I gained an appreciation for how precise/sharp our tools are when I learned microtomy. If you so much as touch the cutting edge with anything outside of its intended use it messes up that area of the blade instantly. Same goes for a nice pair of chef's knives.
I've had 2 ACL reconstructions, but the first knee surgery I had was a scope. The surgeon allowed me to stay awake and it was freaking awesome to watch the little grinder and vacuum at work!
haha yes I am very human too and i too hate it when my skin gets damaged and needs to be replaced because it invokes a feeling called pain and it is a very unpleasant feeling
In that last one, you'd probably be able to see the bent over tip with the naked eye. You'd certainly be able to feel it if you ran your finger over it. It would take some force and would be pretty painful to use.
This is fascinating. I mean we all know the theory, but to actually see the cells under magnification puts you in range, and makes you wonder what else there is to know. And the answer is always MORE.
Education should work more practical application in with the theory. I'm looking at you, calculus!
But it's hard to perceive the scale of the needle tip itself, so there's no good reference object for the scale. They should have included banana or something for the comparison.
I mean, calculus is a thorny issue in that it is mostly necessary for engineering, but is not usef for humanities. Not teach it, and STEM people will have jump of levels going college. Teach it, and humanities people will inevitably complain.
Personally, I think it is good to teach calculus just for the technical communication aspect.
When I segmented 3D MRI and CT scan images before I used the contrast borders for help a lot. There were some algorithms for finding edges that you could tune by setting search radiuses and thresholds. There was also an option of growing an area by a certain amount of pixels outward, and then threshholding the result back down to only the brighter parts, that kind of thing. You had to be a little clever about how you'd combine it. And ultimately, sometimes I just had to add and subtract a few points manually.
Segmenting is more assigning areas to distinct objects (separating bones from the rest in my case), but you could totally use it as a basis for coloring, so I assume the process is similar here.
These are manufactured differently from most of the stuff you'd be looking at.
Rather than milling and grinding, the needles are made from a sheet of stainless that's rolled and welded, then drawn down to whatever size it needs to be, basically stretching the material out. Kinda like when you make a snake with silly puddy and pull it apart.
Then the points are ground in. Gives you a ridiculously smooth finish.
I actually thought optical microscopy worked just fine at this scale.
I know it's not the case for this photo, but if a 7 μm red bloodcell is reflecting red light (700nm, aka 0.7μm) under a bright white light, wouldn't the smallest discernable detail of the red blood cells be about a 10th of its width? Is that not roughly the detail we have in this image?
I'm making an assumption that the distance between discernable parts roughly parallels the wavelength's width. I could be wrong tho
At very rough estimate, I would guess a 30 gauge needle. They have an outer diameter of .31 mm. A blood cell is about 7 micrometer across. It looks like you can fit more a smidge fewer than 50 cells across the thickest part of this needle. Cheers!
Yes, some manufacturers of needles have less stringent QA than others. Moved to a new area and the local NHS disallow my usual brand due to cost... Will get to try something else... Hopefully not too bad...