If I could meet any historical figure, it'd be Ronald Reagan just to kick his fucking teeth in for as long as possible. Just break a bone for every queer he let die to AIDS until he doesn't have any left. Dude was an absolute monster, and anyone who still hero-worships his lying miserable ass isn't worth talking to.
I know our response to COVID was awful, but people don't realize how many people AIDS killed while the government sat on their thumbs. It was millions, plural.
In the UK, when Thatcher (who was their version of Reagan) died, the lyrics "Ding, dong, the witch is dead" from the Wizard Of Oz suddenly became very popular.
Don't worry, I hold plenty of hate in my heart for that Bitch too, but since I'm a few generations removed from the isle it doesn't hit as close to home. I'd certainly let any Irishman take a hit at her before myself.
If I could wave my hand and undo the victory of any President in my lifetime, it would not be Trump, it would be Reagan. Trump is a big, dumb, annoying animal, but never had any interest in effective legislating. Reagan, or at least the Reagan administration, took our country apart piece by piece to sell off, and converted/convinced their former opposition party to stop taking the paltry union bribes, join them in taking the massive corporate bribes, and made the best we can elect today to be feckless, hail corporate neoliberals. Since Reagan, we only get a vote on how to manage the social issue symptoms of our crony market capitalist economy, never the form or priorities of the economy itself as members of a free society would be able to.
Trump is just another symptom of the Reagan giveaway to the rich and brainwashing of the gullible poor. He is a baffoon that stole the entrenched Reagan grift out from under the Republican establishment that only used racism to lead their idiot base around by the nose by turning up the volume and throwing away the dog whistles.
IMHO, Reagan killed any hope for the US in its current form under its current constitution by giving capital holders all the power, Trump is just another bacterial colony outgrowth from its well looted corpse, just like Citizens United.
A DNC congressional majority passed every shitty thing he did except the Iran Contra stuff. There's a great classic SNL from the late 80's where Al Franken talks on Weekend Update about how it used to be someone who got old and rich like him would have to become a republican, but thanks to the DNC becoming a neoliberal anti-tax party, he doesn't need to swap parties.
What sucks is that these iconic 80s slasher villains represented a societal backlash against the hippie boomers of the 60s and 70s as many boomers started feeling embarrassed over their free love phase and the changes of society. So the whole theme was that society was punishing early Gen Xers and late baby boomers for being sexually active.