The 5th circuit includes Louisiana, Texas, and Mississippi so they can go fuck themselves. You think I'll live by the opinion of some backwater states? Only a corrupt supreme court would uphold this ruling-ohhh fuckity fuck fuck!
If y'all don't like it, encourage your friends in Texas to fucking vote. This kangaroo court gets to be the reliable Conservative rubber stamp it is, because they're appointed by whatever president is in power when vacancies become available.
Biden was able to appoint two, and Obama appointed two, Clinton one. Bush Jr. appointed four, Reagan appointed two, and Trump appointed fucking six, which explains why they constantly capitulate to big business.
You do realize that federal judges crib notes from judges in other jurisdictions, right? As in, while this ruling probably doesn't directly effect you, if there's a similar case in your jurisdiction, they'll look at this decision and probably side with it if the facts of the case are similar enough.
I don't think you want that. That will cause every ISP to block VPN and torrent traffic out of fear because essentially this will be "law" being established if they get their hands on it
A company "accusing" someone of piracy isn't proof. Access to the internet is almost essential these days. If you can prove a person is pirating prosecute them under the law with fines or even incarceration if warranted. But stripping internet access from someone shouldn't be seen as an acceptable punishment for a free citizen anyway.
Whoever owns the network attached to the IP address also shouldn't be responsible for actions of every user. Let's ban an entire company, college, or government institution from the internet because an IP showed up on a list... dumb ruling.
And while we're at it, let's cut the wind off at their property as well, so they can't generate any local wind power!
And definitely take away their fruits and zinc and copper, so they can't build their own massive multi-lemon batteries, which they will otherwise rapidly upscale by growing even more lemons, using the same array of lemon-powered LEDs that also grew that weed, all in an infinite loop of lemon kush! We really can't let that happen.
Or they received a USB cable, which they later used to transfer pirated files, in an envelope... Remove their mailbox! (Or force every postal service person to ignore it...)
The 5th Circuit remanded the case to the district court for a new trial on damages. Record labels can expect a lower payout because the appeals court said they can't obtain separate damages awards for multiple songs on the same album.