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'Very sinister': Trump stuns Republicans and Dems with on-air 'bad genes' rant
  • It's better to have it reported than for us all to be normalized to a potential president wholeheartedly adopting fascist language.

    It'd be better if a pearl clutcher passed a law or something, but with half of them frothing at the chance to turn on their own constituents...

  • Daylight savings
  • It's because in the summer, people get off work and have a couple of hours of daylight left.

    People tend to shop and consume more when they've got a little light.

    This interview looks sort of interesting, but retail+daylight savings time will yield a lot of results

  • I've picked my first lock, where do I get more?

    I've picked a master lock (3 I believe). I also picked all the little cylinders that came with the lockpicks I ordered. Sparrow progressive. I even respinned one... Mostly due to accident.

    Where do I get more locks? I think I just need the cylinders. What are these called? Where do I buy them from? I'm mostly looking for cheap and they don't have to have a practical purpose. I'm just wanting to pick them for kicks.

    I've seen countless posts about the tankie problem here in the lemmyverse

    I'm not sure I've seen any evidence of it existing though, is it just a Boogeyman, or so something that happened a while back? An in joke of some sort?

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