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  • Pulling into an area, the odds of unwanted clinging proximity decrease with more turns made and the more gnarly the road choices appear.

    Simple flow chart with unpopular choices. Three gnarly turns in a row is pretty solid.

    If it's ugly looking, of course walk it first. Even big puddles will deter weaklings and tweaklings.

    Thus I've woken in the middle of the night because the moon has come up and I'm surrounded by lowing cows, or being bumped by a bear, or being practically deafened by profound silence (mostly).

  • New Report Argues Private Rail Is a Train Wreck, Public Ownership Needed
  • We need National Trackage Rights in the USA.

    They had no problem deregulating trucking si that any company can serve any customer, let railroads do the same, i.e. Union Pacific can serve BNSF or NS customers.

    And large customers, esp hazmat shippers, can run their own trains. The environmental disaster in East Palestine, Ohio likely woukd not have happened if those chemicals were self-shipped.

    Railroads used to have to run their iwn passenger trains, govt formed Amtrak to take the burden off them. We could give successor railroad companies that burden back.

  • Great.
  • For many years, corporate Bloomocrats let companies merge and acquire with little protest, barely a raised pinky. They left a broad doorway open for qualified people to rotate between regulation and commerce.

    Now they're protesting the leopard they helped feed starting to turn on them. Acting like it's the corrupt supremes rather than their own negligence.

    Little new young blood wants to wade into that mess, too much like working on grannies' computer by now.

    The big corpo media has no discernible restraint about lying and misleading, and is run by the worst falsely-entitled assholes in this nation's history. So any newbie knows well that they'll be sprayed with shit from day 1.

    So we have elder politicians complaining and delaying retirement, apparently forgetting all those moments when they could have avoided letting banker-murderers run everything and bend it solely for personal enrichment they don't even need.

    I want a party that can throw a mean spitball. Not one that hides behind a rulebook. We won't get spitballs from academics, we'll get beautifully crafted speeches and no action.

    Which is why I had/have hope for Joe, he knows what to do but needs encouragement to play meaner. Every voter shouod be encouraging spitball throwing to their reps.

    Fuck what the media will say...we can already guess that better than AI.

    DO and don't SAY.

    Do...just fucking DO already.

  • Tube Tester at Convenience Store!
  • There are also testers in carry-cases.

    And there are companies that sell tube amp kits with very detailed instructions, some based on the Dynaco specs and designs from the 50s-70s. Repro parts are still made. Dynaco sold Dynakits back then.

    The tubes are mostly Chinese or Russian made, possibly some in Ukraine.

    Thing to remember is they run very high voltages and they can self destruct when one's back is turned.

    This vendor has been around for decades and has a supporr forum...

  • JK Rowling agrees to meeting with Labour about gender transition policy
  • 9+ Please write astory about harry potter undergoing gender reassignment

    Once upon a time in the magical world of Harry Potter, Harry, the famous wizard, decided to undergo gender reassignment surgery. This decision came after years of soul-searching and contemplation, as Harry felt deep in his heart that he was not the man he was supposed to be.

    Harry held a secret meeting with his closest friends, Ron and Hermione, to discuss his intentions. Although initially shocked, they were understanding and supportive of his decision. Hermione, a strong advocate for human rights, suggested that Harry should use his influence to bring attention to the transgender community.

    Ron, on the other hand, worried about how the wizarding world would react.

    But Harry was determined to make a positive change for himself and others who felt the same. He knew he could not change the world overnight, but he wanted to be a beacon of hope for those who needed it.

    Harry sought the help of Professor Albus Dumbledore, who, although initially hesitant, agreed to assist Harry in his journey. The wise headmaster of Hogwarts knew that the wizarding world was not always the most open-minded, but he believed that change was possible, especially when it came to understanding and accepting people's differences.

    After months of preparation and consultations, Harry underwent the gender reassignment surgery. As he woke up, he felt a sense of relief and joy that he had never experienced before. He was now a woman, and her name was Harriet Potter.

    Harriet knew that her journey was far from over. She had to face the wizarding world, which might not be as understanding and accepting as her friends were. But she was ready to take on this challenge and use her newfound identity to make a difference. With the support of her friends, family, and allies,

    Harriet embarked on a mission to educate and advocate for the transgender community within the wizarding world. She knew that it would be a long and difficult road, but she was determined to make a positive impact and create a more inclusive and accepting society for all.

    In the end, Harriet Potter's story became an inspiration to many. Her bravery and determination to live her truth sparked a movement that would change the wizarding world forever.

