He voted to increase loans and grants that made college ever more expensive for decades, and then in the aughts, sponsored the bill to make student debt non-dischargeable even in bankruptcy, effectively handcuffing generations past and future as well to the truckload of bullshit they are fed to get them into mountains of debt and then ensuring they are forever chained to it. https://www.congress.gov/116/meeting/house/111100/documents/HHRG-116-JU08-20201202-SD007.pdf
Decades in the US government anyone is going to have lots of awful things they did, and I'm not going to argue it's his worst but it's one of the most crippling to anyone trying to better themselves and has destroyed decades of millions of Americans lives.
I'm no political analyst so I don't know what he did .... what I do know is what he didn't do, namely to actually do something significant against the growing oligarchy that he is talking about.
He's historically been more "traditionally conservative" and neoliberal than anywhere near progressive. Conservatism/neoliberalism has destroyed the middle class and crushed the entire working class; sowing the seeds for fascism.
Remember when he was promising to increase taxes on anyone making $400,000 or more? At the first opportunity (the first debate) the media started attacking only him (BTW completely ignoring trump) until he suspended his campaign.
Harris took over, but notice that that promise disappeared.
Harris wanted to raise taxes on those making 400,000 just like biden, it didn't disappear at all. She also talked about introducing an unrealized gains tax on those with gains worth more than 100 million. You can't say she didn't want to increase taxes on the rich unless you ignore her policy proposals.
I do remember that. But I also remember he was president for 3 years prior to that promise, and a whole year afterwards, and he made no move to action that.
Biden wasn't a bad president, but he wasn't a great one either.
Because he doesn’t believe it and he’s just as guilty. If the Democrats truly believed what they were saying about Trump they’d be organising their own January 6th. They didn’t so they expect things to not change that much or to come back soon. Alternatively, they are grossly incompetent and not worth supporting.
If they truly believed all this Biden should have used an "official act" to deal with the problem once and for all. The supreme court gave him a blank check and he refused to cash it.
Letting them take over? Does authoring the Patriot Act and the crime bill leading to our present system of mass incarceration, not to mention his relationship with MBNA, qualify Biden as some kind of egalitarian in your world? The fascists have been here for a while, my son.
This is a prime example of how the Overton window has shifted so far right, the average person has a political amnesia, and how strong the US corporate dictatorships propaganda is.
Joe Biden — the lifelong neoliberal who sowed the seeds for fascism, financed by corporate Americas plutocracy — had his history rewritten and reframed as though he's a progressive. While he may have adopted progressive policies in the last decade, he shifted with the political wind of the average voter, and didn't hold those beliefs until they became politically advantageous.
Yeah well, 64 years ago Eisenhower warned about the dangers of the military-industrial complex and we've all seen how that warning got completely ignored.
I mean his son was the target of politically motivated prosecution. Biden should've pardoned other people in similar situations, but pardoning his son wasn't wrong. In other words, the fact that other people deserved these pardons doesn't invalidate its use for Hunter.
Ukraine war was for the oligarchy. Administration justified the job creation of giving weapons, oil industry was funded with ammunition/profits to support Republicans and global warming denial, Europe subjugated to extortion and terrorism, and Blackrock has been able to buy up Ukrainian assets, especially farm land, at deep discounts, with Ukrainian loans likely to be swapped with more assets in the future.
Tech/AI oligarchy has been incorporated into "national security arms of fascism" with their competition suppressed, and Israel and low taxes for these ultra high margin tech oligarchs encouraged to fund the most pro oligarch candidate. Israel first oligarchs, which Biden/DNC pandered to, ensured the election result.
US extreme corruption of democracy for oligarchy and empire, including by Biden, as worst so far, is just firmly entrenched now that Israel supremacism is top US political devotion.
Biden campaigning in 2020: I'm going to put guardrails in place to stop all this corruption and this slouch towards fascism. I'm going to Save the Soul of America.
Biden leaving office in 2025: Why didn't anybody do anything?!?
Biden: I am a proud zionist, and we would have to invent an Israel (to destablize middle east). Russian objections to NATO expansion don't matter, because Russians want to be controlled by US.