They are absolutely 100% imitations copied from an original. Just because the imitation is good or even perfect, doesn't make it any less an imitation or knockoff.
There are also knockoffs of Louis Vuitton products that are hard to identify even by experts. Louis Vuitton products are often not that expensive to make, so a knockoff can easily be cheaper, and have similar quality.
But disregarding how close it comes, even if it's identical it's still a knockoff, and it will always be considered "cheap" because it's not an original product.
I find it strange that the perception is that these medicine copies are not knockoffs because they are well made??? Because in medicine that’s very common, is widely sold as cheaper alternatives, and generally has the exact same effect as the original. And it's perfectly legitimate once the patents expire.
Generics are literally a fact of life over here (UK) and the fact that Americans are going insane over them is wild to me. The NHS will prescribe generics as standard because they're cheaper to supply and they're literally the same drug.
My mother has a whole goody-bag of medication and there's not a single brand name to be seen. They've kept her going for >10 years.
The problem is that large drug companies abuse our patent systems to keep their drugs exclusive for longer than should be allowed.
Look at EPI pens. The drug is just Adrenaline, you can get a vial of that anywhere as long as you have a prescription. But the EPI pen mechanism itself is patented. So no other manufacturer can sell an easy to use, pre measured dose of Adrenaline without violating the patent. That’s why EPI pens cost hundreds of dollars instead of the 20 bucks they probably actually cost to produce. And you need that mechanism, because no one with a throat that’s closing is going to be able to calmly pull out and ampule or vial, measure the right dose into a syringe, and get it into their system before they pass out from anaphylaxis.
New drugs get a period of time where the company that developed it has exclusive manufacturing rights. The idea is that if anyone can start making the drug immediately, there's not a good reason for companies to spend money to develop new drugs. However if demand for a drug is greater than the ability of the creating company to produce the drug, other companies are allowed to temporarily step in and make up the difference.
Of course they are, that's what it means, it's copied from the original.
There are also fakes that do not contain real medicine, those are not knockoffs, because they do NOT copy the medicine, only the packaging. The knockoffs are not decidedly fake because they actually work.
The shortage isn't necessarily over, and an obvious downside is drug prices / abuse from the manufacturer
This mostly affects larger pharmacies that can do compounding (ex. CVS, Walmart) since smaller independent pharmacies usually don't have the means to do it. However, the specifics will vary depending on where you are.
A more reasonable concern is that the compounded drugs don't go through the same quality control. So while they should act the same and be safe, it's possible that some pharmacy company (see above) is cutting corners for profit.
My thoughts:
the US has a drug price problem
it's possible to get safe and quality controlled pharmaceuticals without restricting it to one company, especially if that company can't handle the demand
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