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Question about Australian towns

Final edit: Sorry guys, this got out of hand as I feared and it would take too long to answer everything properly and it would just offend more people.

I got some nice tips for finding places and learned more about Australian's views on the subject. I should have been more careful with what I said. It changed my opinion somewhat but people here would still not like it, so I'll keep it to myself.

Thanks for the very civilized and nice answers and I'm sorry if I didn't answer. I would like to, but in private, or this could become a witch hunt. I do not wish to offend anyone or be attacked because of that. As someone commented, I am the problem here.

Hi everyone, I’ve been lurking for a long time and decided to try to ask something I can’t find out.

First, please be tolerant about the question. I am an Australian citizen, but from a foreign background, so cultural things that seem sacred and unquestionable here are not the same to me. I wouldn’t be crazy to post this on reddit (though I deleted my account ages ago) because I know all the posts would just be attacking me (if you don’t like it, leave, are you defending terrorists?, and so on), instead of helpful comments. Hopefully it will be different here.

The question is: is there any Australian town free from military worship? I mean monuments everywhere, pools and parks named after it and so on. Somewhere I can forget and pretend that this is not how the rest of Australia is.

I’ve been traveling around trying to find a place I would like to settle. I found many small towns I liked, but it seems that the smaller the town, the higher the military worship. They may not even have a public toilet, but they will have a military worship statue that seemed to have cost more than all the town to build.

I love Australia, specially the outback, but the military worship issue is so big that makes me think of looking for another country. I know my taxes are being used to send people to kill whoever the US doesn’t like, and the country prides itself with this history. But if I can ignore that, I can pretend to myself that it’s not true and live happy. I tried to fight the issue for a long time but it makes no difference except to me, sacrificing my well being for nothing. But if I keep being reminded every time I go to do groceries trough the park “invasion of foreign country divine pride park”, it will be impossible. I already try to avoid news and ABC, so it should be possible.

I’m sending a picture of some of the places I’ve been to, without much luck. Funny enough, the town I liked the most, Roma, is the worst, with military trees every 10 meters.

Anyway, that’s it. Maybe I’ll get downvoted to oblivion, but let’s try…

By the way, I don’t know if I am posting this correctly, on the right place and everything. It’s my first lemmy post as well. It's very confusing to know the community to post. It shows everything everwhere!

Edit- I posted this before, thought it was in the wrong place, deleted and posted again. Now I see 2 of the posts and the deleted one has 2 upvotes. This is so confusing...

Edit2 - Before I get any comment, I dislike military worship from any country, not just Australia. Military may or not be necessary in modern societies, but worship and praise should never be acceptable and is specially dangerous when applied to a group with power. Citizens should always be skeptical of their military group, its uses, powers and permissions. It should be like owning a gun. You may be allowed to have one but should be constantly proving you are not doing anything wrong with it. The definition of what is "wrong" or "right" should be constantly questioned as well.

Edit3 - just a reminder, that I do not wish to change anyone's point of view. It's your tradition and culture and I respect, but I don't have to like it and I would like to figure out how to avoid it. It is all. I would like to stop Australian involvment in American wars, but besides that I don't mind if Australians like military or not, but I would like to avoid being exposed to that, assuming that is possible, which is the reason for the post, so I can find out.

  • You're conflating worship and memorial.

    Most small towns sent large portions of their populace to fight in both ww1 and ww2.

    These towns wanted their sons remembered and it has become a tradition across Australia to remember the sacrifices made by our military personnel to ensure that our way of life is preserved and that you're able to imegrate here and live how ever you like.

    To answer your question I don't think you will find many towns at all. Most Australians are proud of our history and want it celebrated and sacrifices remembered.

  • You’re living on stolen land that was invaded by divine right. If you can ignore that, you can ignore a few war memorials.

  • I'll be honest, I think you're going to struggle to find anything that suits you purely because you seem to be looking for ways to be upset and put your views of war onto others.

