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If you ever worked shifts and transitioned to a 9 to 5 job, how difficult was the change?
  • A co-worker of mine was in the later stages of a difficult pregnancy. We worked 9/80’s and had every other Friday off. A manager was upset because she was having to take so much time off from work to go to doctor’s appointments.

    He didn’t understand why she just couldn’t go on off Fridays.

    Her doctor did surgery on Fridays, not “regular” appointments. So yes, you’re 100% correct.

  • Religious leader wants to display Indian scriptures in Louisiana public classrooms
  • Relevant, 2014 (ACLU):

    Buddhist Student, Religious Liberty Prevail In Louisiana

    Imagine if your child was ridiculed in front of his classmates for his religious beliefs until he was physically ill. Can’t believe it? Neither could we, and that’s why the ACLU and the ACLU of Louisiana sued the Sabine Parish School District on behalf of C.C., a sixth-grader of Thai descent and a practicing Buddhist. You remember C.C.: He was chastised by teachers and administrators at his Louisiana public school for his religious beliefs. School officials also repeatedly, and illegally, imposed their religious beliefs on students in a number of ways.

    Today, C.C. and his family won. A federal district court entered an order requiring the school district to refrain from unconstitutionally promoting or denigrating religion. The court’s order also mandates in-service training for school staff regarding their obligations under the First Amendment.

    When we filed the lawsuit, many people were shocked by the allegations. In addition to denigrating C.C.’s Buddhist faith by calling it “stupid,” school officials suggested he should transfer to another school with “more Asians.” They also taught creationism in science class, incorporated prayer into class and nearly every school event, hung a portrait of Jesus over the main entryway, and participated in a number of other activities that blatantly violated the separation of church and state.

    The court’s order, which took the form of a “consent decree” agreed to by the school board, ensures that these unlawful practices will be discontinued in Sabine Parish and brings the case to a close. We applaud the board for doing right by C.C., his siblings, and all district students.

    Unfortunately, however, not everyone has reacted to the lawsuit with the same measured consideration as the school board. While C.C. and his family have received much support from the community (including from some local congregations) and from across the country, they also have been harassed via crank calls to their house and work. And last month, C.C.’s mother Sharon was accosted while doing yard work: Three people wearing KKK-type white hoods drove by her and shouted, “You fucking nigger Asian-loving bitch.”

    These incidents further highlight why it is so important that public schools throughout Louisiana, many of which continue to flout the law in this area, rethink their approach to religious liberty.

    Had Sabine Parish proactively sought to comply with the Constitution in the first place, the Lanes would not have been forced to expose their family to such vitriol, harassment, and intimidation simply to assert their fundamental rights. We hope their experience and the consent decree will serve as important tools to educate Louisiana’s educators – public school officials – about real religious liberty.

    Real religious liberty includes not only the right to express and practice your faith in school, which the consent decree protects, but also the right to be free from the religious coercion and alienation that occurs when a teacher or other school official tries to impose his or her beliefs during class or school events. Real religious liberty means that every child, regardless of faith, should feel welcome in our public schools.

  • Why do some Americans get angry at other people for not speaking English?
  • A different perspective - my grandparents grew up speaking French. Then the state passed a law saying only English in schools when they were young children. They would get hit on the hands with rulers for speaking French.

    This was of course passed down to my parents and myself. But my mom still bitches about kids where I currently live being in school and unable to speak English because they’re new immigrants.

    She doesn’t see the hypocrisy and it’s sad.

  • How some of us found out...
  • My dad and I used to stay up until 4 am making coffee in the garage so that my mom wouldn’t smell it and wake up before work (Dad was disabled and not working at this point).

    I think this started when I was ~ 10 and out of school and I was able to sleep fine. I also now know which parent I got this from, haha

  • What goes up must… stay there?
  • They’ve also put a lot of things “up” that allow us to study climate change and know more about it as opposed to being caught off guard every time something happens and having no idea how people specifically are affecting the climate in different ways.

    Fantastic site.

  • Oklahoma public schools leader orders schools to incorporate Bible instruction
  • One thing about this that could get interesting is when the school leaders are different versions of the Christian/Catholic faith. Which Bible do you use? Which lessons do you incorporate? What about the trinity? Mary? The saints?

    It would be fun to watch, ngl

  • Marjorie Taylor Greene rages at "scary" drag queens lobbying Congress & demands "protection"
  • When I was younger and going to clubs, one club in particular always had drag queens just hanging out in the women’s restroom doing their makeup, talking, whatever, because it had a long mirror/makeup area.

    They’d use the bathroom and we would share makeup tips and they were just so funny and having the best time and everyone loved them.

    No one felt threatened ffs

  • The Acolyte - re:View
  • Man it’s hard being a fan who genuinely dislikes a good amount of the Disney stuff for reasons other than “mouse worked my show, woke bad!”

    The ST was an unplanned, nonsensical mess which there is no excuse for given the experienced directors, money thrown at it, and IP that landed in their laps.

