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Anon's mom starts writing stories
Image Transcription

(A 4Chan "green-text" with a picture of Wojak)

my mom left school at 16 due to poverty

never showed much interest in books, music etc

retired last year

has since been reading through all the books I left in boxes at home

her enthusiasm for reading is so pure l feel bad for not enjoying reading that much these days

she kept asking me if I was writing a book and said she could "never do that"

picked up the hint and encouraged her to give it a go, without getting my hopes up

that-feeling-when she sent me a story she wrote about two rabbits who become friends

that-feeling-when it made me cry and feels more honest than anything I've written

How to cope with this feel bros?

l love my mum so much.

Anon's brother gets him a present
  • He definitely gets the seal of approval

  • Anon's brother gets him a present
    Image Transcription

    (A 4Chan "green-text", with a picture of a seal plushie)

    Title: my Christmas experience

    be me

    an 18 year old autistic kid who likes stuff animals

    tell my older brother about these round seal plush toys from japan that are really cute

    brother probably not paying too much attention I assumed so I forgot I told him

    ast forward to December 25th

    brother hands me a flat package

    I think it's a shirt or something

    I open it up I find a very flattened small version of the seal pillow I told him about

    I am very happy and tell him how much I love it

    thanks brother

    Anon talks to quiet kid
    Image Transcription

    be me

    (A 4Chan "green-text", with a picture of Pepe wiping a tear from his eye)

    in highschool

    decide to give the quiet kid a chance, he seems alright

    my friend and i approach him

    "hey dude yeah wassup u alright"

    he has like no one to talk to he gives in

    6 months go by, we are talking like usual

    since i like to talk to lots of different people, people always come to talk to me

    also, since quiet kid has no one he just kinda sticks by me most times

    overtime, we talk less; other people see that he is likeable and hang out with him at school

    eventually, we stop talking

    no problem, my main intention was for him to have friends anyway

    fast forward months later

    schools ended

    check his instagram story

    its him and his friends from our old highschool hanging out

    see it quite frequently now

    proud of him

    mission passed, glad that he actually has friends now

    Anon dates blind girl
  • Definitely doesn't deserve a permanent ban imo, I don't think they were trying to cause offence.

  • Anon dates blind girl
  • The modlog says it was the automod. The comment content didn't contain any keywords that could have tripped it, so I'm not sure why it would have been set off. Maybe the automod is set to permanently ban recently created accounts that have a significant number of downvotes.

  • Anon dates blind girl
  • Maybe Boost doesn't display that it's been removed? When a comment is removed, Lemmy stills sends the content of the comment to the frontend - it's up to your client to not display the content. The comment is definitely gone on the website frontend.

  • Anon dates blind girl
  • I didn’t remove it; the instance admins (the modlog says “automod”) did. They also got permanently banned from, apparently. I personally don’t think it was that bad - it sounds more like misunderstanding or ignorance than intent to cause offense. You’re welcome to look at the modlog to see what it said

  • me_irl Sjmarf
    Anon dates blind girl
  • It says "doesn't use the internet", not "can't use the internet". Whilst the internet has become more accessible over time through the use of screen readers etc, accessibility is unfortunately not considered a priority for many apps and websites. It's trickier to navigate the web as a blind person because websites are primarily designed to be looked at, not heard. It's not unreasonable that she might just not want to use it, even though she could learn to.

  • Anon dates blind girl
  • I'm aware of this - unfortunately, Lemmy doesn't allow transcription of the post image in this way, as it isn't part of the post body markdown. In Lemmy 0.19.4 or 0.19.5 (I'm not sure which) they added an actual alt_text field to posts for this (see here). Once updates to that version, I'll start using that field :D

  • Anon dates blind girl
    Image Transcription

    (A 4Chan "green-text", with an image of giga-chad doing a thumbs-up)

    Dating a blind girl

    All of her friends are blind

    Love that she holds my arm when we're out

    Love that she eventually got used to my apartment and can now navigate around by herself

    Love that her guide dog is super friendly and is always on the job to help her.

    Love that her family sees me as a great person because her being blind doesn't bother me

    Love that she doesn't use the internet because it's too much hassle

    Love that she requests I read new books for her in my voice and record them so she has her own boyfriend audiobook library.

    Anon dates blind girl
  • Image Transcription

    (A 4Chan "green-text", with an image of giga-chad doing a thumbs-up)

    Dating a blind girl

    All of her friends are blind

    Love that she holds my arm when we're out

    Love that she eventually got used to my apartment and can now navigate around by herself

    Love that her guide dog is super friendly and is always on the job to help her.