    I think first of all, you're confusing remembrance, and honouring the loss of soldiers lives, for military worship. Many people have lost loved ones who've fought in wars to protect them. So they try remember that honour and sacrifice, to show respect for the lives lost and to remember what they fought for. You're viewing each soldier as a part of a collective, each war as something that could have been avoided. But many see them as friends and family lost forever. As people whom they loved and cared for. Would you not be upset if those close to you died? Would that change if they died fighting in a war? Most monuments and statues I've seen in Australia refer to WW1 and WW2 as well. We lost a lot of good people trying to fight against a powerful, violent enemy.

    Military worship would be praising current soldiers and bowing and treating them specially. I've never seen that in Australia. We treat soldiers as regular people. In small towns you'll likely see some show for them, as they've likely been away from home at a military base for a long time and are now returning. They're not celebrating war, they're welcoming the return of family and friends.

    Because you seem to dislike war, you're placing the values you see onto others. You need to gain perspective and realise the intent of why we honour the dead and remember our history. It is not to glorify war.

    You say it should be like owning a gun and constantly proving you're not doing something wrong? I don't get what you mean by that. There are gun owners in Australia, and they aren't constantly made to prove they're not doing anything wrong. Our military history is far from perfect, especially in modern times. But statues and monuments and parks aren't to ignore that. You see praising the good as ignoring the bad, when that is not the intention.

    • Many people have lost loved ones who’ve fought in wars to protect them. So they try remember that honour and sacrifice, to show respect for the lives lost and to remember what they fought for.

      The thing is, I come from a different country, so it's natural for me to think "what about the other side? didn't they lose lives? wheren't those lives taken by Australians, same as the Australians where taken from them?"

      I don't have patriotism. Australian lives are as important as Turkish, Korean, Vietnamese, etc, etc. If there should be a monument for Australian lives lost, there should be a same amount for lives Australians took. There should be no monument for anyone taking anyone's lives in my opinion. I have the same opinion for my country of origin.

      Would you not be upset if those close to you died?

      I would be upset if someone close to me died. But if he died going to a war to kill someone, I would never blame who killed him, but who made him go there. There is a vilain and an enemy in these stories, but I think it's usually not the guy with the weapon. It's the guys behind them. Every soldier usually think he's fighting for something good (except a big part who just really enjoy killing).

      Because you seem to dislike war, you’re placing the values you see onto others. You need to gain perspective and realise the intent of why we honour the dead and remember our history. It is not to glorify war.

      Unfortunately I can't make my question about the towns without exposing my reasons, my feelings regarding the issue. I do not plan to change anyone's point of view here (and I regret that I am debating, but how can I talk about it without expressing my reasons?), just trying to find how to live happily in a society with a few values I don't share. Every country will have that.

      Sorry about the gun comparison. I am ignorant of the laws regarding guns. I thought gun owners had to prove every once in a while the gun is safe and they are sane.

      And as I said in another post, I think the intentions of the memorials, if they are as you say, are not having the proper effect.

      • Again you're failing to see the other side. Falling back into ignorance. Most of what you've said is horrifically arrogant. You've ignored my most important points. This response may seem angry but your response comes off as incredibly selfish. You seem to think war is a choice made by both sides. It honestly comes off entitled and selfish.

        The thing is, I come from a different country, so it's natural for me to think "what about the other side? didn't they lose lives? wheren't those lives taken by Australians, same as the Australians where taken from them?"

        My parents immigrated here as well. That doesn't really affect anything. Those people have monuments in their home towns and countries. Where they are from. Do you think every country should honour every person ever? Do you think those people want monuments in the countries they fought against? I highly doubt anyone would. Like I said and you've ignored, it's to honour their family and friends.

        I don't have patriotism. Australian lives are as important as Turkish, Korean, Vietnamese, etc, etc. If there should be a monument for Australian lives lost, there should be a same amount for lives Australians took. There should be no monument for anyone taking anyone's lives in my opinion. I have the same opinion for my country of origin.

