"Today, an oligarchy is taking shape in America of extreme wealth, power and influence that threatens our entire democracy, our basic rights, the freedoms and the fair shot for everyone to get ahead," Biden said.
You could have spoken up about this and done something about it over the last 4 years buddy.
Biden was an og Congressional neoliberal. A prominent one. He helped Reagan convert Republican's former opposition party into the corpo bribe taking, social inclusion!... Economic die in the streets... party it is today, locking arms with Republicans to defend our murderous economy from us as they stoke social division between us so we don't look up at our sociopath owners.
Voted for him out of harm reduction compared to Trump, a vote for quiet not peace, but fuck Joe Biden.
It’d be much better for him to just stay quiet and fade away into obscurity. Every word out of his mouth since that absurd debate has hurt him, his party, and the country at large. His legacy will not be what he hopes.
Biden may not be super-wealthy, but his presidency is a reflection of our country’s political stagnation. And while he’s no oligarch, he’s certainly the poster boy for elite entitlement to power.
Just a reminder, only a few days ago, Biden still said he would have beaten Trump. This man is not living in reality anymore.
Damn. Looks like you guys are headed for a system that treats rich people and poor people differently. Where you can get away with countless felony charges just for being of a particular status in society. Where they'll push for the death penalty for someone that shoots a CEO but sleep when schools get shot up (see below). I feel bad for you guys that all of this is only going to start happening to you on January 20, 2025.
Joe biden lost a winnable election due to his own vanity and lack of human decency. Fuck him. He governed better than any democrat since what Lindon Johnson? But its far too little too late to pay for a lifetime of fucking people over
Well at least he's saying it. Hopefully that reflects a renewed interest in reform, but I'm not going to hold my breath.
My guess is analysts blame the misinformation campaign run against him and Kamala and are going to try and shift the message, 12 years too late. Hopefully.
I no longer have any charity for these outgoing presidential remarks. What he is saying makes sense, but given that he didn’t bring this up or do anything about it when he had power, these sentiments are hollow pandering at best. Fuck you Joe Biden, your legacy is that you presided over the dissolution of American democracy and did genocide. No hollow words on your way out will change that.
Pretty fucking rich to warn everyone of the tech industial complex that he himself had a direct hand in creating with the Patriot Act. This kickstarted the idea of the US three leters creating PRISM and basically created an impermeable blanket of protection for big tech to spy on Americans and then turn around and sell that data back to the goverment.