You know what, this makes a good point. The only people who will be truly more fucked then they are right now when the alien apocalypse comes is the 1% because now they are just a bunch of powerless slaves
Real talk. Would aliens even want our natural resources? Like they could travel the cosmos. Our planet is made up of elements that are already available to them before they get here.
Like our planet doesn't have anything special when it comes to resources.
Alien: we will poison your oceans with synthetic micro particles
Human: got that too.
Alien: that it’s, time for the big stuff. We will create elaborate torture schedules that give you soul crushing tasks while slowly making all good things in your life worse as we condition you that it’s all your fault.
Human: oh boy, you should probably sit down for this…
I find mining very interesting, especially the reclamation aspect. There are tons of issues to get things back to chemically and physically stable.
The mine shown here is the Ekati Mine in NWT Canada. It's set to close in 2029. All mines must have a plan for closure, and these plans, at least in NWT are public.
Closure plans are super long: the summary text is often 200 to 300 pages, and with the associated appendices are like 1-3k pages in length and are highly technical
Fortunately, Section 1 (page 49) has a plain language summary of the closure plan. Here you can find a summary of major closure strategies for things like pits and waste rock dumps
These plans get more and more certain as they revise them and approach the end of operations.
Fill your boots! There is some cool stuff in the closure plan if you're inclined to learn more!
I've only read the first book and wow it was dumb. I felt duped.
A civilization capable of building colony ships that can reach 1% speed of light and proton sized supercomputers were just sitting around waiting for a signal? Why haven't these mofos built those ships already to reach a nearest star already? Just park those ships in Goldilocks' zone and then start searching for other suitable planet to colonize or terraform.
Not to mention life on their planet gets wiped out constantly and yet intelligent life capable of spaceflight evolved there? Sorry, can't buy it at all.