    Rebels was good, Resistance was a hot mess.

    Rogue One was great, still watch it on a regular basis with the OT/PT

    Solo was meh.

    First 2 seasons of Mando were great.

    Mando season 3 sucked.

    BOBF sucked.

    Kenobi sucked but seeing Alderaan was cool.

    Andor was fucking amazeballs.

    Ahsoka was ok.

    Acolyte has just been really boring so far until Ep 5, which brought some good action and story. The writing and acting still need work though.

    I don’t know what the answer is. A lot of the stories are good but they just aren’t executed very well. With Kenobi it was also the quality of the effects…like it wasn’t finished completely in post-production. I hope Ahsoka season 2 is better, and I hope they make things that you don’t have to have read 20 years of Legends to follow (even though they’re great and should be read).

    I wanna hope that things will pick up, but it’s been 10 years and idk how long they can keep just being “ok” considering the IP, the tech, the money, and the experience behind the scenes that goes into all of it.

  • Firestorm erupts over requiring women to sign up for military draft
  • I don’t disagree that war is a horrendous fact of life, but survival is not at stake in all wars and we’ve shown that it will be used unnecessarily and disproportionately against the poor and other disadvantaged groups.

    It’s sometimes even used as an alternative to prison, which doesn’t really “help” your cause. If the people doing the fighting don’t want to be there, and aren’t wanted there, that could ultimately do more harm than good and work against the point of the draft altogether.

    Then after the war, the drafted troops who return will have PTSD and other health problems being stuffed into a healthcare system that isn’t properly funded and will already be strained. And then there are the ones who never return, putting additional burdens on families who have to figure out where to go from there.

    I think the point could be argued that it’s used as a short term fix that ultimately creates more problems than it solves and it’s used without thinking of the long term repercussions. It’s also not used responsibly (I know that’s subjective) so it just becomes a card to play when someone has a vendetta that’s not going well and the sunk cost fallacy becomes the ultimate justification.

  • New York Times gift articles PrincessLeiasCat What Makes Tiny Tardigrades Nearly Radiation Proof

    New research finds that the microscopic “water bears" are remarkably good at repairing their DNA after a huge blast of radiation.

    What Makes Tiny Tardigrades Nearly Radiation Proof
    iPhone 15 Pro keeps randomly dropping wifi

    I upgraded from a 13 Pro to a 15 Pro. So far the only internet I’ve connected to since I got the phone is at home, but with 2 different networks (one is 5g but otherwise same router and everything).

    I never updated the 13 Pro to iOS 17 because I knew I would be upgrading soon, but I never had this issue with any former phone and have been on this same internet setup since 2016.

    I have an iPad Mini 6 that I did update to iOS 17, and it’s fine.

    I’ve tried resetting network settings, turning off Wi-Fi assist, turning off networking and wireless in location services-> system services (saw that as a potential fix), and restarting multiple times, but it still randomly drops my WiFi signal on both home networks.

    Everything else wrt network/connection on my previous phone is the same - VPN setup, etc.

    My SO has a 14 pro & did update to 17 and does not have this problem.

    Does anyone have any ideas? I’ve searched for answers and I see that this has been an issue off and on for the past few years, but one of the fixes I mentioned above usually seems to help I guess because I haven’t seen any other suggestions.

    Could it be the phone itself? Is it worth exchanging it for another one before the 2 weeks runs out?

    Thanks everyone.

    I forgot to go back for Lae'zel, is it too late?

    Long story short, I ran into Lae’zel in the cage just after we wake up on the beach in the very beginning.

    I went by her and reloaded for reasons, but accidentally went a different way after that, forgot about it, & just realized she would be good to have as a Companion during combat.

    I’m about to kill the goblins, and I went back for her at her previous location but she’s no longer there. Did I lose her for good, or is there still a chance?

    Thanks everyone, I’m new to BG/D&D completely so apologies if this is a dumb n00b move, but I am one :)

    21 New Orleans archbishop ignored board findings on clerics accused of abuse

    Gregory Aymond promised ‘to be transparent’ – but a Guardian investigation found that he hid allegations, and an expert questions whether it was against Vatican policy

    New Orleans archbishop ignored board findings on clerics accused of abuse

    A board which helps the Roman Catholic archbishop of New Orleans, Gregory Aymond, evaluate abuse allegations against priests and deacons in six cases found clergymen to be credibly accused only for Aymond to ignore the findings and conceal them from the public, a Guardian investigation has found.

    Request: Option to change location of comment voting button(s)

    Lemmios is my favorite iOS Lemmy app so far, but I find that when I go to upvote a comment using the voting button next to the commenter’s username (top), I inadvertently collapse the comment.

    Would it be possible to have both voting buttons either on the right side like posts have, or at the bottom?

    I understand gestures are an option, it’s just a personal preference with the voting buttons. Old habits die hard :)

    And if this feature exists, I apologize for missing it. I have looked for it in the settings but did not see such an option. Thank you for such great work with Lemmios!

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