🚨LAST CHANCE! Soon the House of Commons will do a last vote on #BillS210, a dangerous proposal that locks up the Internet and sacrifices our privacy. Email your MP to say NO to extreme S-210 - via @OpenMediaOrg openmedia.org/NoInternetLock
The House of Commons is days from passing Bill S-210, a dangerously broad age verification bill that would put an age lock on most of Canada's Internet and threaten every Canadian’s privacy.
The Cons have been pushing this bill and others like it for ages, so expect to see more of it.
What disappoints me the most is that the other parties (Green, NDP, PQ) are all backing it. It's garbage - even if you support a nanny state, it's garbage. The only real purpose of this bill is to eventually ban pornography entirely.
I read the bill and came across this in section 11:
Before prescribing an age-verification method under subsection (1), the Governor in Council must consider whether the method
(a) is reliable;
(b) maintains user privacy and protects user personal information;
(c) collects and uses personal information solely for age-verification purposes, except to the extent required by law;
(d) destroys any personal information collected for age-verification purposes once the verification is completed; and
(e) generally complies with best practices in the fields of age verification and privacy protection.
Do I think this is a good bill or a necessary bill? No.
Do I think it can be abused to block a wide swath of sites? Yes.
Does it necessarily lead to that as the OP article suggests? No.
Does it put people on a list that can be leaked? In principle it should not.
Will it make it more difficult for smaller websites like lemmy.ca to host? Possibly, but most likely not, as it can operate as normal until the government gives the server admins an official notice.
The fact that it must be collected at all is the problem. I have very little faith that the government will actually choose a privacy preserving solution, and even if they do, I doubt it'll be implemented perfectly.
This would be rather useless; it would stop porn sites from charging customers for access in Canada, and from hosting in Canada, without maintaining an age registry.
So in reality, it would require legit sites that serve R content (think NetFlix and Prime Video) to do what they already kinda sorta do, and wouldn’t impact many other services at all.
"there's no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation," Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau.
I know the quote was originally in defense of gay rights but the premise still stands .... the government has no business in knowing what people do in the privacy of their own bedrooms, or home or private space. The governments job is to police and restrict what is illegal and made available online, not in monitoring what people are doing.