I don't care if aliens are real. Of course they exist somewhere. We up jumped apes are not the center of the universe. We're not even the center of our galaxy. Why they'd be way out here in the galactic boonies. In a nowhere system on the Orion arm. We're nowhere near Sagittarius A.
Unless they've come to take over. To overthrow our evil overlords. I literally don't care.
I've been there. The air photo makes it look like something much worse. It's mostly rock that has been dug up, crushed piled sorted (diamonds removed), and then piled up. The rock is clean. There's no acid mine drainage or similar. The water next to it is so clean you can see 30m into it on a clear day and drink directly from the lake (it meets drinking water guidelines). When the mine closes, they'll let the pits flood and the rest will slowly grow over. The worst thing about this mine is the carbon footprint from operating the machinery.
Well, the second worst thing is that diamonds are silly. ;)