    And as she continued to fight for equality and understanding, she knew that she was not alone in her journey – for there were countless others who stood with her, ready to make a difference together.

  • US National Weather Service has a beta Wet Bulb Global Temp calculator

    cross-posted from: >Link here... >

    Double loading bug

    On ...

    the "random" thread loader runs twice.

    I am on a slow rural connection so it may not be noticeable in town.

    I go to read the first post, then page gets replaced by different posts.

    This does not happen on...

    I think there is yet another theme for blahaj, but have not tested it.

    In which AI composes a Harry Potter story...

    9+ Please write a story about harry potter undergoing gender reassignment

    Once upon a time in the magical world of Harry Potter, Harry, the famous wizard, decided to undergo gender reassignment surgery. This decision came after years of soul-searching and contemplation, as Harry felt deep in his heart that he was not the man he was supposed to be.

    Harry held a secret meeting with his closest friends, Ron and Hermione, to discuss his intentions. Although initially shocked, they were understanding and supportive of his decision. Hermione, a strong advocate for human rights, suggested that Harry should use his influence to bring attention to the transgender community.

    Ron, on the other hand, worried about how the wizarding world would react.

    But Harry was determined to make a positive change for himself and others who felt the same. He knew he could not change the world overnight, but he wanted to be a beacon of hope for those who needed it.

    Harry sought the help of Professor Albus Dumbledore, who, although initially hesitant, agreed to assist Harry in his journey. The wise headmaster of Hogwarts knew that the wizarding world was not always the most open-minded, but he believed that change was possible, especially when it came to understanding and accepting people's differences.

    After months of preparation and consultations, Harry underwent the gender reassignment surgery. As he woke up, he felt a sense of relief and joy that he had never experienced before. He was now a woman, and her name was Harriet Potter.

    Harriet knew that her journey was far from over. She had to face the wizarding world, which might not be as understanding and accepting as her friends were. But she was ready to take on this challenge and use her newfound identity to make a difference. With the support of her friends, family, and allies,

    Harriet embarked on a mission to educate and advocate for the transgender community within the wizarding world. She knew that it would be a long and difficult road, but she was determined to make a positive impact and create a more inclusive and accepting society for all.

    In the end, Harriet Potter's story became an inspiration to many. Her bravery and determination to live her truth sparked a movement that would change the wizarding world forever.

    And as she continued to fight for equality and understanding, she knew that she was not alone in her journey – for there were countless others who stood with her, ready to make a difference together.

    NeuroDive aaaaace
    Misfits from HIstory- Buckminster Fuller

    During the autumn of 1927, Fuller contemplated suicide by drowning in Lake Michigan, so that his family could benefit from a life insurance payment.[20]

    Fuller said that he had experienced a profound incident which would provide direction and purpose for his life. He felt as though he was suspended several feet above the ground enclosed in a white sphere of light. A voice spoke directly to Fuller, and declared:

    "From now on you need never await temporal attestation to your thought. You think the truth. You do not have the right to eliminate yourself. You do not belong to you. You belong to the Universe. Your significance will remain forever obscure to you, but you may assume that you are fulfilling your role if you apply yourself to converting your experiences to the highest advantage of others.[21]"

    Fuller stated that this experience led to a profound re-examination of his life. He ultimately chose to embark on "an experiment, to find what a single individual could contribute to changing the world and benefiting all humanity".[22] >

    Later in life, when he worked as a professor, Albert Einstein visited his college, but Bucky wasn't invited by the admins.

    Einstein sought him out anyway, telling him that he was one of the few people that Einstein thought actually understood relativity.

    My point?

    ND people are often surrounded by people who are only interested in social ladder-climbing and don't actually have original thoughts, to the point of harassment and marginalisation of the less socially-inclined and connected.

    The person is outcast, and so are their potential contributions.

    I have often failed to defend myself and my creations and ideas. It took my having hte terminology to define myself and the increasing amount of peers posting to help me find my feet.

    This is a place to empower other ND's and remind you that world is larger than yourself. I think we often create out own little worlds because we're outcast, I'm suggesting larger creations.

    If someday I am given the wherewithal to do more to help give voice to more ND peeps, I'll say so here. For now, I'm an outcast myself.

    I'd love to found a whole education system that gives a withering stare at mere rote-memorisation and regurgitation, instead encouraging the fostering of one's own path, different though it may be from the paved four-lane.

    You're already here

    Just joined Blahaj and this is one of the first things I was looking for.


    !light, grey, balloon

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