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Why do I puke more than once when I've been drunk?
  • Do you also get flushed in the face? Seems like some kind of alcohol intolerance. Theres a gene thats common in east asians that can cause this. A vietnamese friend of mine has a similar reaction when he drinks.

  • How do you see yourself in your imagination?
  • On an existential level, a cosmic blip of conciousness inhabiting a stinky primate. Totally insignificant on the grand scale, but also my own personal god. Ultimately, my experience begins and ends with me, so who else but myself should I seek to please? Dont get me wrong, I'm not a sociopath, one of my many joys in life (for which I feel incredibly fortunate) is being kind and loving to my friends and family, helping others to succeed in their goals and being a positive influence in general.

    I also beleive us to be in a deterministic universe, so you might call one a "perfect version" of themselves, in that they are exactly where they always would have been.

  • Full Lives
  • Ive not taken the time to verify any of the information in this post, but lets assume for the moment that good science has been done and these claims are legit. Lets also take consider other similar research that has been done in the arena of plant and animal "awareness". Are we approaching a point in the scientific community where some level of awareness ahould be assumed for creatures beyond ourselves? It seems that every time we look close enough at a product of nature (fungus, plants, etc) we discover some new element of what we would call "awareness". Hell, I've even seen claims that certain plants can be anesthetized, with drugs that work on humans no less.

    Say that we discovered life as we know it on another planet, and what that would do to our perception of "life" throughout the universe. Once could be a fluke, twice could be a coincidence, but given the scale of our universe if we were to find any life, in our own galaxy especially, it would drastically change our perception of the rarity of life.

    Now, consider that we have primate relatives who show many of the some properties of awareness that we do, and the pile of other research pointing to varying levels of "awareness" for virtually everything we look at, including creatures such as planta and fungi. How this hasn't led to a general acceptance that every "living" thing likely has a subjective experience is a bit beyond me, but I also am not a trained scientist, so maybe someone here can shed some light.

  • [Monthly thread] What have you been watching? June 2024
  • Mars Express - Really enjoyed this one. Like Scavengars Reign and Blade Runner had a baby.

    Manjummel Boys - Almost lost me with some corny intro stuff, but it picked up quickly after that and turned out really enjoyable.

    Boy Kills World - I read "action movie fever dream" in the description and went for it. Story is a bit flat (it was based on a short film, so whatever) but the fights were pretty awesome, with equally awesome cringe-worthy gore (if you're into that)

    Civil War - I really appreciated the level of ambiguity in the movie, as it forced me to focus on the experience of the people in the story. Ultimately it doesnt really matter who the bad guys are, war is hell.

  • Advice for moving my files (or if I should even bother)

    Hey Folks, I have a bit of a conundrum that I'm hoping the hive mind can assist with.

    I am in the process of learning docker to prep for my migration to Linux, but I have some questions about my filesystem structure. Currently my media files of all types live on a single file-based iSCSI LUN hosted on a QNAP which I connect to from a Windows machine. In my research to see if this would be consistent with best practice, I came to the conclusion that I should create independent NFS shares that the docker containers would connect to individually, rather than serving the files to the containers through the host and it's iSCSI connection.

    This leads to my problem.

    I can't seem to find any way to directly copy data from the LUN to one of my newly created NFS shares. With the volume of data I'll need to copy I'm trying to avoid as much overhead as possible, and using my Windows machine to connect to the new NFS share, then transferring the files from the iSCSI share, would be ludicrously inefficient.

    As I'm able to SSH into my NAS, my first thought was to try and mount the iSCSI file locally and rsync the contents directly to the NFS share. After finding the home of the iSCSI file in the NAS filesystem, I discovered that it is not stored as a single, mountable file, but broken up into 1TB chunks. This leaves me unable to mount it, even in part, as each of the files lack an identifiable filesystem. Further, this is my largest partition, and so I don't (currently) have the space to attempt to concatenate the files into a single file (assuming that would even work, no idea).

    After giving up on this approach, I decided to try and log into it's own external iSCSI target (from the NAS), then mount the LUN as I would from an external client. I thought I might be in the clear, as the login was successful, and both iscsiadm and the NAS GUI showed the active session to itself. But no matter where I looked I could see no evidence of a newly available partition, only those that were there from before I connected to the iSCSI target.

