This is somehow simultaneously incredibly optimistic (no way this happens for at least another hundred years, if ever) and pessimistic (surely we'd do tons of way cooler stuff than Not Believing In Skyman)
The man incited a riot, tantamount to sedition. He has been proven to be under the influence of, if not directly under the control of, Putin, a foreign competitor to say the very least.
If the first point wasn't enough (and it fucking should be), the second one should be disqualifying.
If your faith lead you to vote for a man like Trump, who doesn't express a single Christian ideal in the manner he lives, then you are not really a Christian. Unfortunately too many people here in the US follow American Jesus instead. Lying? Cheating? Bigotry? That's just fine, so long as you have money. Wealth is a sign that American Jesus loves you more than all those awful poor people.