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50% survival rate
  • The normal person thinks that because the last 20 people survived, the next patient is very likely to die.

    The mathematician considers that the probability of success for each surgery is independent, so in the mathematician’s eyes the next patient has a 50% chance of survival.

    The scientist thinks that the statistic is probably gathered across a large number of different hospitals. They see that this particular surgeon has an unusually high success rate, so they conclude that their own surgery has a >50% chance of success.

  • Daylight savings
  • "See you this evening at 1728326925, okay?"

  • TIL that we have tiny calcium crystals in our ears that, if dislodged, cause terrible vertigo. Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)

    BPPV occurs when tiny calcium crystals called otoconia come loose from their normal location on the utricle, a sensory organ in the inner ear.

    Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)
    Senator tells Native American candidate to go back to where she came from, storms out of public event Idaho GOP stands behind Senator after racist outburst

    A bipartisan forum in a small Latah County community took a turn when Republican Senate incumbent Dan Foreman stormed out of the event, following a racist outburst directed at a Native American candidate.

    Idaho GOP stands behind Senator after racist outburst
    Anon receives guidance
    Image Transcription

    (A 4chan "green-text")

    back when I was first starting, like 4 months in

    at my gym there was always this super jacked black guy that would put up huge numbers

    every time he's done with his set he yells out "ooooooo BABY"

    it was never obnoxious or anything, I found it funny

    he catches me smirking at him after he did it once

    he tells me that it helps with the next set

    I laugh

    a few weeks pass and I'm on a hard set of deadlifts

    was still doing strong-lifts so these are my max

    push through them and for some reason yell out "oooooo BABY"

    I hear "DAS RIGHT" from across the gym

    my next was easier

    Thank you jacked black man

    me_irl Sjmarf


  • Sus
  • not() is a base function that negates what’s inside (turning True to False and vice versa) giving it no parameter returns “True” (because no parameter counts as False)

    Actually, not is an operator. It makes more sense if you write not() as not () - the () is an empty tuple. An empty tuple is falsy in Python, so not () evaluates to True.

  • Loophole!
  • Ahh... hearing programmer audiobooks before sleep feels relaxing
  • Oh, really? That's disappointing to hear; I had no idea he was like that.

  • Changes coming to how Minecraft is being developed:
  • I’m glad the mob vote is gone

  • [OC] Statue of Major-General Nathanael Greene
  • Does he know the kings of England, does he quote the fights historical?

  • Nope. Not weird at all.
  • It's meant to show Adam and Eve being cast out of the garden of Eden. Trump is depicted as an angel holding a flaming sword, which is a reference to this Bible verse:

    He drove out the man, and at the east of the garden of Eden he placed the cherubim and a flaming sword that turned every way to guard the way to the tree of life.

    Genesis 3:24 NIV

    The artist is trying to imply that the Biden administration's choices will cause them to be expelled from the White House (the "garden"), and that Trump (an "angel") will be instated by God to prevent them from ever returning.

  • Balls
  • Let's not forget Hitachi

  • Out of curiosity why is BeeHaw defederated from shitjustworks?
  • Last I heard they want to switch to another platform, and don't consider it worth upgrading to 0.19 because they're leaving soon so it wouldn't be worth the hassle.

    This is pure guesswork on my part, but they could be waiting for Sublinks (a Lemmy-compatible backend) to get up to speed before switching to that. They say that the new platform is "compatible with all Lemmy apps", and Sublinks is the only project I know of that fits that criteria.

  • If you have more than 2 conditions, and do not want to recreate an element with if else statement, what do you do since ternary operations might get too confusing?
  • One option would be to use an enum with a label computed property.

    enum TransitionState {
        case stageOne, stageTwo, stageThree
        var label: String {
            switch self {
                 case .stageOne: "Stage one!"
                 case .stageTwo: "Stage two!"
                 case .stageThree: "Stage three!"
    struct MyView: View {
        @State var transitionState: TransitionState = .stageOne
        var body: some View {
  • Crowdstrike
  • It’s a joke.

  • sjmarf Sjmarf

    Hello world

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