Right?? I don't understand why every single person nowadays supposedly has autism and ADHD. If everyone has autism and/or ADHD now, then does anyone really have it?
Imo, it doesn't really make sense to turn what are normal human experiences suddenly into disorders now because it's trendy. If it significantly impairs functioning to the point of things like failing out of school or the inability to hold down a job, then it makes sense to discuss it. Otherwise, I don't get why it's so trendy to pathologize common experiences/traits.
tbf its a spectrum. literally almost everyone has at least some traits and its kinda hard to draw a line (and theres no "proper" diagnosis process for autism like theres is for e.g. adhd)
Because there are new frontiers to the discovery. I was not aware of the spectrum growing up and was never questioned. But I have many common traits with certain spectrums. Doesn't mean I have anything. Doesn't mean I don't. I haven't been professionally examined. But it didn't seem to be as well known as it is now. If a kid truly is on the spectrum, they can know they aren't alone. Which many of these things can make a kid feel totally alone. So that's a few reasons.
Participation / selection bias. People who have autism or who struggle to fit in socially are more likely to spend more time making content than normal people.
It's funny how autistic people are so different. This is definitely seen as an autism trait, yet I'm autistic and I get bored of listening to something multiple times quite quickly. I require variation. Hearing a song 10 times in a week is already pushing it
I am ASD and have ADHD, so very often things like this kinda even out. The autism side wants to stay forever, while the ADHD side wants something new every 10 seconds. Which results in looking somewhat normal for very not normal reasons.