I'd like to be exactly this high, please
Those are coming too. Not knowing what you're going to find is part of the fun.
That doesn't narrow it down as much as you'd think
The image was like this when I saved it. I'm not going to take the time to censor bad words.
I remember removing that post after someone reported it, but it wasn't a judgement of you, OP.
Most of us get that Anon uses bad language and that reading it isn't the same as agreeing with it, but I thought seeing an uncensored N word was going to be over the line for this group.
This might actually work for him
Anon is a fucking hero
This Anon is off their meds. I can't begin to parse some of this.
Greentexts giveth and taketh away
Frankly all of 4chan should.
But then our supply chain of clinically insane greentexts would fail.
Resident Evil:
Numerous non-residents are evil too
Sometimes Anon says or does something so ridiculous that we just have to respond to it out of sheer frustration or disbelief.
Anon is out of control