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Except it isn't
  • I think that the way it works is if you have no proof then it didn't happen if you do in the most irrefutable form its convenient if it somehow magically proves their innocence instead of their guilt.

    Also a lot of them identity more so with the perps

  • Thousands of Los Angeles homeowners were dropped by their insurers before the Palisades Fire
  • So someone has say 2 million in real estate and 1.5 million in other Investements. They are at risk of losing some of that 3.5M while still counting themselves wealthy and the government who can't afford to provide a whole laundry list of shit for normal people just hands them a few million to ensure their bad decisions don't cost them anything.

    How about we don't subsidize your insurance and if you suck up you just lose your money.

  • Twelve bills will be fast-tracked by Republicans' new House rules -
  • Your ID proves you were here legally wherein the government has a record of your birth certificate existing even if you don't physically have said certificate on your person.

    Now if we want to prove you weren't granted birthright citizenship which is absolutely and totally irrefutably a thing that trump can't legally change by fiat you would have to reference your parents which should again be on the birth cert which again the US in fact does already possess even if you have lost your copy.

  • Twelve bills will be fast-tracked by Republicans' new House rules -
  • There is no such thing as an abortion survivor. Abortions after viability are done because the baby is dead/dying or the mom is at risk. Wherein an abortion is done for the life of the mother and the baby is otherwise viable the mom is already induced early rather than simply killing the baby.

    This leaves solely and only the case where the abortion is done to preserve the mom's life and the baby is too early for viability. A medication abortion is when the baby is a lump of cells which can't develop outside the body. A surgical abortion for a pre-viable fetus eg too late to be a lump of cells but too early to live...invariably terminates it.

    There is no situation where this is a thing.

  • All windows shatter
  • The person said the people on the road were responsible for the climate issue when individual decisions other than whom to vote for often has limited impact. If we want to effect meaningful change we need collective action on the part of our nation and government not just individuals.

    Putting the blame on individuals knowing that the sum total effect of best case individual action means jack shit is a way to defect attention away from the decision makers whose actions actually have some hope of changing our trajectory.

  • All windows shatter
  • things like food service and retail, which are distributed and local enough that anybody working such a job should be picking one they live near

    This is a pretty huge fantasy. Jobs like that have a strong tendency to be clustered around expensive business districts where those who work can't afford to live. The average commute is half an hour by car or an hour by bus.

    people are largely too poor to live close to work.” No, they largely are not.

    Outside of your fantasies they actually are. The average single family home is now 589k and many old folks are burning down the equity in their home rather than passing them down. Also its not much of a solution to tell everyone to move in from suburbia to the city to rent from a slumlord when there isn't enough housing there NOW. A fraction could move in but it doesn't scale to the rest of them until we actually build more housing in the places people want to live.

  • All windows shatter
  • People are largely too poor to live close to work and anyone who works the kind of inconsistent shifts lots of peoplework can't carpool. They also aren't the ones fighting work from home

  • "Please take care of us": Low-income Trump voters worry he'll cut benefits they rely on
  • It’s not cutting government programs, it’s cutting the amount of people needed to run a program,” Tillia told the Post. “They are cutting staff, which could actually increase the amount of the programs that we get.

    Back in reality the only way to realize substantial savings is to cut benefits, those people eliminated are needed for you to get benefits at all and only Congress can create new programs.

    Here she is a poor person on community assistance thinking she can support throwing people just like herself out of a job and somehow end up with more free shit.

    Anyone think she will learn when they change her address to a slab of cardboard on the corner?

  • MAGA really having a hard on for attacking our neighbors and taking their land
  • There are no blue MAGA. MAGA is a specific death cult around a charismatic Hitler figure who want to murder their neighbors, promote hate, and promote a white Isis like Christian state.

    What the fuck is blue maga people who drive electric cars and support gay pride?

  • Why Conservatives Are Now Obsesses with Raw Milk
  • Case fatality rate could be up to 50%. As mild cases are almost certainly entirely uncounted and the version that passes person to person will be a different variant we don't know if we are looking at something like covid or a fast moving black death.

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