    At this point the next step seems to be shrinking the partition and trying to concatenate the iSCSI files as I mentioned earlier. I have the space to play with, but I'll need to convert the volume to thin-provisioned, then shrink the volume, which would likely take foreverrrrrrr. But really, even this option sucks, because I'd prefer to avoid jeopardizing my primary storage volume in changing the provisioning style.

    So anyway, after banging my head on it for the last few hours, I decided to step away and do some "rubber ducky debugging" with you guys.

    So here are my questions: Is migrating to NFS worth the effort? Would the file concatenation method even work? COULD the loopback iSCSI method work if I do something differently? Any other tricks, or maybe something in the QNAP App Marketplace?

    Any assistance welcome, thanks for reading!

    If you owned a magic library people donated to in order to preserve media for eternity but which was going through overpopulation, what criteria would you use to decide which media survived/discarded?
  • When i think about the "purpose" of a library, I think of it as a place where people can go to learn and be entertained free of charge. If a particular book doesn't teach anything valuable, nor is it entertaining, I can't think of any reason why a library should waste its space on it. Thats not to say knowledge shouldnt be saved for future generations, but thats what an archive is for.

  • "Maybe This is Too Cool" - After years of layoffs and pay/resource freezes, Amazon execs treat themselves to a private Foo Fighters concert worth millions
  • Oh, I do the same for other things and didnt mean to imply you should do anything differently, everyone has their "line". I'm just saying maybe you dont have to throw out the baby with the bathwater. The Foo Fighters, particularly Dave Grohl, are some of the more humanitarian artists out there. Dave himself routinely puts on BBQs to feed the homeless. So considering your comment about actions having consequences, they've earned a little bit of wiggle room in my eyes.

    But regardless, I respect ypur opinion and enjoy your weekend!

  • "Maybe This is Too Cool" - After years of layoffs and pay/resource freezes, Amazon execs treat themselves to a private Foo Fighters concert worth millions
  • Obviously it's entirely your prerogative what artists to support, but I'm having a hard time understanding how the Fighters of the Foo accepting money from rich douches changes how you feel about them. Now, if they took an Amazon record deal and wrote a bunch of garbage jingles or something, then yeah, id bail on em too. But in this case, I don't hink theyve done anything they havent done 1000x before; Played on a stage for a few hours, shook some hands, took some photos, and went home with some extra zeroes in their bank account.

  • Rishi Sunak announcing national service plans
  • I know they havent said what the punishments would be for non-compliance (Fines? Witholding of public services?), but without jail time attached to it, that just tells me the rich folks are gonna pay their way out (as usual), and those without the means are stuck getting totally-not-drafted.

  • "Maybe This is Too Cool" - After years of layoffs and pay/resource freezes, Amazon execs treat themselves to a private Foo Fighters concert worth millions
  • What harm are they doing though? They're being paid to do a private concert, not donating to their super PAC. It goes without saying that lavish spending on executives when people are being laid off is super gross, but at the end of the day I dont think the band did anything worth being chastised for.

  • Veritasium's new video on Jumping Spiders is having its sponsor Better Help on blast in the top comments. Should we hold content creators to account?
  • I've been using Ground News for the last six months or so and quite like it. It does seem like you may have a misunderstanding of how it works though. Ground News is not, in itself, a "news outlet", nor does it generate articles, its an aggregator. When viewing a story there is an AI generated summary of all of the articles related to that story, but its generally no more than 3-5 bullet points, and certainly not enough information to form an opinion (nor is it intended to be). The user should read several of the articles and form their own opinion based on that. Further, their bias and factuality gauges use data thats averaged from external organizations, so again, not generated by Ground News itself. They lay it out here:

  • [COMIC] Any comic book fans in here? American Vampire is a great one! American Vampire Series by Scott Snyder

    Collected editions of the comic book series created by Scott Snyder and Rafael Albuquerque, originally published in single magazine form as American V...

    Didn't see any posts about it in here yet so thought I'd share!

    Looking for advice in switching my Plex/*darr/etc from Windows to Linux?

    I've been considering a switch to Linux for my main rig, which also runs my Plex and associated services. Does anyone have any advice for me regarding distro, tool compatibility, similar tools to consider while switching, gotcha moments, losses in key functionality, etc. Any advice appreciated!

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