Looks like Mufasa though.
65 0 ReplyYeah, the false and evil king who gaslights his subjects on the necessity of his tyranny. Scar was the rightful and honest ruler.
62 0 ReplyWhy would you say something so controversial, yet so brave
32 0 ReplyIf I had to choose between a king without scars, and one with them, I'd always go with the latter. Scarless bitch probably had everything handed to them, never even fought a real fight.
7 0 ReplyDidnt Scar make the kingdom worse?
5 0 Replyc/ScarDidNothingWrong
3 0 ReplyWhat did Scar do for us?
2 0 Reply
Did you use some artistic liberty on those guns?
18 0 Replyand he obviously skips leg day
11 0 Reply
Starching? That's a new one for me.
17 0 ReplyI'm guessing Dad is a big Queen fan.
14 0 ReplyMy dude skipped too many leg days
6 0 ReplyHah! I think we're only seeing one leg from a profile angle though. The seam down the side of the jeans gives the appearance of two twig legs. If the artist had added a sliver of rear leg, it'd probably read better, e.g.:
9 0 ReplyHe did, but it's too dark to notice unless you look a bit hard at the image.
5 0 ReplyI definitely interpreted the seam as two legs but your version has some extra oumph
4 0 Reply
Is the son 30?
Edit: What? Look at the picture, that's no "nightmares from watching Lion King" aged kid.
6 0 Reply"...so I painted him a picture of ME..."
41 0 ReplyHe said he painted the portrait of himself, not his kid.
24 0 ReplyI totally read that wrong.
26 0 Reply
Imma pound you cat. Imma schmack you in yo teefs. You gon get starched with yo' evil ass.
5 0 ReplyAren't you afraid of Salvatore Ganacci?
5 0 ReplyKAPOW Mr. Kitty
4 0 ReplyThe lion got cocky and dropped its guard long enough to allow that kinda full-send cross.
3 0 ReplyNext minute, the lion grabs his arm, tears it from the shoulder and proceeds to crush his skull in its jaws.
The lion lies down after its light snack.
3 0 ReplySoooo... your solution to your kid's fears is animal abuse?
2 0 ReplyLike a high school freshman party, that's a weak punch.
1 0 Reply