ID: A scene from The Addams Family, we see an engraved gravestone, Morticia reads it out to Fester: "Our credo, "Sic gorgiamus allos subjectos nunc.". She adds: "We gladly feast on those who would subdue us." "Not just pretty words."
I had to grab a dictionary for this, since these aren't exactly common words, but I'd use "dominor", "to be Lord/master over" instead of "subigere", which is closer to "to suffer".
"Epulor" (which I had to look up) is apparently more of a "fine dining" type of feasting. "Manduco" is more gnawing and chewing and gluttony.
You'd end up with Libenter manducamus his qui nos dominent
But that's still long for a motto. Maybe Domituros libentir manducamos works better. It's less exact, more of a "those who dominate us are gladly devoured by us", but it's also more of a motto. It also has a few other translations though, which are unfortunate.