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Anime vampire PCM
  • Thank you PugJesus, once again you deliver onto me the memes I need

  • Freaky Flavors
  • 80% chance this person is Canadian

  • hawk
  • "It's just a prank bro", she yelled while rapidly and aggressively spraying the TikToker in the eyes.

  • 'Everything is expensive!' Bolivia faces a shocking economic collapse
  • With how widespread the economic woes are, I have to believe it's climate change.

  • Do Not Underestimate the Elf Owl!
  • He looks like he's about to explain basic tutorial information to me.

  • Trudeau opposes allowing Russia to keep ‘an inch’ of Ukrainian territory
  • It's more to do with the aging population.

  • firefox rule
  • Listen using Firefox doesn't make me a furry.

    I mean I am but that's not why.

  • What Are the Various Strategies to Wean Yourself Off Reddit?
  • What did it for me is I logged in one day and there was a post about bathroom politics having the same discussion we've been having for years with the most cringe takes I've ever seen.

    When I realized that Reddit was leaning further right than it ever had, that was the last straw for me. It feels like 4chan light now.

  • these folks sure are quiet these days
  • A small vocal minority that spurred apathy.

    They are sanctimonious while being one of the many architects of our crumbling level of control in our democracy.

    Are they a minority? Maybe but US elections are won and lost on an increasingly small number of constituents.

    That being said I dislike all forms of non-voting but at least I might be able to convince them.

  • The US no longer supports capping plastic production in UN treaty
  • I'm not much of a conspiracy theorist, but I've definitely noticed it too.

  • these folks sure are quiet these days
  • Ah, i misread your comment

    Then in response to the previous one, I would say they're just a prime example of flawed logic.

    asking why be upset with them when there's other people to be upset about is just whataboutism

    Like yes, all those others are also bad. Doesn't mean I'm gonna cut them any slack.

  • these folks sure are quiet these days
  • It's not really about the impact they have, it's about the flaw in logic they have.

  • these folks sure are quiet these days
  • I have enough hate for both

  • Corruption
  • What an absolute treasure Robert and Sam Reich are.

  • ACLU Slams Senate Push to Crack Down on Campus Criticism of Israel
  • I hate that "slams" has made its way into our common vernacular. I understand that language evolves, but did it have to be this word?

    To me it reads of sensationalist journalism that's more about catchy headlines than substance.

  • What your coffee preparation method says about you
  • That sounds an awful lot like the blaming the user. Maybe it really is the slackware of coffee.

  • Ah the old days
  • Just heads up, the dev of RuneScape released a new game called Brighter Shores. You can check it out for free on Steam.

  • Rain on Brick - Title Theme
    franklin Franklin

    I'm just a man with a guillotine

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