It's been going on far longer than trump. And they may not be there yet. They've been pulling procedural fuckery for the last 30 years minimum. But the post office itself is constitutionally mandated. It would require an amendment to the constitution. Not impossible. But also not an executive order.
And it didn't seem that Biden minded anything that Dejoy was doing. It's been a number of years where there were sufficient number on the board of Governors to get rid of Dejoy and they did nothing.
"Privatization" the way the Republicans do it might as well have been tailor-made to appeal to Trump.
Imagine the sales pitch:
"Okay now Mr. President, see this program over here that's carried out by government employees? Just imagine that instead of having government employees do it, we contract with some private company to do it. The government would still be paying for it, but instead of all of that money going to a government agency, it goes to some private company that'd damned well better show their gratitude if they expect to keep that contract."
I can just see him, like Scrooge McDuck, with a dippy smile on his face and dollar signs in his eyes.
Shipping would get soooo expensive. I ship all over the US and the pricing from UPS and FedEx stays competitive with USPS, and often USPS will do the last mile delivery in more rural zones. If you remove the limiting price point that the USPS provides to the market, these private shippers will raise prices so high, so fast, it'll make your head spin.
The margins these companies are willing to charge an individual is actually obscene. I ship pallets every so often, so I have a FedEx freight shipping contract. It discounts my freight costs ~90%. For anyone without a business and no contract they're happy to charge you 10x more they need to. They profit off the price they charge me, they rake you over the coals because they can. If they have more opportunities to do that, they will.
They can't even pick a lane. Congress critters "You should act like a business" USPS "We want to get into banking to increase revenue" Congress critters "No."
This seems unambiguously up to Congress since a “post office and postal roads” are specifically mentioned as part of Article I of the constitution but who the fuck knows in the Calvinball judicial era?
Just to be clear, it says, “may” setup a post office not “shall” and some FedEx executive with a briefcase full of cash could probably convince at least 4 SCOTUS judges to vote for something. But Jeff Bezos and whoever owns the greeting card industry — Hallmark, I guess — might have larger briefcases of cash so we’ll see who wins. (Not us. We’re losing either way. But Amazon vs. FedEx and every company that has to mail records by law — health insurance and banks probably being the big ones — means nothing is guaranteed and it’ll take decades of court cases to sort out.)
Honestly the postal service is a source of more irritation in my life than benefit at this point. So... of all the crazy shit Trump wants to do it's hard to get super upset about this one.
Edit: Y'all have reading comprehension issues. I am not saying the postal service should be privatized but let's see between ending democracy and the rule of law, banning life-saving healthcare, and inflicting violent deportation on millions of US residents using the military, bombing Mexico, and supporting Israeli genocide is this really the thing to focus on?
No one needs to send me anything important, it’s all just junk mail and other nonsense. But I still have to go through it every day to make sure I don’t miss the one important letter I get per month, usually from some corporate or state organization that wants to extort me.
If people just couldn’t send me letters at all I think my life would be better.