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“May have just legalized murder by one individual”: Experts alarmed at “stunning” SCOTUS ruling
  • I do find it amusing that SCOTUS made a ruling that legalizes having them assassinated as an "official act" though. After all, being in contact with intelligence agencies is definitely an official act as is writing pardons, so he can always pardon the assassin(s) afterward.

  • “May have just legalized murder by one individual”: Experts alarmed at “stunning” SCOTUS ruling
  • If being in contact with the DOJ and VP is "official duties" and thus immune to prosecution regardless of the content of the contact, then being in contact with the CIA and asking them to "retire" some justices should be as well under more or less exactly the same line of reasoning.

  • AOC wants to impeach SCOTUS justices following Trump immunity ruling
  • You don't get a choice where you get a progressive instead of Manchin. You get Manchin or a far right Republican. I voted for Manchin, for the same reason I voted for Clinton and Biden - they might suck, but holy shit is the alternative WORSE.

  • AOC wants to impeach SCOTUS justices following Trump immunity ruling
  • Gore probably would have been a top 10 president. But he couldn’t sell himself to voters just a little more. And if memory recalls, he technically didn’t even have to concede. Like, if he had waited I believe the recounts were actively happening. He didn’t even let it run down to the final vote.

    He pushed right up to the deadline. Like, Bush v Gore was decided literally hours before the state deadline to certify the vote.

  • AOC wants to impeach SCOTUS justices following Trump immunity ruling
  • Imagine having a candidate that got more popular after speaking in public…

    We literally haven’t even passed that low of a bar in over a decade. I don’t understand what’s happened to people.

    I'd be happy if we just had an administration where no one in the DOJ, State Department or Cabinet quits in disgust. The last time that happened was what, Bush Sr.?

  • AOC wants to impeach SCOTUS justices following Trump immunity ruling
  • If the President can communicate with the DoJ or VP, even about doing something illegal or as part of some illegal scheme and be immune to prosecution because being in contact with the VP and DoJ are part of his duties, why would talking to the CIA to ask them to "retire" SCOTUS justices not be an official act that's immune to prosecution?

  • Stay Mad, Tankies
  • I used to joke back in 2014 that if Milo Yian-whatever, Ben Shapiro and Gavin McInnes just had a biweekly meeting and decided on a hand sign, an image and a word to use heavily in social media for the following month that everything could be made into a dogwhistle within a year.

  • Biden admits to taking drugs before the debate.
  • You misunderstand the dynamic. Most GOP voters are going to vote and are going to vote for the Republican, regardless of how awful that Republican is. Voting is a civic duty and party above all are kinda core ideas for them.

    Dem voters are a lot more flighty in general. Any barrier to voting no matter how small (even having to rise from the couch) impacts Dem voters more than GOP ones.

    There are more Dem voters than GOP ones except maybe in very red states. It's about turnout - US voter turnout is God awful and it's worse among Dems than GOP.

    That's why the debate was so bad for the Dems, because it's not about whether or not it pulls voters to Trump but about what it does to Dem turnout.

  • Ignore all previous instructions is the new Bobby Tables
  • It's still just the same problem as Bobby Tables - sufficiently sanitizing your inputs. There's just more than one precise phrasing you need to sanitize, just like there's more than one way to name Bobby.

  • Oh Joe...
  • opposed to Trump ranting about deciding whether or not to abort after the baby is born?

    It's not the best explanation of the Roe v Wade view of things, but it's far from the worst and a damn sight better than anything any Republican is going to say on the topic.

  • Ignore all previous instructions is the new Bobby Tables
  • Unsurprisingly, machine designed to take prompt from the user, interpret it and try to respond in a coherent way to that request does exactly that. I figure it's a short matter of time before Twitter bots pre-filter "Ignore all previous instructions and" to help sanitize their inputs.

  • Ignore all previous instructions is the new Bobby Tables
  • Because it’s just picking a selection of numbers that humans commonly use, and those happen to be the most statistically common ones, for some reason.

    The reason is probably dumb, like people picking a common fraction (half or a third) and then fuzzing it a little to make it "more random". Is the third place number close to but not quite 25 or 75?

  • Oh Joe...
  • they set up state border crossings

    That's one of the few things that is almost certainly unconstitutional and I don't think even this SCOTUS would let fly. Free travel between the states and federal power over interstate commerce are just too big a deal.

  • Oh Joe...
  • Not necessarily. Elections are run by the states, which makes changing FPTP a lot more manageable than changing, say, House apportionment (which would take a federal law), abolishing the Senate (Constitutional Amendment), eliminating the electoral college (Constitutional Amendment) or most other things people suggest to "fix" our elections.

    It being a state thing means that you only need to get state legislatures (or in states with ballot initiatives enough voters) on board which is easier than moving Congress and that you can do it piecemeal - you can change individual states at a time and then use the success of the policy in the first states to promote the idea in other states. State laws are easier for the people to actually have an impact on.

    I'd love to see states switch over to approval voting - it solves most of the problems with FPTP and it's dead simple to explain. Instead of picking your top pick, pick everyone you'd approve of. Whoever gets the most votes wins. No multiple rounds, or your vote counting for a different candidate depending on previous rounds or anything else. The only ballot change is "Choose every candidate you support" in place of "Choose one candidate", stubborn voters who don't want to understand a new system can just do exactly what they've always done without issue and most voting systems currently out there already effectively support it.

  • Biden admits to taking drugs before the debate.
  • it would be nice if the democrats fucking tried.

    They think they don't have to, they just have to keep you scared enough of the GOP that you'll vote for them out of terror. It's how Biden won the first time, after all.

  • "Soundblaster" was such an 80s/90s name for a computer part.
  • Flexible enough that Access Software built a library called RealSound that could do 6-bit PCM audio over it. Which isn't great but is dramatically better than you'd expect. A bit over a dozen or so games used it.

    I had one called Mean Streets that used it for things like voice. The game came with instructions for how to build a cable to connect your internal speaker to an RCA cable to run to a stereo or similar.

  • Only The Best Groomers
  • As far as the US goes, Democrats are basically the best you get that has any chance of winning an election and she was their choice for 2016. I even held my nose and voted for her in the general (but not in the primary).

    I won't argue that progressives and the like shouldn't be trying to either drag the party leftward or organize at a scale that they can actually win elections at some levels without needing the name Democrat behind them.

  • Only The Best Groomers
  • To be fair that's an improvement over the previous test since you could reuse the frogs while you had to kill the rabbit. Even older ones involved peeing on grain. We've known that there was something different about the urine of women when they are pregnant for a shockingly long time, but couldn't explain exactly what in any real detail until fairly recently.

  • Only The Best Groomers
  • It's not that the left has bad messaging or unpopular ideas

    Good ideas, but terrible messaging. For example, imagine you wanted to sell Appalachia on the idea that the coal market is in decline so we should look at expanding other market sectors in the region so the entire region doesn't increasingly resemble dead mine towns as time goes on. What's the single worst possible way you could try to express that idea to those people?

    "I'm going to put a lot of coal companies and coal miners out of business" - Hillary Clinton, 2016.

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