My favorite part is "Eat shit and die" is addressed to the enlisted ("excuse me" being the replacement) and "Eat shit and die, motherfucker" is addressed to officers ("excuse me, Sir"), because you wouldn't be saying "sir" to enlisted members.
Where the fuck is that leading Sir! It’s “Sir! Eat shit and die motherfucker, Sir!” GUESS WHO’S GETTING AN EXTRA 30 LBS ADDED TO THEIR RUCKSACK ON THE NEXT HUMP!
A) it's fake. The specific squadron would be called out explicitly on that memoradum. Paragraph 1 would definitely have to referenced at least 3 AFIs and paragraph 2 would have definitely (especially being an SFS Memo) disclosed punishment via the UCMJ.
B) that copy paste memo indicates it is from a local security forces commander and definitely not the USAF.
I know it's supposed to be a joke but I figure I'd note the amount of fakery here since there's always this kind of mythos that lives a long life.
Everything from the supposed sanctioned DOD standard of 7 wipes of a disk (never was a thing -- The Orange Book/NISPOM on e referenced a study by Gutmann in the 90s), that basically training issues stress cards to trainees (been a rumor as if fact since the early aughts and I'm sure earlier), that's there's a single bullet and 9mm gun at the top of the flag pole at base command, that the Etherbunny was a thing that happened to a friend's roommate, that the country will take care of you after you serve and perhaps worst of all -- Marines don't literally eat crayons and it is just a joke.
I really need a full table of this. This translates really well to those of us who've had blue collar jobs, or anyone who has spent extensive time in the field.
As a former bushrat, this whole thing is so on point.
We had other version suited for the office. For example, “Nice tie!” meant “fuck off” or something. Still looking again for the specific one we used in IT 20 years ago.