do you have any evidence that andrew wakedield's 1998 paper, in the lancet, was backed and funded by the kremlin? That doesn't seem to be in any of the contemporary reporting on the paper?
blaming russia without evidence for all things is the one thing that did start during trump's campaign.
The antivax crowd is not just trumpers. I’m not sure how much this has changed recently, but 10 to 20 years ago, I knew plenty of liberal college-educated suburban soccer moms who believed in that shit.
They're not all MAGAts, but they are all anti-empiricist conspiracy theorists, so it's only a matter of time before they land on Trump or run straight past it to Nazism. Surely you've seen this for yourself.
These problems all existed as fringe coalitions before Trump came along. He just brought them to the forefront of the GOP platform because they were convenient for him and his cult instantly assimilated them.
Yeah, OP is simply ignorant. Jenny McCarthy posts are strewn through the comments, and here's a bunch of democratic leaders talking about election results:
"The Leicester Demonstration March of 1885 was one of the most notorious anti-vaccination demonstrations. There, 80,000-100,000 anti-vaccinators led an elaborate march, complete with banners, a child’s coffin, and an effigy of Jenner."
"...surveys of medical providers in the UK in the late 1970s found they were reluctant to recommend the immunization to all patients."
"Although the time periods have changed, the emotions and deep-rooted beliefs—whether philosophical, political, or spiritual—that underlie vaccine opposition have remained relatively consistent since Edward Jenner introduced vaccination."
I absolutely blame Jenny McCarthy for this, and maybe Oprah (I think Oprah gave her the platform to speak), but Jenny never came out and said "I was wrong about this and the doctor totally lied about his results and this has all been debunked" and now the US is in shambles because she's a fucking idiot.
Throwing out ballots because of hanging chads is ABSOLUTELY an issue with election integrity. How much integrity can an election have if votes are thrown out arbitrarily so an unpopular candidate wins???
And that election would've changed things today. People drowning in Japan, Spain, North Carolina to these crazy floods. AMOC collapse has begun. We are so fucked and that was like, our chance. And Republicans and oil suckers decided to kill us all and Noah's Ark us... in the 70s. When they were told this would happen.
And yet in terms of lives lost, the 2000 election going to Bush killed pretty much 8 billion people plus most megafauna. Climate change had the last laugh after all.
The long and tortured history of bad American medicine and crooked elections is a reminder of the crimes of privatization, eugenics, and white nationalism.
The irony is how often these crimes are invokes as an excuse to deny health care provision via public institutions, to encourage further eugenics policies, and to facilitate white nationalist control of the country.
How many times am I going to see a MAGA Republican denounce Medicaid on the grounds that its too nice to black people or obstruct ballot access to college voters, on the grounds that these systems are corrupt?
How many times am I going to see liberals insist "This is just what people want" as they tear up another health care public option and let the GOP further stack the SCOTUS?
Yeah, it's kinda like we didn't fall out of a coconut tree, and everything exists in context. It's kinda like these past incidents inspired modern day people to abuse these loopholes. And btw, Gore losing the election killed 8 billion people due to climate change, so it was significantly worse that what Trump did in terms of impact.
It has always been amazing how the Trump crowd are actively going about victimhood culture and never catch on their leader always being the victim in every situation he is in.
Not true, we had anti-vaxxera long before Trump, of both the vaccines cause autism and crunchy hippy varieties. The former just mutated into an aggressive new form after being exposed to a novel virus and consequently a novel vaccine.