There was a article years ago. A young woman started getting Target coupons for diapers and baby formula. A few weeks later she found out she was pregnant. She had been using her loyalty card to make purchases and had bought unscented hand cream and some other low perfume things that apparently are usually purchased by people who are expecting as their sense of smell becomes heightened and the sents become overwhelming.
Honestly I'd like to see a ban on targeted pharmaceutical advertisement. Prescription medication should be between you and your doctor.
And then what they found was that to be more effective was to mix up the suggestions for late term pregnancy / early childhood products with basically random nonsense...
... because if its too obvious that they are highly statistically confident that they know things about you that they shouldn't, people get weirded out and are less likely to buy something so specifically targeted at them.
They know an insane amount, and they do not want you to know that they know that much.
Are we sure we can call that targeted pharmaceutical advertisement? It sounds like it could just be the algorithm accidentally discovering a correlation between expecting mothers and preference for unscented hand creams and such.
Unless Amazon did specifically program that in, I think these accidental correlation is not something you can control before it happens and trying to regulate them would be a waste of time and resources.
The other things were like a large purse/tote bag and a rug, so yeah it was kinda random (so it seems) but apparently the evidence is pretty solid in that case.
The republicans would love this technology but they're to busy trying to figure out how to turn on their TV. What's the wire thing in the back of it supposed to do? What about the little black brick with letters on it? It doesn't even say anything useful like WTF is 123? 456? 789? I get it seven ate nine! It gets this one, its funny 🤣! Anyway it will take some time before the republicans could make use of tech like that.... unless evil people help them.
Before I even knew I had gonorrhea, Alexa was recommending me penicillin. She also recommended I stay away from the local brothels. And to lay off the whiskey. Also, Alexa is my doctor.
It's funny how in this country, the public rhetoric is inundated with people decrying this type of behavior from governments as "big brother" and 1984, but as soon as you slap an inc on the back and make it Big Brother, Inc everyone's completely fine with it.
They (basically any large online retailer or advertiser) are, in fact, listening to everything you say near your phone, near your alexa, your echo, your smart device.
Linking heard words and phrases with your known shopping activity + a gigantic dataset + statistical analysis = they can predict all kinds of things about you, with shockingly high accuracy, and thus aim products at you.
You know how archaeologists and detectives can make a decent profile of a person or group's daily lifestyle by analyzing your garbage?
Welcome to the cyberpunk dystopia version of that.
Both links are paywalled, but if I’m remembering correctly, that company (CMG) eventually had to correct their claim that phones were actively listening to everything you say. It was an overzealous marketing guy trying to oversell. They admitted in the end that they use the same info that data brokers have on you based on data gathered from your browsing and other activity, not from actively listening to you.
Siri for example is designed in a way where it “listens” for your voice to call it, but that mechanism is completely separate from the actual Siri that connects to the internet to understand you.
Besides the fact that present-day battery technology makes this impossible, modern smartphones display a very obvious indicator when apps are using the microphone.
Hotword detection notwithstanding, as that happens at the hardware level.
I think it depends on the individual. The ones I get are definitely crappy (and occasionally hilarious, like the time it was trying to sell me a copy of Latin for Gardeners.)
When I switched to Amazon pharmacy all I had to do was give them my name and birthday they were instantly able to find my insurance provider all of my active meds at my current pharmacy and order refill and switch pharmacy to Amazon all within 5 or 6 clicks. You can assume they already had this info from one way or another and the me clicking permissions was theater
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