If There Was a Tenth of a Hundredth of the Scrutiny that is Dished Out on Anyone Trying to Articulate the System’s Cruelty … on the Actual Cruelty of the System Itself …
Gosh, darn it do be tricky to articulate though. I’ll give you that.
How much can you even overcomplicate things anyway. If you want to calculate any 10% increase all you have to do is to multiply by 110%, which is of course 1.1, but you don't even need to know that anymore if you use a good enough tool.
When you send the email to ask about the error and they send you this clearly incorrect calculation, you are scrutinizing wage theft. Clearly a mistake.
Thats not what Hanlon’s razor is about. Hanlon’s razor just states that people are more likely to be stupid than cruel. You can scrutinize wage theft without immediately jumping to the conclusion that the hr worker is maliciously altering your paycheck for the companies gain.
Weird, the employment law I'm familiar with goes to automatic triple damages for failing to pay any part of wages on the first day they are unpaid for any reason, almost as if the law there decided long ago that Hanlon's Razor doesn't apply to the situation because wage theft is the norm, not the mistaken exception.
I had an employer give a 3% raise one year. But it was only .75% per quarter, which they did not disclose during the announcement.
So by the end of the year, you did technically get the whole 3% so they didn't actually lie about it.
Didn't help that cost of living had gone up by 8-12% at the time. So even a 3% raise that we were promised was a pay cut when you look at the entire picture.
The calculation done wrong, the formula in the brackets should be either 1 + 0.10 or 1 + 10/100, both resulting in +10% on the total wage. The person who wrote the formula presumably combined the two to get +0.1%.
An ‘innocent’ mistake if you don’t take into account that such mistakes in favour of employer are very common and don’t get the same repercussions as similar mistakes done by workers themselves. As a general rule a worker should never give their boss the benefit of doubt due to the power imbalance that hugely favours the boss in any type of conflict.
They didn't give her a ten percent raise, but a hundredth of ten percent raise, for some reason (I would say for fraudulent reasons, but it could just be a mistake)
All you can do is be willing to do good in your own little sphere, like the other day, when I helped push a stranger's car out of an icy parking spot here in KC. We're still recovering from 16 inches of snow two weeks ago. There will always be little things you can do to make the world better.
Also, don't give your money to political parties. Put it in the stock market instead, because your investments will have representation in Washington and more money means you can do more good.