Sha sha!
27 0 Reply"Master Yoda, please tell me again why are giving the younglings bags of sands?"
"Powerful weapon against the dark side, sand is."
17 0 Reply15 0 ReplyDoes anybody here play WarFrame? It makes me laugh way more than it should that one of Inaros’ abilities is straight up pocket sand 😆
8 0 ReplyThat actually sounds terrible
8 0 ReplyStar Wars: The Phantom Gribble
(And yeah, I know this is ROTS. Phantom Gribble just sounds funnier in my head.)
6 0 ReplyI cast my vote for The Phantom Gribble too.
2 0 Reply
Kid just had that in his pocket? This was planned long before Anakin decided to have involuntary postnatal abortions, no wonder he decided to take a short leave from the jedi order.
5 0 ReplyAlways carry pocket sand
7 0 ReplyIt gets everywhere
2 0 ReplyJedi can see the future.
1 0 Reply
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