Not only that: They rely on people pre-emptively obeying them before even being threatened. Zuckerberg, Tim Cook, all those guys, they know better. They're also doing fine money-wise. They had every option to just tell Trump to get fucked, and mess up their company if he wanted to make that decision. They wouldn't have been out on the street, whatever happened, and they would have had a chance to do something noble instead of just optimizing for the money function like a malfunctioning AI superintelligence.
One of the critical factors in fascists taking power is "obeying in advance." Because, yes, they can't be everywhere. Fuck that. I fully support this message.
Zuckerberg, Tim Cook, all those guys, they know better. They’re also doing fine money-wise. They had every option to just tell Trump to get fucked, and mess up their company if he wanted to make that decision
You say that as if they're complying reluctantly instead of enthusiastically.
All the billionaire plutocrats are fucking GLEEFUL at what's happening. Every. Single. Fucking. One. is the enemy of the People.
Depending on the context, acquiescing and then not following orders can be quite effective as well, especially if you're in a position of direct contact.
E.g., your supervisor instructs you to do something like take down the company DEI site? Say no, get fired... Or say yes, and just don't do it. You forgot, it's a cached version, etc. Eventually you have to take it down and then a month later when the site updates it's back. Someone must've left it in the update package.
Be creative, be active. Anyone who wants to gaslight the world is owed nothing but deception and disrespect.
A good example of this is the Rosenstraße Protest. Nazi Germany was unable to deal with popular pushback at height of Hitler's totalitarian power at the literal center of repression.
As a relatively privileged person, nobody is making me do anything. I'm passively benefiting from completely evil systems of exploitation around the planet. There is nothing to refuse except my own comfort which every human deserves.
I think it's more important to actively resist but resistance will be violently suppressed as always. It's not a risk that many privileged people are willing to take.
They're close, but not quite there. Any government(democratic or otherwise) requires participation for it's legitimacy. If enough folks decide to stop participating in a critical mass, the government falls. That's why mass protests and general strikes are so effective and why governments really don't want people to understand they have that nuclear option and will do anything to prevent people from organizing for it.
A great deal of the modernization of finance and policy enforcement has been about pre-enforcement. You get your IRS money taken out before it hits your paycheck. You don't speed in a neighborhood with speed bumps because it immediately fucks up your car. Your ability to access your office space or bank account or the electricity/water that goes into your home even the ability to turn on newer models of car is predicated on a permission slip that a third party can disable with a button click.
On the flip side, so much of our daily life is alienated from the other people that make our standard of living possible. I don't know who works at my grocery store, much less who actually picks my fruit or bakes my bread or slaughters my beef. I don't know who provides me with electricity or water. I don't know who is on the other side of the teller window when it comes time to cash a check or pull out cash.
Participation is mandatory because the interfaces that allow us to interact with one another are gate-kept by remote and indifferent agents. Opting out of these systems is difficult and expensive. Reaching out to people to engage in collective action is onerous and awkward.
governments really don’t want people to understand they have that nuclear option and will do anything to prevent people from organizing for it.
Government administrators keep a short lease on their direct reports and underlings. Private sector administrators do, too. Organizing the people with their hands closest to the levers of power is incredibly difficult, while administrative replacement of these higher ranking bureaucrats is trivially easy.
At some level, what the Trump Admin is currently doing cuts so deep that he may actually sever his ability to impose his will on remote offices and local bureaucracies. If enough high ranking FBI admins or DOJ lawyers walk off the job, it just becomes impossible to command branches in far-flung states and territories.
But when he's got guys like Peter Thiel and Jamie Damion in his back pocket, it may not matter. The ability to instantly fire, bankrupt, or imprison people anywhere in the country has a powerful chilling effect. The only people it doesn't immediately threaten are the folks who have already lost too much and the folks who have managed to remove themselves from the domestic system entirely.
None of this is to say we shouldn't organize and oppose this shit. But go in with eyes wide open. Don't naively assume raw numbers matter in the face of a heavily automated administrative state.
I disagree. Pretending to comply is just as good to them as compliance. They don't actually care about someone getting an abortion, but they do care about the message it sends to the masses. By saying no and leaving them with no option but to use physical force we are showing the cracks in that agenda/message. Those cracks will grow and encourage others to stand up and say no. Once that happens the entire foundation of it falls apart because people aren't afraid anymore. Sure a few of us will be beaten, killed, jailed, even publicly executed. But as OP said they can't stop us all.
But if you make a martyr of yourself, they'll just remove you from that position. If you make a show of "rounding up illegals" or "reporting all the DEI initiatives", they'll leave you in place while actually accomplishing nothing:
What are you even trying to say? Like yeah, your comment parses grammatically, but I haven't the foggiest about what it's supposed to mean in context 🤷♀️
And voting discourse? What's the point of that??? The election was two and a half months ago, and Biden wasn't even running 🤦♀️
Quick question to make sure this isn't a bot account: how many times does the letter "m" occur in the word "remembered"?
Could you please explain what this means? This is on par with that inbred on every Facebook post who comments "LOOKS LIKE BIDEN N KAMALER", and it'll be an ad for a Volkswagen.
Hey bud, in scrolling through your previous posts it seems like you’re having a hard time being accepted. Perhaps pause before posting, take a step back from the keyboard, and consider putting yourself in other’s shoes. You might find more in common with us if you try it.