        Again you're being seemingly purposefully ignorant. This isn't patriotism, although I was born here with my siblings, the rest of my family were not and they can still understand what memorials are for.

        This is about real people, not the concept of a countries military. You refuse to separate the person from the soldier. You treat every soldier as if they're one single entity whose life only consisted of war. They are people, and it's rude of you not to treat them as people. The monuments are not for taking lives, but for lives lost. They're not posting kill counts and bragging. They're remembering their dead friends and family.

        I would be upset if someone close to me died. But if he died going to a war to kill someone, I would never blame who killed him, but who made him go there.

        Again, you're ignoring my point. These aren't blame to those who killed him. And what do you mean made him go there, do you believe every soldier is drafted? Or are you saying whomever starts a war is always wrong? The point was, if you lost a friend, you'd likely want to honour them.

        There is a vilain and an enemy in these stories, but I think it's usually not the guy with the weapon. It's the guys behind them. Every soldier usually think he's fighting for something good (except a big part who just really enjoy killing).

        You're just making up points to justify your feelings. There is villains and enemies on both sides in a war. Blood on all hands. There's complications to every aspect of life. It's just easier for you to call things black and white and call yourself smart for choosing a side. War is an unfortunate but real part of life. You're just imagining you're more intelligent and more evolved for not wanting violence. It's honestly quite arrogant. Sometimes there isn't a choice but to get a weapon when you're being fired at. Assuming a big part of soldiers love killing? Why because of a few Hollywood movies? No, you're just trying to justify your beliefs.

        Unfortunately I can't make my question about the towns without exposing my reasons, my feelings regarding the issue. I do not plan to change anyone's point of view here (and I regret that I am debating, but how can I talk about it without expressing my reasons?), just trying to find how to live happily in a society with a few values I don't share. Every country will have that.

        But you're not willing to change, so you expect society to change for you. You've made your mind, are ignoring all the points I've made, and refusing to see another perspective. All you've done is double down and brag about your pacifism. Quite frankly, I doubt there's a country in the world that will suit your ego.

        And as I said in another post, I think the intentions of the memorials, if they are as you say, are not having the proper effect.

        I've never seen a single opinion as narrow minded as yours. The effect is clearly just missed by you, because you don't want to see it. You're making yourself feel smart, superior, better than others for making choices with hindsight. Quite frankly it's arrogant and shameful.

        Since you ignored my entire point of separating the soldier and person in my first post, I won't be responding again. You need to remember a person is more than their job. They were a brother, a son, a friend, a student, so many things to so many people. It's rude of you to boil down their existence to your narrow view of the world. Keep feeling superior for not wanting war and imagining the rest of the world is bloodthirsty and violent. Because with that much ego, you'll be alone a long time.

  • I see war memorials as a reminder of what we're trying to avoid, not as a glorification.

  • In many towns, the RSL (Returned Servicemans League) was the only place a family could go that was licensed, but also family friendly. And where there is an RSL, there is ANZAC commemoration.

    And on ANZAC day itself, most of Australia turns towards military commemoration, because ANZAC

    So you'll be hard pressed finding a town that doesn't have any military commemoration. But in my experience growing up in country town Australia, outside of the RSLs and ANZAC day, most towns don't really have much military interest or history.

  • If you haven't heard it before, please listen to the song "The Band Played Waltzing Matilda" by Scottish-Australian songwriter Eric Bogle. That song, as well as "I Was Only 19" by Redgum, perfectly encapsulates the reason for the memorials.

    The songs do not glorify our success as a military nation, nor do they portray the soldiers they are about as grand heros or defenders of freedom. They are about very young men, sent away by their country to experience unimaginable horror and suffering, only to return to a home with, at best, minimal support and, at worst, the shame of the community they once were a part of.

    Each name on each of those memorials- thousands of them- represent an experience of the unimaginable, and a family irreparably changed. They are a reminder of what was taken, and of the sorrow that was caused. I do not see them as prideful, celebratory or reverential, and I do not know of anyone who does. They are a commiseration.

