My parents lived in Germany for a while. One day, my dad dropped the car off at the mechanic, who spoke far better English than my dad did German. A couple days after that, there was a big football match between England and Germany, which I assume England won, because when my Dad went to pick up the car, that same mechanic pretended he couldn't speak English.
Honestly, we should be adapting more non English letters into our emoticons. Ü and ö are great examples, but :þ or :Þ looks way more like a tongue sticking out than :p does (though, I said non English, and þorn is, technically, an English letter...
Ÿ could be something... I'm not sure what, but something. Potentially pornographic...
ẞ or ß could be some kind of sideways boobs... Maybe an ass?
ð could be eyes if doubled ð.ð sunglasses: ð-ð
Ð could be gap-toothed smiley. =Ð nerd smiley: 8Ð
There are others, but I only have English, Esperanto, and Icelandic installed right now.
Esperanto has letters with little hats. Ĵ makes a nice little umbrella.
Kind of, but Lenny faces are more complex, less easy to just spit out than an emoticon. But just incorporating easy to access symbols into 2 or 3 character emoticons is pretty simple. :þ instead of :p
in all seriousness, it’s likely because the origin of the emoticon is tied in with the ASCII character set, and the codes available when the emoticon was conceived. emoticons were around for decades, before we started using them on phones.
Eh, I feel like we would've adopted our own style by now. For example, this face ^^ was fairly popular in the German internet before mobile phones and emojis took over, because it's just two key presses on the German keyboard.
I think, the main problem is simply that umlauts look like letters to us. If someone types a random Ü or Ö after their sentence, you might think they meant to write another sentence. Or you simply do not register that it's supposed to resemble a face, because it's just a letter in your mind. Much like you presumably don't either look at an E and think that it looks like a rake, because the association with the letter is much stronger.
but i am not talking about emojis… i am talking about emoticons, which came into heavy use in the early 80’s.
in any case, i was trying to be “cute” or cheeky when i suggested that “smilies” didn’t exist in Germany, but i failed to communicate that effectively. perhaps i should’ve used a winky face, or provided a little more context about the origins. sorry about my perceived snarkiness; wasn’t my intent.
EDIT : i am actually struggling to find a reference to “^^” being used by anyone; could you point me to a source, as i am genuinely curious about this