    Love that her family sees me as a great person because her being blind doesn't bother me

    Love that she doesn't use the internet because it's too much hassle

    Love that she requests I read new books for her in my voice and record them so she has her own boyfriend audiobook library.

  • Anon dates blind girl
  • Image Transcription

    (A 4Chan "green-text", with an image of giga-chad doing a thumbs-up)

    Dating a blind girl

    All of her friends are blind

    Love that she holds my arm when we're out

    Love that she eventually got used to my apartment and can now navigate around by herself

    Love that her guide dog is super friendly and is always on the job to help her.

    Love that her family sees me as a great person because her being blind doesn't bother me

    Love that she doesn't use the internet because it's too much hassle

    Love that she requests I read new books for her in my voice and record them so she has her own boyfriend audiobook library.

  • Anon plays Luigi's Mansion
    Image Transcription

    (A 4Chan "green-text", with a picture of Luigi)

    be me

    9 at the time

    playing Luigi's Mansion for the first time

    get to the piano ghost melody

    develop crush on her

    force parents to buy me a keyboard and take me to piano lessons ›eventually get really good at it

    fast-forward 3 years

    playing the piano at some department store while waiting for my mom to finish shopping

    girl from my school sees me

    "wow anon i didn't know you played that good"

    turns out she's also a piano fag

    get her number


    fast-forward to today

    still with her

    going to college

    probably gonna major in music

    my-face-when this all started cuz i had a crush on some ghost bitch from Luigi's Mansion

    thanks Luigi

    Anon is a DM
    Image Transcription

    (A 4chan "greentext", with an image of Pepe wearing a pink Wizard's hat)

    Be me, sleep deprived DM, half an hour ago

    Get startled by phone ringing

    It's one of my players

    Me: "Dude, it's midnight, you good?"

    Friend: "Yeah yeah, sorry if I woke you.

    Could I ask for a favor?"

    OhGod HeKilled Someone.gif

    Me: "Uh, sure? Shoot."

    Friend: "My daughter can't sleep, could you tell a quick story over speakerphone? She loves listening to the recordings of our sessions before bed, but I left my laptop at the office so I can't play them."


    Me: "She listens to us to fall asleep?"

    Friend: "Yeah, but she really likes your plot and NPC acting bits. She calls you 'dumb dumb mister! Guess Dungeon Master is a bit hard for a preschooler."

    Me: "Wow... well, if it will help her sleep, then sure."

    Friend: "Thank you! Okay, give me a sec to head back to her room." (pause) "Okay, you're on speaker."

    Me: "Hey, [daughters name], it's uncle Anon."

    Daughter: (Happy gasp) "Dumb dumb Mister!"


    Me: "You ready for a story about...(DM IMPROV SKILLS ENGAGE)...the time your daddy and his friends went deep into a cursed temple to save a frost dragon egg?"

    Daughter: (Incomprehensible happy squealing noises)

    I then proceed to spend nearly 20 min spitballing a story over the phone for the most fascinated little girl until she eventually fell asleep. Friend thanks me for the help and says he'll see me on game night. Lay down in bed, actually feel content and comfortable for once. I should have thanked him.

    I am the dumb dumb mister.

    App development
  • The photo on the left is with makeup; the photo on the right is without. On the leftmost image the lips are more saturated and have more defined edges and there is more shadow around the eyes.

  • Samesies.
  • It’s a milk bottle warmer; you can see the milk bottle sticking out of the top.

  • Life Pro Tip!
  • On macOS you can hold down ‘e’ to do this, too.

  • ⠓⠕⠞⠀⠎⠥⠗⠋⠁⠉⠑⠀⠙⠀⠝⠀⠞⠳⠣
  • It says "hot surface do not touch" in full, actually. Braille uses single characters to represent some common letter combinations ("touch" is "t" + "ou" + "ch"). The words "do" and "not" are each contracted to a single letter ("d" and "n" respectively).

  • Which is which?
  • Birds have peckers

  • Fatherly hazing
  • My father (who was in the armed forces) once got asked to fetch "the keys to the indoor mortar range"

  • Finally beat cancer
  • A common “reason” for why student loans shouldn’t be paid off by the government is that it would be unfair to everyone who has already paid off their student loans.

  • Driving direction in Europe, 1922
  • Italy, Spain and Austria are in purple. “Mixed” means that there was a mix of left and right in various regions of the country.

  • Why did they move the comments to the right
  • SponsorBlock automatically skips the entire sponsorship as soon as it starts, so a lot of the time you wouldn’t even know it was there if you didn’t see the green section of the playback bar.

    It’s not just for sponsorships, either. You can set it to skip intro animations, reminders to subscribe, self promotion, etc.

  • sjmarf Sjmarf
    Posts 296
    Comments 131