    With regards to ANZAC, and it's place in Australian culture, you are essentially looking at modern Australia's foundational myth. In the 1950s and 1960s when Australia was having its own civil rights moment, the original foundation myth of terra nullius and the "brave", white settlers conquering an untamed land finally began to feel too untrue to most Australians, too much like a myth. Colonial Australia needed a new explanation for its existence and it is around that time that the Gallipoli campaign started to be promoted by various historians and authors as Australia's "coming of age" as a nation.

    The intention was to give (white) Australians a point of reference for themselves, something they could point to and say "the things that we are, this is where they came to be". Qualities like mateship, camaraderie, larrakinism, hard work, disdain for authority or aristocracy and resilience in the face of adversity. Those were the qualities promoted as being cemented in the national psyche at ANZAC Cove. It is a manufactured narrative, but those writers were very successful, as you can see.

    There's more that can be said for Australia treats it's narrative history, especially that of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, but that's better left for another (long) post. If you're interested in how Australia viewed it's two competing foundational stories in the 1990s and 2000s, and how it effects the way we talk about our history today, look up the History Wars. Let me know if you think there was a winner.

  • I haven't really thought about this much, because military commemoration is just normal here and I thoughtlessly assumed it was similar around the world. And I didn't really consider how unnecessarily big many of them are. Sure, it's easy for me to point to the US and say 'that's what real military worship is!' but you're right that there are many reminders of war around, most obviously the monuments in parks and national ceremonies (ANZAC Day, Remembrance Day). You mention that you have a foreign background; do you mention this because the monuments are not normal where your background is, or is it because our wars are offensive and seem atrocious to have statues for?

    It's important to understand the intended purpose of many of these as similar to a gravestone, it's meant to be a respectful reminder of the town's loss rather than glorifying war, like Aussiemandeus said it's the towns wanting future generations to be aware of their town's sacrifice for the war effort. However, there is also the fact that national ceremonies are sometimes used as propaganda to glorify wars of invasion or imply they were all honourable: the only one of those ANZAC wars where Australia was actually invaded was WWII (various attacks), all the others were joining political allies (first UK, then US) in other continents in imperialist wars, and in many of the wars they were clearly invasive and Australia's participation should be denounced (including the Korean War, Vietnam War and Middle Eastern conflicts).

    So while I can tolerate (critically) the community monuments commemorating dead soldiers, especially those built after WWII when sacrifice was in the self-defense of the country, we must also be critical of those trying to glorify war and imperial conflicts, just as we should be critical of those who glorify or trivialize the colonial invasion of this continent.

    • Thank you for the very neutral answer. I would say it's the most respectful position I ever heard an Australian saying.

      The thing with gravestones is that; 1- They eventually get forgotten. You can't remember every dead person forever, you can't remember every war (what about with the aboriginals? why is that forgotten?). No "lest we forget" stuff, and it's been long enough. 2- Any event related to it is almost always hurtful, said, and can't be manipulated. You suffer visiting the grave of your loved ones. You don't celebrate. And you don't make one in every corner and ignore every other people who died. I have always heard Australians talking about pain regarding remembering, I have never seen anyone or any event even remotely giving that feeling. (RSL with gambling and drinking? whould you do that to remember you dead son?). So as I said before, if there noble intentions with these things, they don't seem to have ever happened or everything I saw was an exception.

      But regardless, it's a war where you go to kill people. Your intentions are noble and so does the "enemy" thinks as well. I feel uncomfortable with any monuments to that, justified or not. But again, that's just me. I understand the reasons even if they don't seem to work in the end to me.

      By all means defend yourself you're invaded. Just never (to me) let you going there to kill the guy who invaded be celebrated.

      Edit, ah, I didn't want to say my country of origin because I didn't want it to affect opinions (I could be from Iraq, who knows?) But it's Brazil. Brazil did send people to the war, but it's a very religious country, so most monuments are for religion, while here it's war. In fact to me war seemed like Australian's religion.

