United Tribes of America
The gut reaction to to laugh at the way he voted and tell him hey gets what he deserves.
He made a great follow up video on why that attitude is pushing people like him away.
It’s worth a watch. I’ll link it here.
He’s also actively trying to engage in a substantial political conversation and may be interested in changing his vote in the next cycle.
EDIT: In many ways, this community is appropriate for all the people in it.
We talk down to anyone who doesn’t vote like us, we laugh at them, and hope for their suffering. No wonder all those people hate us and want to vote against the left out of spite. Seems like we did it to ourselves as much as they did it to us.
Also, it’s funny for all the people who make fun of this guy for not doing research, but 90% didn’t actually watch any of his video, especially not the one I shared.
Pennies should go away, but this isn’t the way to do it. Canada’s process was well thought out with lots of guidance and direction.
This is dumb and will cause lots of confusion.
Yeah I saw that it was more about fingerprinting and tracking, but that it was also sold used and sold AI training.
Also thanks, I didn’t realize Waymo was a part of Google.
I just got your post two days later. I am an idiot.
Yeah you’re probably right, but Google doesn’t have a self driving car right? I guess they are just selling it the data.
I knew it was training LLMs. I had a just had a feeling that it was, not any specific evidence. I hate being right all the time. -_-
I don’t know if their age is relevant or not.i keep Going back and forth on this.
I tend to side with you on this, but part of me remembers that the brain isn’t fully formed until you’re around 25.
So it would be relevant if the guy was 7 in the same way it’s somewhat relevant that he is 23.
I went to an LCMS church as a kid, it felt like one step down from Catholicism.
For those who don’t know, there are two main branches of the Lutheran Church in the US.
Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (known as LCMS)
- More Conservative views
- Doctrine first mentality, believes Bible is without error
- No Same Sex Marriage
- No ordained women
- Young Earth Creationism
- Traditional Worship
Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (known as ELCA)
More Liberal views
Doesn’t believe scripture is 100% accurate , especially when it comes to history and science
Does allow for same sex marriage
Allows women and LGBT+ to be ordained
Does not fully endorse creationism
Contemporary Worship
Also, I believe Tim Walz is a member of an ELCA church.
Didn’t Elon Musk and Michael Flynn just post about how they will stop processing payments to a Lutheran organization?
Let’s start there.
Before I see all comments laughing at a red state, I just want to point out that this is happening primarily in KS’s most blue counties.
Sharice Davids represents this district in the US House of Representatives She replaced Republican Kevin Yoder in 2018.
This isn’t just hurting those “dumb fuck red voters”. This is happening in blue Kansas City counties.
Thats a great point. I use the Steam Link app with an Xbox controller all the time.
I’ve been looking into that recently. I want to set up my own homelab server (or at least a NAS).
That’s true! But I don’t think Trump or Elon understand that. They find it offensive.
I will check it out! Thanks! I hadn’t heard of this before.
At this point, I’m hoping Canada will annex us.
This is the way. Elon Musk loves to lie about his IQ and pretend he’s smarter than he is. Trump’s favorite insult is ‘low IQ’. Find something that digs into their skin and make them throw a tantrum.
I got sick of all the ads on Google TV/ChromeCast and Fire TV. Not to mention the shitty layouts that get worse and worse every year.
I got an Apple TV box and it has been fantastic. I still see some Apple TV ads when turn it on? But they are much less annoying and contained to one play. Not mixed in with the app I’m trying to open.
Once, I saw bunnies doing this in my front yard. I love it.
I have a couple of Dalmatians. We do a ton of walking and playing in the backyard.
I feel bad for them this week. I know they are going stir crazy after getting a foot of snow. We don’t mind playing in the snow, but the temperature has been bitterly cold.
How do you exercise your high energy dogs when stuck at home?

The big brain am winning again! I am the greetest! Now, I am leaving Earth for no raisin.
EDIT: After reading your replies, it occurred to me that too much of my everyday speech is made up of lines from the show. Maybe that’s why everyone thinks I’m weird.
The rest of aren’t normal, and that’s what makes us great! … So, Leela, don’t want to be like us? Or do you want to be like Adlai, with no severe mental or social problems whatsoever?
Second EDIT: I didn’t expect so many responses, but I’ve just been reading them all and giggling to myself. Thank you everyone I really needed this. Keep em coming!

Please go support !thesimpsons@lemmy.world because I stole the idea for this game from them.