Yup. The first one I remember is a concert where I went to see the opener and didn't much care for the main act. While I was on the floor during the opening act, I was next to a girl who seemed similarly enthused about that band. We definitely both noticed each other fangirling over this relatively unknown opening act. Then, afterward, I bumped into her on the balcony while the main act was playing, and she's like "these guys kinda suck right? I think I'm gonna head out and get a drink at $nearby_bar". And I totally missed the hint.
When I was 19, a girl told me at a party that I was the coolest guy in school. I was just flattered by the compliment and when I told my girlfriend about it later she said "Yeah she was totally hitting on you".
I was like "Nah! Her? No way!"
Years later, I randomly thought about it and went "oh my god, she was hitting on me!"
This is not direct at all though. Direct is "my shift is almost done, do you want to hang out later?". Being direct means you do actually have to include saying what you want.
That is 100% me. I've had many friends tell me someone was into me but I'm usually oblivious. I never want anyone to feel awkward or intruded upon and basically never act on such opportunities. I would love to, but my mind is usually partitioned off on a half dozen other projects, and at least one big rabbit hole of a curiosity. I have the capacity to shift my attention, but it takes someone being quite forward or otherwise remarkable in ways beyond a casual encounter or simple looks to capture my attention in a way where I might take spontaneous initiative. Basically, every girl I encounter is like my sister on a platonic level unless I have a clear indication otherwise. All my long term relationships are from social encounters with friends of friends where over time I could tell there was clear chemistry. Just saying, if you're a girl, being direct and forward is quite effective with some of us, especially the more quiet types.
Here, I'll make a lot of you oblivious folk feel better about yourselves. I've been propositioned at a house sex party and I was still completely oblivious.
I went skinny dipping with a coworker after work. The thought never crossed my mind. I thought we were just doing dumb stuff. Ten years later is when I realized that I am stupid.
A friend once invited me to go watch a movie with her and a couple friends. When I arrived she told me that the others couldn't make it and she offered me a cocktail. I accepted, watched the movie (on opposite ends of the sofa) and went home. A couple months later I found out that the others were never invited.
I remember I was walking through a mall carrying a gift bag full of chocolates for my mom. It was one of those places that gives out those special types of gift bags so it was pretty obvious what I was carrying. I passed by one of those kiosks that sell phone cases and I heard the girl running the place call out to me. I politely waved at her and said "No, thank you." And walked away. After I got out of the mall I realized the girl said "Oh, are those for me? You're so nice!"
The rent on those mall kiosks is insane, like ten to twenty grand a month (at least it used to be that, back when people actually went to malls). So anybody working them is going to be under intense pressure to sell shit.
I used to try to politely decline, now I just wave and say I'm not interested. If they try to change the script, "I'm not selling anything," I just repeat myself and they get the hint. I used to feel bad, but then I realized it saves them and me some time, so I'm probably doing them a favor.
That's a keen observation (whether true or not). It took me a long time to realize I wasn't "hard-of-hearing"... I just couldn't always figure out what was being said (literally having difficulty processing it). So I enjoy subtitles, to say the least
Reading through the comments here makes one thing apparent again: clear and direct communication about one's intentions can solve all of these misunderstandings. Being upfront will avoid that unnecessary "are they into me or not" over-analasys or missing such more or less subtle hints at all.
If you're interested in someone, go for them! Tell them about your interest. It benefits you both. They'll know, which can help in case they're interested as well, and you'll know what to expect whether they're interested or not. This can also save you a lot of time, heart- and headache.
I was at a bar (with a partner at the time, who was on the dance floor) and a girl came up to me and started a conversation about her college classes and her puppetry. I though it was cool! We had a good conversation and the girl's sister eventually pulled her away. My then partner came up and told me she was totally interested. I was like "Her? Nah, we were just talking about some cool hobby stuff!" She was totally into me apparently.
Note: My partner was not upset, she was a very sexually progressive person and even suggested I get her number. I'm a one person kinda lad though.