      • We had a period when I was a kid where the ANZAC stuff really started to wane as the WWI veterans were dying out. Somewhere along the line there was a movement to rekindle the ANZAC stuff and really stress that while it had its roots in WWI, it was about soldiers who died in all conflicts for their country.

        Any town that was around in 1918 is going to have a war memorial. I've worked at a place that was over 100 years old and they had a shield on a wall remembering the staff who went to WWI. If you really want to find a town that doesn't have a war memorial, you'll be looking for a new settlement, Probably some place that didn't exist before the 1950's. I honestly can't think of any.

        That said, it's really easy to avoid all the military stuff if it doesn't work for you. Most town's war memorials will only really come into relevance once a year and then go back to just being a feature of the place the other 364 days. A landmark maybe near a kids play ground. Just because every place has one, doesn't mean you are under any obligation to pay it any attention.

  • I dont think there is any military worship in any australian town or city? We do have respect for it, especially around the AZACS. But I couldnt tell you jack shit about the aussie military beyond we screwed the french on some subs a while back.

    • I thought it was the Turkish they mostly celebrate for killing? I met many people who don't really know anything about the history, but say something against the military, monuments and so on and they will get very angry with you. Then again, a few I met don't really care either way, maybe like you.

      I just never met anyone who was against the war stuff. I saw some article on people wanting to change ANZAC day, but never met someone.

      • Nobody celebrates killing Turkish people. Quite the opposite, in fact. Australians have immense respect for the Turks. We recognise that neither the Anzacs nor the Turks had any direct quarrel with one another. We had no desire to conquer what is now Turkey, and the Turks weren't really defending their homes. It was a stupid conflict that neither of us wanted to be at. Anzacs were there because they were sent there by the British. The Turks were there because they were sent by the Ottomans. The British were just trying to get through the Dardanelles and Bosporus so they could reach the Black Sea. The Ottomans were on the German side of WWI and wanted to stop that from happening. At the end of the day, that sums up the whole reason everyone was on that peninsular.

        If you want to look into it, you'll find that Mustafa Atatürk holds a very special place in Australia's history. He has a personal memorial right next to the Australian War Memorial in Canberra, looking down Anzac avenue of war memorials that point to Parliament House. Depending on the direction you take of the memorials, he is either the first or last memorial. Either way, you are sure to remember him. Short of putting him on our money, we couldn't really honour him closer. I know that over the last decade, President Erdoğan has been shifting Turkish perspective on Atatürk and the Gallipoli campaign, but no shifts are happening in Australia.

        All the celebration of Anzac spirit you see is because this war in particular changed our nation. Until this point, our ancestors thought of themselves as British. Afterwards, they were Australians and New Zealanders. The cultural shift took a few decades, and didn't really finish until WWII (some would argue it is still shifting). The Anzac story has never been about killing Turks.

      • You're misunderstanding the intent. They are memorials for sons lost at war.

        There is definitely no worship. I recommend contemplating your idea of worship, and considering what every person who's respectfully replied to help.

        It's memorial. Lost sons. That's it.

        Nobody loves war. The memorials are out of respect to the communities that lost huge numbers of their men to needless war. That's the all of it.

        No worship. Consider that for a moment.

      • I thought it was the Turkish they mostly celebrate for killing?

        This phrase illustrates how profoundly you misinterpret these war memorials. These are not celebrations of killing, they are memorials to those who died, markers of grief not celebrations of conquest.

        I live in a small village in Tasmania and I’m not aware of any war memorial however there is a grove of trees commemorating WW1 at the nearby Port Arthur Historic Site. I think this is interesting because Port Arthur is itself a memorial to a brutal, horrific past, a past that isn’t celebrated but remembered. The same site also contains a memorial garden that marks the deadliest mass shooting in modern Australian history, remembrance of a tragedy not a celebration of it.

        What do you think? How should a community treat the memories of those who die in tragic events? Should they be forgotten or remembered? For that matter, do you think that wars should be forgotten or remembered?

