The congresswoman posted on Instagram to share her disdain for the incoming president and issue a warning over the capture of all major social media platforms by the far right.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez announced she will not attend Donald Trump’s inauguration, stating, "I don’t celebrate rapists," referencing Trump’s history of sexual assault allegations.
While Trump has never been convicted of rape, a jury found him civilly liable for sexually abusing E. Jean Carroll.
Ocasio-Cortez also criticized TikTok for crediting Trump with restoring service in the U.S., calling it a propaganda move.
She warned of social media platforms being weaponized by right-wing interests, claiming they are contributing to the rise of "21st-century fascism" under the incoming administration.
That’s why I think not allowing her to be on the Oversight committee was shortsighted, she makes great opposition against MAGA and I want to see more of her speaking the voice of reason
That’s why I think not allowing her to be on the Oversight committee was shortsighted
It's not shortsighted, it's intentional. The Democratic Party leadership is Blue MAGA because they don't want to ruffle the feathers of their corporate donors. Like with many politicians of either side of the aisle, Nancy Pelosi made money buying stocks of companies who are just granted government contracts. Why would she and the DNC want to curtail the power of oligarchs who pays their salaries by appointing progressives instead?
America is heading into an oligarchy, if not corporate fascism. But it's not too late yet. As an outsider looking at American politics, it's easier to organise on local level and then influence the federal level. I believe progressives should start mobilising on grassroots campaigning at the local level. That way, they could spread their influence up to the federal level. The way I see it, the MAGA is obviously influenced by the Tea Party movement. Progressives should do something similar.
“The finding that Ms. Carroll failed to prove that she was ‘raped’ within the meaning of the New York Penal Law does not mean that she failed to prove that Mr. Trump ‘raped’ her as many people commonly understand the word ‘rape,’ indeed, as the evidence at trial recounted below makes clear, the jury found that Mr. Trump in fact did exactly that [rape, as ‘commonly’ understood].”
Be very careful. Remember, ABC and George Stephonopalous (or however you spell his name) just had to cough up $15 million and apologize to Trump for repeating this.
They settled a case that wasn’t by any means open and shut. And in the context of that case Stephenpolous was talking about the legal case Trump was involved in, which specifically was not rape according to the jury but sexual assault.
In this case, aoc isn’t referring to a case but in general that Trump is a rapist so she is standing on much firmer ground since she isn’t talking about specific facts, Trump is a public figure, and I doubt anyone could say that aoc is lying with malice.
Per usual, she's probably our best hope of a high profile progressive in office (and a potential do-over of 2016 when we didn't get Bernie if Dems get some sense).
Right on the money too about social media. I think I'm more concerned about that than I am about Trump himself. I really don't want Zoomers to end up the next conservative generation; like the Boomers and Gen Xers who suck Reagan dick after the 80s because their misunderstanding of what actually happened during his presidency. Confirmation bias is strong and that'll fuck the US long after Trump dies.
This assumes a progressive candidate would win, though. Given this last election, I don't think that's a particularly safe bet to make. Honestly, I don't think that anyone on the left could have won, following Biden. People were so disgusted with his performance they elected trump again, for fucks sake.
They need to protect her at all costs, because they will kill her.
This isn't like a threat or a joke or something.
Look at Fred Hampton.
Look at MLK. Look at Malcolm...
Look at RFK.
The original. The dad. No brain worm (that we know about). Side note, there's an HBO documentary series about RFK that's fantastic. He was one of the good ones. Things might have turned out very different if not for Sirhan^2. Fucking tragedy.
Please don't mention Bernie anymore. They postponed him and now he's just too old, we need to stop with the old people. AOC is a great choice, and there needs to be full backing on that because the old corporate guard has some loser in mind, I assume.
Gen X'er here... When '88 rolled around and Poppy Bush was running was my first election.
Kept asking the "greatest" and boomers: "So, wait, either he's lying about his involvement in Iran/Contra, is dirty as fuck and shouldn't be elected, or he legit had no clue, wasn't involved, and is incompetent for a former CIA director and shouldn't be elected. Which is it?"
She's gonna have some Hillary-like issues, in that the GOP has spent a decade demonizing her already.
Obama hit them hard because they didn't see him coming. He went from a relative unknown (on the national stage) to the Presidency in about 12 seconds, and they had been prepping for a fight against Hillary even then.
That's awesome! I'm happy she is staying her actual reason for not attending. Sadly, millions of Americans do celebrate rapists. Athelets, musicians, actors. Then you have priests, doctors, cops that get a free pass, and prison rape is outright celebrated.
She's right about the tiltok bullshit and social media being weaponized. Look how fucking well with worked with network television and newspapers. Most people I know, even intelligent ones, trust some form of major media like the NYT's or CNN. Facism was already here and now we've let it off it's leash to run free.
For me what is most destructive is the sanewashing a lot of the MAGAs are getting on a lot of these once reputable sources in traditional media. I hope the obituary we read in the near future isn’t USA’s.