Funny, the same thing happened when I realized that I'm Trans. It's almost as if capitalist ran media is incentivised to lie and decive in ways that cause permanent damage.
Lol I saw the comment that was removed. The comment couldn't have been more neutral saying people who ignore the problems in the most Communist historical societies reduce the perceived integrity of it's proponents.
This mod is the exact antithesis of this meme. Pure censorship.
"Communism is the solution to climate change."--- proceeds to industrialise Aral Sea leading to shrinkage; and built the Three Gorges Dam leading to the massive deforestation and loss of biodiversity in flooded lands
Now I love boiling down the pitfalls of modern western society into large statements like "capitalism bad" and "communism good" as much as anyone, but having dealt with a bunch of people dismiss good change as "that's communism" has made me rethink how I talk about topics online and in person.
Now the accelerationist are gonna be mad about this for sure, but maybe you should start small, and discuss topics at a more local level. Then again the internet is world wide and everyone wants to talk about grand scale things.
Basically, I've stopped telling people outside of my direct circle that leftism cool, and instead talk about socialised medicine programs, pushing for support of worker owned productions and business, getting involved with coop housing. Lot easier when you don't have to bump up against the red scare.
It's worse when you say you're a Communist or say Communism is good, and people agree, but when you advocate for AES or advocate for standard Marxist theory the same people flip on you and call you brainwashed.
An interesting exercise is to replace "Communism is bad" with "Climate change is coming" and interrogate how we feel about that and why.
It is interesting to reflect that propaganda is involved for all kinds of policy application, including science. As someone trained in sciences, it's always a bit uncomfortable seeing folks extolling science as the exclusive solution to everything. The role of science in society is deeply tied up with values, norms, and policy. I think it's always good to have a healthy dose of critical self reflection, so we can engage better on the level of humanized reasoning, rather than on the level of regurgitated propaganda.
Give me a good, real world example of a working communist country. The difference between propaganda and education are facts. That, or removed by mod me.
Socialist governance seems to require concentrating an extraordinary amount of power in elite government decision makers; this tends to produce a new ruling class, the widespread deprivation of political rights for everyone else, and crippling poverty.
The guitarist in the fourth panel... is that Rock Against Communism? I've never actually seen bands, especially good ones, go "Yeah, fuck Communism! Gold for the gold god!" A lot of the best concerts were like those at Woodstock, or they'd be underground punk shows, or large arenas where the singer is sick and tired of record companies. If the fourth panel were really happening, it'd probably be Bumfuck-Nowhere, U.S.A.