kind of hope they don't realize it until its too late.
Because the people who need this money are leading rough, rough lives already and often don't have the time or energy to properly learn politics. They're the kind of people who can't afford to miss work or looking after their family to vote.
They're victims of their circumstances and now they're going to suffer more for it. They're not the enemies here.
See, this right here is the MAIN AGENDA of the qon elitists.
All the other identity politics bullshit is largely red meat for his dipshit base. Sure, there are true believers like Bannon and Miller that are for that, but this is the MAIN thing: sending more money to the already extremely and obscenely affluent, and fucking the 99%.
the only answer. don't care about how we got here. no need to highlight their hypocrisy. we move forward from here. keep making the calls until it's deafening.
Idk how it hasn't occurred to these billionaires yet that some of those few benefits are what keeping people from going full Luigi. They keep fucking around.
Everybody knows that the dice are loaded
Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed
Everybody knows the war is over
Everybody knows the good guys lost
Everybody knows the fight was fixed
The poor stay poor, the rich get rich
That's how it goes
Everybody knows