It was the conservatives that did that
Die letzte Frage wäre übrigens der interessante Knackpunkt. Wenn keine Nutzungsänderung genehmigt wurde, dann erlischt der Bestandsschutz des gesamten Gebäudes und muss nach zu erfolgender Verfügung (kein Ermessen) abgerissen werden. Damit hätte sich das Thema auch ein für alle mal erledigt
Weirdly though while that is still very much an authotarian system, it will always be a hard break on any too unhinged ideas of populism. It simply is not in the interest of the Elite.
That isn't meant to be an excuse, but it will mostly prevent the hateful or ignorant to grasp the majority of power and change the state beyond the point of no return. The point we fear might be passed soon in the USA, as well as Italy, Germany, Austria and all other countries where the far-right populists are on the rise, without being kept in check
Geht doch mit Sarin und den anderen Phosphat-Giften viel günstiger und schmerzhafter, das lässt sich besser verkaufen. Bau noch Arenen dafür und wir haben ein modernes Collosseum oder ein Squid Game IEL nur ohne Chance frei zu werden. Win win? /s
Yeah let's make this clear: Trump proposed Genocide That's it.
Die Höhe der Tagessätze halte ich für einen Pfleger angemessen. Die Anzahl jedoch find ich durchaus fragwürdig. 140 meine ich waren das, also das Äquivalent zu 140 Tagen haft, also nicht ganz 6 Monate. Für eine Körperverletzung, die grade mal kleine Hämatome hervorgerufen hat. Meines Wissens wurde ja nicht mal Widerstand gegen Vollstreckungsbeamte angeklagt.
Hoffe ehrlich gesagt, dass er in Berufung geht. Der Vorsitzende Richter hat zwar angedeutet Wohlwollen gezeigt zu haben, aber ich sag mal so, ich hab vor Gericht erheblich mildere Strafen bei gefährlicher Körperverletzung (auch mit Vorstrafen) gesehen, davon sind wir weit entfernt
Have you not seeing the helicopter blades in the schematics? This is obviously a hovering frigate
Damn, didn't know those games at fairs are actually a transferable skill
This is ruining your livelihood, are you aware of that?
Well you say that a Nazi-group stays a Nazi group even when they are fighting against an invader.
Does that work the same way for the Hamas? Once a terrorist group always one? Or are they a liberation army?
If taken at face value it sounds pretty much the same as the Hamas being a freedom-fighting group
Who is this going to rescue/liberate us from?
Just curious, how did you come up with that nickname?
Sounds like beer I'd try, though I was a bit surprised to see a beergarden. Mecklenburg, as in the former duchy and now part of the state of Mecklenburg-Western-Pommerania is distinctly northern German with influences from Eastern German and the culture of the former GDR. None of those being Biergarten-Kultur which is distinctly Bavarian- also a 10h drive from Mecklenburg.
But hey keep the coops coming, everyone can only improve
A few weeks ago that is what an Italian kid did. He git caught - but because he also hacked servers of port and maritime control authorities
Yeah no doubt German beer tends to be similar in taste. What is refreshing though is to be able to taste a remarkably distinct beer that still follows the rules. And there are a few breweries that are able to do that
Had a short conversation on reddit with a guy from Chile (South America at least) that regularly had a German brewery ship him a crate of beer. Maybe you could do that for special occasions, pretty sure quite a few breweries would accommodate you with such a request. If you care, I'll list some of my all-time favourites:
Störtebeker (basically all of their offers, not much of a Porter/Schwarzbier (stout) fan myself though, so I don't drink those)
Lammsbräu (especially the Urtyp)
Tannenzäpfle Rothaus
Andechser Klosterbräu (especially the Helles)
Tegernseer Helles
Are you south-tirolian or why do you have a German nickname?