        “Those who ignore the lesson of the past, will be doomed to repeat it.”
        George Santayana

  • It's not our tradition and culture, that's a misunderstanding on your part. Most Australians do not give a shit about military memorials and barely acknowledge their existence. It's a vocal minority who push the "worship" as you call it; the rest of us tolerate or ignore it.

  • Nah bud. those aren't worship idols.

    The first world war nearly wiped out an entire generation. And it coincided with Australia as a nation coming of age. It scarred the fuck out of our psyche, so we have memorials everywhere. Every small town has one for the people from just there who died. That's how bad it was.

  • Where the hell are you going with military statues that cost “more than the town” to build?! Outside of the big cities I can’t think of many places with more than a small (less than 1m) statue and a plaque. And I’ve lived in every state and territory except Tasmania and New Zealand.

  • The loss of life from WWI and WW2 in particular had a huge impact on country towns. They planted avenues of trees, named roads, engraved the names of young people on walls.

  • it seems that the smaller the town, the higher the military worship. They may not even have a public toilet, but they will have a military worship statue that seemed to have cost more than all the town to build.

    That's because the vast majority of our towns pre date WW2, and basically every area lost enough people in WW1/WW2 to affect multiple families and the broader local community. For example I grew up in a country village of a couple of hundred people (with several hundred more in the locality and upriver) and it has a war memorial listing what would have been ~50 people killed in WW2 and at least that again in WW1. I think it is understandable that towns (particularly smaller or more closely knit communities) would be in general support of the families and friends wanting a memorial to their dead given that level of losses.

    I haven't seen anywhere near the number of memorials for other conflicts, they definitely exist but are significantly less common. If you want to avoid war related stuff your best bet would be towns/suburbs built well after WW2, but these tend to be suburbs of existing centres (which are likely to have a war memorial) instead of completely new towns.

    Edit: Also consider that many of our country towns/villages have either not grown significantly or have even shrunk in population in the last half century or so, so historical memorials are more likely to retain the prominence they were originally intended to have instead of being surrounded or crowded out by new development.

  • None I can think of ? that shit is endemic. Best of luck in your search though.

    I now live in a small bumfuck town in Tasmania, the big discussion is a bunch of trees that need trimming, memorial soldier trees lining the street.

  • Just for some context, where are you from?

  • If you'd like to explore some of the attitudes to war and remembrance, I'd recommend The one day of the year. It's a play about Anzac Day. And a hell of a lot more....

    Also, nobody worships war. We remember those that gave their lives. A lot of those country towns lost an entire generation going off to fight a war thousands of miles away.

    They shall grow not old,
    as we that are left grow old;
    Age shall not weary them,
    nor the years condemn.
    At the going down of the sun.
    and in the morning.
    We will remember them.

  • Yep, it'd have to be a tiny town to not have a war memorial. If there's no war memorial there's probably an honour bord with the names of the fallen in the hall or RSL. Since ANZAC it's been a part of Australian culture that those who died in service of their country is a sort of sacred thing. It's significance has ebbed and flowed a bit over the years. Our pride in the services was especially damaged in the Vietnam war years, when ANZAC day crowds shrunk quite a bit and you could have imagined at the time that it might all die out. It's had a bit of a resurgence since.

    After most big wars, the federal government has put a bit of money into war memorials, and it was pretty much just a matter of the local RSL or town council writing a letter to get a decommissioned artillery piece of some sort, or an old torpedo for the local park as a centrepiece for your ANZAC day ceremony. Also, if you read the plaques on 1950's or 60's buildings in the bush, you'll often see many of them are "War Memorials". War Memorial swimming pools and sports grounds are common ones. The reason communities did this is that at the time donations to "war memorials" were tax deductible.

    You've made an interesting observation. For Aussies this is probably something they've never noticed. It's probably not an indication that we're very war worshipping, just that for a small country, the deaths involved in the wars we've been part of were significant, and perhaps especially so for little country towns where the surnames on the honour board match some of the street names and the bloke you were just chatting to at the post office.